Potential discards from the State University of New York, College at Oneonta (Depository 399A)
Tammy Southard June 27, 2016
Bibliographical and Digital Services
James M. Milne Library
State University of New York, College at Oneonta
Oneonta, N.Y. 13820
HE 20.8308/2:1 & 2 / Summaries of alcoholism treatment assessment research and instruments / 1985HE 20.8216:25 / Behavioral analysis and treatment of substance abuse / 1979
HE 20.8202:C 73/4/v.1-3 / Proceedings for community correspondents group National Institute on Drug Abuse / 1979
HE 20.8216:22 / QUAsar: QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE activity relationships of analgesics… / 1978
HE 23.102:R 31/2 / Assessment of the national effort to combat mental retardation from biomedical causes / 1985
HE 23.102:P 92 / National prevention and showcase forum, president’s committee on mental retardation / 1985
HE 20.2415:A/9 / Halfway houses serving the mentally ill and alcoholics, US 1969-1970 / 1972
HE 20.3002:C99 / Cystinosis / 1973
HE 20.3008:P 21 / Parent’s guide to cystinosis / 1981
HE 20.5102:Si ¼ / Model protocol for sickle cell counseling / 1976
HE 20.3002:H 37 / Unsolved therapeutic problems in hemophilia / 1977
HE 20.3316:C 77 / Cookbooks for diabetics / 1980
HE 20.3202:C 17/14 / Measuring psychosocial variables in epidemiologic studies of cardiovascular disease / 1985
HE 20.2/a:C 17 / Cardiovascular disease / 1979
HE 20.3202:C 17/5/977 / Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on cardiovascular epidemiology… / 1977
PrEx 1.10:St 8 / Proceedings of the conference on stress, strain, heart disease & the law / 1979
HE 20.3031:H35/2 / The heart: diagnosis and treatment / 1980
HE 20.3202:H 35/12 / Report, National heart, lung and blood institute: working group on heart disease / 1979
HE 20.3202:C 81 / Proceedings of the forum on coronary-prone behavior / 1978
HE 20.3012:C 81 / Coronary=prone behavior and coronary heart disease / 1980
HE 20.3202:H 35/10 / Symposium on management of ischemic heart disease USA/USSR 1976 / 1978
HE 20.3202:H 99/4 / Spontaneous hypertension symposium / 1977
HE 20.3202:M 56/977 / Third joint symposium on myocardial metabolism / 1977
HE 20.3202:H 35/4/977 / Third US-USSR joint symposium on congenital heart disease / 1978
HE 20.3202:Ar 7/6 / Arteriosclerosis / 1978
Y 3.T 22/2:2 C 82/2/case 33 / Technologies for managing urinary incontinence / 1985
Y 3.W 58/4:2 H 34/2 / Physical and mental health / 1971
HE 20.8102:Ag 4/4/v.1-3 / Issues on mental health and aging / 1979
Y 3.T 22/2:2 B 52/2 / Status of biomedical research and related technology for tropical diseases / 1985
L 35.2:W 89/2 / Lost in the workplace: is there an occupational disease epidemic? / 1980
Y 3.T 22/2:2 G 28/2 / The role of genetic testing in the prevention of occupational disease / 1983
Y 3.T 22/2:2 G 28/2/sum. / The role of genetic testing in the prevention of occupational disease/summary / 1983
HE 20.1102:P 74 / Pneumoconiosis in Appalachian bituminous coal miners / 1969
HE 1.480:D 54 / Diagnostic process and treatment programs: child abuse and neglect / 1975
HE 20.3152:P 91/2 / Prenatal diethylstilbestrol exposure / 1980
D 101.2:M 41 / Instruction book for maternity patients / 1981
HE 20.3002:An 8/3 / Antenatal diagnosis / 1979
HE 20.3002:D 56/sum. / DES Task force summary report / 1978
HE 20.2758:N95 / Nutrition and feeding of infants and children under three in group day care / 1971
HE 20.3002:B 29 / Symposium on development of the basicranium / 1976
HE 20.3008:M 46/3 / Meal planning guide for use in the molecular disease branch study / 1982
HE 20.3008:N 95 / Heart to heart / 1983
HE 20.3202:C 45/3 / National cholesterol education program: summary report / 1985
Y 3.T 22/2:2 B 62 / Blood policy & technology / 1985
HE 20.3202:B 62/18 / First joint symposium on blood transfusion USA/USSR 1976 / 1978
