Inspiring change
February 12, 2013 * Children’s Hospital Colorado
Hospital Auditorium * 13123 East 16th Avenue, Aurora, CO 80045
1. How did you do on the session outcomes?Deepening your understanding of… / Poor / Fair / Good / Excellent
- WA and MN’s approaches to meeting the unique needs and improving outcomes for all children who are deaf and hard of hearing.
4 people / 19 people
- The current achievement of children who are deaf and hard of hearing in Colorado
10 people / 19 people
- The types of achievement data that the CO department of Education can and can’t collect.
12 people / 10 people
2. How do you rate the below variables? / Poor / Fair / Good / Excellent
- Opportunities for equitable participation
13 people / 14 people
- Access to communication
10 people / 14 people
- Meeting supports (technology, materials, agenda, pre-work)
10 people / 13 people
- Process supports (facilitation, presentations)
16 people / 15 people
- Our level of collaboration as a team
8 people / 12 people
3. Something that really worked well today was …(themes listed below)
- Inspiring event (15 responses) “I seriously can’t thank you enough. I am now excited about Deaf Education.”
- Knowledgeable & Informative Presentations (15 responses)
- Opportunities for Collaboration and Networking (9 responses) “We value this opportunity, so rare now in our state.”
- Polling (4 responses)
- Data (3 responses)
- Facilitation (3 responses)
- Pacing (3 responses)
- Facility (1 response)
- An idea for improving future meetings like this is to …(themes listed below)
- Support Collaboration, Stakeholder Dialogue and Planning (25 responses)
- Look at What We are Doing (What’s Working/What’s Not) in Colorado (6 responses)
- Re-evaluate Our Current Structure (4 responses)
- Clarify Our Shared Goal(4 responses)
- Improve Access to Communication (interpreting, CART, pacing) (7 responses)
- Improve Accuracy/Clarity of Information Provided (5 responses)
- Improve Physical Supports (facility, internet access, snacks) (6 responses)
- Provide More Training (4 responses)
- Improve Participation by Local Leadership (3 responses)
- Provide contact information (1 response)
- Follow-up on Polled Questions (1 response)
- None (5 responses)
5.Temperature checks: How inspired are you currently to change?On a scale of 1 to 5 with five being highly motivated for change.
- Average rating: 4.29 out of 5
- Total respondents = 33
- Norating given on form = 10
- The most common rating was 5 or 5 “plus” (19 people).
- The least common rating as a 2 (one person).
- 5 “plus” counted as 5.25.
- One person commented:
- 4at the legislative level and with early involvement, not intervention.
- 5 on legislation. Look more at data and how we can use the data for educational reform of reading, writing and math as well as electives.
6.If you are highly inspired to change, what sort of change do you envision?
a)Improve collaboration of all stakeholders especially local & state leadership (24 responses)
b)Improveassessment, data collection for all students & use (8 responses)
c)Improve statewide consistency of services (i.e., rural support;support for programs of excellence across modalities; a united front in services and closing the gap) (6 responses)
d)Improve professional education opportunities (i.e., online learning; instructional best practices;online is not enough, CDE mentor programrequired; improved outreach, better preparation from our universities to support current student needs) (6 responses)
e)Improve early childhood education (i.e., increased transparency; mandated birth to three communication plan;parent support model for 3-5 year olds;oral language supports for literacy (known as IRP and SRP for signing families);Integrated Reading Project (IRP) continued to age 8) (5 responses)
f)Improve outcomes for children who are DHH (4 responses)
g)Improve eligibility, IEP, 504 processes (5 responses) “In-depth consultation should count as a specialized education service from our Teachers of the Deaf and Educational Audiologists.”
h)Update & implement Quality Standardsincluding assessment protocols. What would be a fair annual assessment that would show true growth and areas of need? (4 responses)
i)Discuss the “neutrality” mindset (2 responses)
j)Support systemic change, need stakeholder agreement for data collection (4 responses)
k)Implement change similar to WA model (4 responses)
l)Implement a hybrid model(with better focused goals and collaboration taking into account new standards for academics and educators as well as the changing demographics of the students we serve) (1 response)
m)Increase funding & resources (1 response)
n)Strengthen impact of Deaf Child Bill of Rights(1 response)
o)Improve parent involvement (3 responses)