CASPAS Meeting
March 6, 2007
Meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m.
Attended: Kim Wegner, Wade Harper, Nate Hespelt, Natalie Stone, Betsy Cowin, Annie Murphy, Ashley Fowers, Lori Meier, Emilee Refvem, Ben Radakovich, Rocio Ayala, Angela Kulm
Minutes from February 6, 2006 were passed.
I. Fundraising.
A. A few going to Boise for a conference next month.
B. Short-term fundraiser.
C. Do a raffle of a basket for a home retreat.
D. To sell these, we would have a picture of the basket with a list of items.
E. Natalie moved to start this fundraiser. Vote passed.
F. We are going to figure out a way that the money is spread evenly depending on the time and effort. If you don’t use the money, you can either role it back into the account or save it for a later date.
G. Wade moved to form a committee to make all of these decisions. Group needs to come up with a letter for donations from businesses.
II. Class Behavior.
A. Where are the classroom guidelines?
B. Natalie will send out the guidelines to the group.
C. The guidelines will be put in everybody’s mailboxes.
D. Give examples of what is appropriate and inappropriate.
III. Accreditation.
A. Friday, March 7th at 10 to 10:30 in the conference room.
B. If you can be there, please come.
C. They will be asking about resources that are available for us.
IV. Assessment.
A. We need to figure out a way to go through the assessments at the IMTCA.
B. Have a list of the good or bad assessments as people are checking out and using the assessments.
C. This would allow us to be able to upgrade the information.
D. Post this information on the website. Everybody could add information.
E. If anybody has something that they need right away for the assessments, please e-mail Natalie that information.
V. Website.
A. Have Wade give training during the next meeting about how to add or change information, upload a file.
B. Plan 20 minutes.
VI. Undergraduate Classes.
A. Going into undergraduate classes to talk about There are 5 classes dealing with teaching and special education.
B. Go into psychology classes.
C. Go into the early childhood development classes.
D. Talk about the role of a school counselor and school psychologist.
E. Talk about the counseling available on campus.
F. Need to contact instructors through an e-mail to see if we can go into their classes.
G. Lori will send e-mails to psychology and early childhood development classes.
VII. Strategic Plans.
A. It is not coming a long.
B. Ben and Emilee will get everything on one page inorder to have the group decide the font and layout.
C. Brings these to the next meeting to vote on design.
VIII. Next Meeting.
A. It will be held March 20 at 3:00 p.m.
B. There will be three agenda items: Fundraisers, Website Training, and Strategic Plans.
IX. Open Discussion.
A. Emilee has a good form for observations. This will be added to information for the group.
B. Room 204 is not College of Education but University classroom. This means that we might not have the room.
C. Blood Drive today and tomorrow.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.