Marriage and Family Counseling03CO737/01
Reformed Theological Seminary
Instructor: Dr. Rod Mays
Course Description
This class is a general introduction to the Biblical foundations of marriage, parenting, and family dysfunction issues involved in marriage and family counseling for pastors, ministry staff, and ministry leaders. Topics to be included in this study are: premarital counseling, infidelity, divorce and remarriage, sexual issues, and contemporary issues on sexuality.
Course Requirements
- Reading: Students will read completely the required texts and will write a two- page book review of each.
- At the beginning of the semester, students will write a two-page paper on how they have been shaped by their family, including negative and positive influences.
- At the end of the semester, students will write a seven-page paper on one of the following topics: How does the gospel shape a marriage? Divorce and remarriage. Biblical grounds for divorce. Christianity and sexuality. Can a marriage survive adultery? What about singleness?
- During the semester, students will participate in group case studies and role play.
- Class participation is expected and required.
- Mid-term and final exams will include essay questions from the required reading and lectures.
Class Participation
- It is required that students be present for all class sessions. If a student is “providentially hindered” from attending class, if possible, please notify the instructor. It is expected that students will keep current in their reading and complete assignments on time. Failure to comply with these standards will result in grade reduction, unless other arrangements have been made.
- Book reports 25%
- Papers 25%
- Mid-term 25%
- Final 25%
Lecture IAUGUST 21counseling theories
Lecture IIAUGUST 28Biblical Foundations of Marriage I
Lecture IIISEPTEMBER 4*Biblical Foundations of Marriage II
Lecture IVSEPTEMBER 11Premarital Counseling
Lecture VSEPTEMBER 18Parenting
LECTURE VISEPTEMBER 25*Body and Soul:Addictions, Depression, and Infidelity
Lecture VIIOCTOBER 16*Family Systems
Lecture VIIIOCTOBER 23Sexual Issues in Marriage
Lecture IXOCTOBER 30*Divorce
LECTURE XNOVEMBER 6Divorce and Remarriage
LECTURE XIINOVEMBER 20*Contemporary Issues on Sexuality
Paper and Book Reports Due
September 4 How I Have Been Shaped By My Family
September 25 Meaning of Marriage, Keller
October 16 The Divorce Culture, Whitehead
October 30 PCA Position Paper
November 13Sex and Money, Tripp
November 20Seven Page Topic Paper
Required Book List
- PCA Position Paper on Marriage and Divorce: Online
- Meaning of Marriage, Tim Keller
- The Divorce Culture, Barbara Dafoe Whitehead
- Sex and Money, Paul Tripp