HE 20.3152:D 56/6 / Atlas of findings in the human female after intrauterine exposure to diethylstilbestrol / 1983
HE 20.2752:M56 / Rare inborn errors of metabolism in children with mental retardation / 1970
HE 20.6209:1 / Vital and Health Statistics series 1 (nos.1-19: missing 3,4,15,17) / 1963-85
HE 20.6209:2 / Vital and Health Statistics series 2 (nos.14- 99: missing 15,58,78,88) / 1963-85
HE 20.6209:3 / Vital and Health Statistics series 3 (nos.5- 24) / 1966-83
HE 20.6209:4 / Vital and Health Statistics series 4 (nos.3- 23) / 1965-83
HE 20.6209:5/1 / Vital & Health Statistics series 5 / 1984
HE 20.6209:10 / Vital & Health Statistics series 10 (nos.1,3,31,33,35,37-152:missing 43,50,51,54-57 / 1963-85
HE 20.6209:11 / Vital & Health Statistics series 11 (nos.1,2,15,17,18-38,101-168,201-233: missing 24,31,34,126,127,132,136,219,223,224) / 1974-84
HE 20.6209:12 / Vital & Health Statistics series 12 (nos. 5,7,8-24) / 1966-74
He 20.6209:13 / Vital & Health Statistics series 13 (nos. 1-83; missing 3,5,25, 52-55, 57-59) / 1966-1985
A 13.88:NE-29 / Symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types / 1977
TD 8.2:Em 3/13/course / Emergency medical technician-paramedic / 1985
HE 20.8117: / Mental health program reports nos. 1-6 / 1967-1973
HE 20.8102:P 95/9 / Psychotropic drugs / 1979
HE 20.8216:8 / Rx:3 X/week: alternative to methadone / 1976
HE 20.8216:9 / Narcotic antagonists: naltrexone / 1976
HE 20.6202:En 8/2 / Environmental health…exposed to hazardous substances / 1980
HE 20.7008:F 73/2 / Guide for investigating foodborne disease / 1983
HE 20.3316:Sp 2 / Spanish language materials for people with diabetes / 1981
HE 20.7008:Ep 5/man. 1-6 / Principles of epidemiology: investigation of disease outbreaks manuals 1-6 / 1980
HE 20.7008:Ep 5/less. 1-6 & lesson 6 supp. / Principles of epidemiology: Lessons 1-6, supplement to lesson 6 / 1980
EP 1.2:N 69/47 / Economic/social impact of occupational noise exposure regulations / 1976
HE 20.8102:Q 2 / Assuring quality mental health services: CHAMPUS experience / 1981
HE 20.8102:M 52/14 / Attitudes toward the mentally ill: research perspectives / 1980
HE 20.8102:R 52 / Troubled family in river city / 1975
HE 20.8102:Ev 1 / Evaluation in practice: sourcebook of program evaluation studies from mental health care systems in the US / 1979
HE 20.2:M 52 / Toward a national plan for the chronically mentally ill / 1981
HE 1.2:As 4/2 / Asian American field survey / 1977
HE 20.8102:C 73/3/977 / Resource materials for community mental health program evaluation / 1977
HE 1.2:M 52/20 / Report of the new task force: President’s commission on mental health / 1979
HE 20.8202:Op 3/975-78 / Legal opinions on the confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records / 1980
C 3.212:42 / 1976 survey of institutionalized persons / 1978
EP 5.8:C 49 / Citizens’ guide to toxic substances information / 1980
Y 3.C76/3:2P75/5 / Resource book for teachers: poison awareness / 1978
Y 3.C 76/3:2 C 43/3 / Evaluation of the effectiveness of child-resistant packaging / 1978
EP 4.9:104 / Biological aspects of lead: annotated bibliography 2 parts / 1972
EP 1.2:S 03 / Soil screening survey at four Midwestern sites / 1985
HE 20.3002:M 84/v.1-2 / Mortality patterns among US veterans by occupation/industry and smoking status / 1985
EP 5.2:P 43/6/977 / Recognition and management of pesticide poisoninnings / 1977
EP 5.2:P 43/2 / Diagnosis & treatment of poisoning by pesticides / 1973
HE 20.7008/2:G 76 / Gram stain: new look at an old tool- techniques manual / 1984
HE 20.7002:G 76/2 / Gram stain: new look at an old tool-workbook / 1984
HE 20.3502:P 16 / Chronic pain- hope through research / 1982
Y 3.T 22/2:2 H 88 / Human gene therapy / 1984
HE 20.2:T 66/2 / Report of the NTP ad hoc panel on chemical carcinogenesis testing & eval. / 1984
