Applying Sociological Theory
Level of Analysis / Macro / Micro / Macro
What is the importance of education for society? / Schooling performs many vital tasks for operation of society, including socializing the young
School function to help unite a diverse society by teaching shared norms and values
/ Schools maintain social inequality through unequal schooling for the rich and the poor
Within individual schools tracking provides privileged children with a better education than poor children / How teachers and other define students can become real to everyone and affect students performance
Year / High School Graduates / College Graduates / Median Years of Schooling
1910 / 13.5% / 2.7% / 8.1%
1920 / 16.4% / 3.3% / 8.2%
1930 / 19.1% / 3.9% / 8.4%
1940 / 24.1% / 4.6% / 8.6%
1950 / 33.4% / 6.0% / 9.3%
1960 / 41.1% / 7.7% / 10.5%
1970 / 55.2% / 11.0% / 12.2%
1980 / 68.7% / 17.0% / 12.5%
1990 / 77.6% / 21.3% / 12.4%
2000 / 84.1% / 25.6% / 12.7%
2004 / 85.2% / 27.7% / n/a
The Function of Schooling
A functional analysis of School focuses on the ways in which
schooling supports the operation and stability of society
Cultural Innovation / Faculty and staff at higher education institutions conduct research and discoveries that change our way of life -
Social Integration / Schools mold a diverse population into one society that shares norms and values
Social Placement / Schools Identify talent and match instruction to ability. Schools rewarding talent and hard work regardless of social background. This provides a path for upward mobility
Latent Functions / Schools occupy thousands of young people in their late teens and twenties who would be competing for jobs. School networks (friend etc) can be a valuable career resource
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