HE 20.3352.B39 / Behavioral sciences & medical education / 1972
HE 20.3002:M 73 / Momentum toward health / 1985
S 1.2:J 27/8/965-70 / The US-Japan cooperative medical science program / 1971
HE 20.3202:C 17/7/v.1-2 / Top ten clinical advances in cardiovascular-pulmonary medicine 7 surgery / 1978
Y 3.H 88:2B 52 / Implications of advances in biomedical and behavioral research / 1978
Y 3.H88:2F 43/app. / Research on the fetus: Appendix and report / 1976
Y 3.H88:2 C 43/app. / Research involving children: report and appendix / 1977
Y 3.H 88:2 In 7 & app. / Research involving those institutionalized as mentally inform- 2 vol. / 1978
PR 39.8:Et 3/B52 / Whistleblowing in biomedical research / 1981
FS 2.202: In 7 / Medical research institutions named after medical men / 1969
FS 2.2:EN 8 / Environment and health / 1951
HE 20.3602:P 96/798-948 / Profile of the US public health service 1798-1948 / 1973
Y 3.T 22/2:2 M 46/5 / Medical technology under proposals to increase competition in health care / 1982
HE 20.6202:H 34/4/980 / Health in the US/chartbook / 1980
EP 1.8:W 29/1 / Waste analysis plans / 1984
FS 2.99: l-A / Medical care financing and utilization / 1967
HE 20.2202:H34/2 / Preliminary findings of the first health & nutrition examination survey / 1974
C 3.6/2:H 34/984 / National health interview survey / 1984
FT 1.2:C 73/4 / Competition and health planning / 1982
HE 3.2:M 46/12 / Medical care costs and prices: background book / 1972
HE 3.2: M 46/12/975 / Medical care expenditures, prices, and costs: background book / 1975
HE 3.2: M 46/12/973 / Medical care expenditures, prices, and costs: background book / 1973
HE 20.6611:M 31 / Estimating manpower requirements / 1977
HE 20.6611: P56 / Supply & distribution of physicians and physician extenders / 1977
Y 3.M 31:9/11 / Employment impacts of health policy developments / 1976
HE 20.6002:C 76/2 / Consumer viewpoint: what is health care and what do we want? / 1979
FT 1.2:B 62 / Physician control of blue shield plans: staff report of the bureau of economics… / 1979
Y 3.N 88:25/3352 / Fumigation potential at inland and coastal power plant sites / 1983
PrEx 14.2:Ai 7/2 / Recommended air pollution index / 1976
C 13.11:119 / Quieting: practical guide to noise control / 1976
EP 1.2:N69/5 / Noise from industrial plants / 1971
EP 1.2:N 69/9/v.1-2 / Assessment of noise concern in other nations / 1971
EP 1.2:N 69/51 / Comparison of various methods for predicting the loudness & acceptability of noise / 1977
HH 1.6/3: N69 / Noise assessment guidelines / 1971
HH 1.6/3:N 69/4 / Noise guidebook / 1985
EP 1.2:N69/3 / Public hearings on noise abatement & control v.1-8 / 1972
C 1.2:N 69 / Noise around us / 1970
EP 1.2:P 75/2/add.A / US environmental protection agency policy… (noise control) / 1977
L 35.2:Sw 3 / Swedish-american conference on chemical hazards in the work environment / 1980
EP 1.2:P 43/18 / Economic analysis of pesticide disposal methods / 1977
EP 2.25:5 / Pollution potential in pesticide manufactoring / 1972
EP 2.8:In 2/974 / Manual of individual water supply systems / 1974
EP 2.8:In 2/982 / Manual of individual water supply systems / 1982
TD 2.2:P 21 / Park and recreational facilities / 1971
PrEx 1.10:H 53 / Highway rest areas for handicapped travelers / 1977
HH 1.6/6:4940.2 / Minimum design standards for community water supply systems / 1973
HH 1.6/9:Ac 2 / Manual of acceptable practices / 1973
HH 1.6/3:H 75/no.6 / Home builder’s guide for earthquake design / 1980
ER 1.11:ERDA 77-23 / Survey of cellulosic insulation materials / 1977
NAS 1.2:En 2/3 / Outreach for energy conservation using aerial thermography / 1979
HH 1.72:M 38 / All-weather masonry construction / 1977
I 29.88:W 92 / The U.S. Commissioner's court, the U.S. Commissioner's residence, and the women's jail, Chisana Historic District, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve, Alaska / 1984
I 29.2:H 62/15 / Cyclical maintenance for historic buildings / 1976
HH 1.2:G 2 / Proceedings of the next generation of housing technology / 1984
NAS 1.21:442 / Lessons of the NASA tech house / 1980
C 13.11:132 / Energy conservation in buildings / 1980
I 29.2:H 62/19 / Glossary of historic masonry deterioration problems and preservation treatments / 1984
E 1.28:DOE/NASA CR-150840 / System design package for SIMS prototype system 3, solar heating and domestic hot water / 1978
ER 1.11:DSE-2531/2 / Solcost: solar hot water handbook / 1977
HH 1.2:En 2/26 / Applying the cost-effective energy standards in rehabilitation projects / 1982
HH 1.2:En 2/22/983 / Energy efficient residence: research results / 1984
CSA 1.9:6143-7 / No Heat, no rent: urban solar & energy conservation manual / 1977
NS 1.2:So 4/15 / Solar heating and cooling / 1976
NS 1.33:So 4/3 / Demand analysis solar heating and cooling of buildings / 1974
ER1.11:ERDA-76-14 / National program plan for research and development in solar heating & cooling / 1976
HH 1.6/9:So 4 / HUD intermediate minimum property standards supplement / 1977
NS 1.2:So 4/9 / Solar energy utilization for heating & cooling / 1974
NAS 1.15:X-3294 / Inexpensive economical solar heating system for homes (2 copies) / 1976
ER 1.11:ERDA 77-47/1-8 / Solar program assessment: environmental factors 8 volumes / 1977
ER 1.11:CONS/4337-1 / Workshop on the advanced thermal energy storage technologies for solar applications / 1977
GS 1.19:4 / Vacuum cleaners / 1972
FEM 1.2:R 31/2 / Elevated residential structures / 1984
FE 1.8:W 37 / Handbook of weatherization practices / 1975
HH 1.6/3:In 7/2 / Guide to the inspection of existing homes / 1979
E 1.33:8685-01/v.2 / Energy education materials inventory 2 vols. / 1978
Y 4.Sci 2:93-1/J/ / Inventory of current energy research & development 2 vols. / 1974
Y 4.Sci 2:92-2/R/v.1-2 / Inventory of energy research 2 vols. / 1972
E 4.8:Em 3/977-78 / Energy emergency planning guide: winter 1977-78 / 1977
HH 1.23: En2 / Housing & Urban development energy research abroad / 1980
E 1.28:DOE/TID/3841-11 / Energy education workshop handbook / 1979
ER 1.11:ERDA-53 / World energy resources / 1975
C 1.2:R 31 / Projected annual resource requirements at the national & regional level / 1979
I 49.2: En2 / Energy, public choices and environmental data needs / 1977
ER 1.11:ERDA-76/130/2 / Life cycle costing emphasizing energy conservation / 1976
FE 1.8:M31 / Total energy management / 1975
AA 1.2:En 2 / Energy conservation / 1980
Y 3.T 22/2:2 In 2/2 / Industrial energy use / 1983
PrEx 14.2:En 2/2 / The good news about energy / 1979
C1.8/3:En2 / Energy conservation handbook / 1974
ER 1.11:COO/2870-1 / Evaporation: a prime target for industrial energy conservation / 1977
E 1.33:06065-1/pt.1-5 / Providing for energy efficiency in homes & small buildings parts 2-5 / 1980
FE 1.2:H 75/977 / Home energy savers’ workbook / 1977
D 101.2:Ar 7/pt.2 / Artificial intelligence and robotics symposium part 2 / 1984
S 1.114/3:R 57 / Robotics and foreign affairs / 1985
NAS 1.21:290 / Turbine design and application / 1972
ER 1.11:ERDA-76/147/1 / Proceedings of the US/USSR seminar on problems of reliable & safe operation of LMFBR steam generators / 1976
ER 1.11:ERDA 77-72 / Solar energy for agriculture and industrial process heat / 1977
ER 1.11:DSE-115/1 / Solar energy in America’s future / 1977
HH 1.2:So 4/7 / State solar legislation / 1977
FT 1.2:So 4 / The Solar market: proceedings of the symposium on competition in the solar energy industry / 1978
E 1.28:RFP-2841/1270/78/4 / Wind power for farms, homes and small industry / 1978
E 1.28:RFP-3004/v.- / Rocky flats small wind systems test center activities / 1979
NAS 1.21:5112 / NASA contributions to fluidic systems / 1972
NAS 1.21:5059(01) / Solid lubricants, a survey / 1972