June 21, 2011 9:00 A.M.

Marshall County Boardroom

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Chairman Kiesow called the meeting to order. Commissioners Sharon Bring, Curtis Carlson, Gary Kiesow, Kenneth Borowicz, LeRoy Vonasek, Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters, and Recording Secretary Domita Taus were present.

The June 21, 2011 meeting agenda was approved with additions. M/S/C – Borowicz, Carlson

The June 7, 2011 meeting minutes were approved with corrections. M/S/C – Bring, Carlson

The Board appointed Geraldine Hoff to the Marshall County Council on Aging Board. M/S/C – Vonasek, Borowicz

County Assessor Russ Steer addressed the Board to discuss the 2012 Assessor Budget and to receive approval on the following resolution:


WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 273.061, Subdivision 2, provides for the appointment of the County Assessor for a four-year term; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Russell L. Steer, was appointed to County Assessor on 12/15/2009 with an Accredited Minnesota Assessor license level and has now completed his required Senior Accredited Minnesota Assessor license level within the required two-year period, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 273.061, Subdivision 2 (c), of having been appointed to the position of County Assessor.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners in and for the County of Marshall, Minnesota, that pursuant to Minnesota Statue 273.061, Subdivision 2, and other applicable Minnesota Statutes and Rules, that on the recommendation of the Board of Commissioners, Russell L. Steer is hereby duly appointed as Marshall County Assessor for the remainder of the four-year term which commenced on January 1, 2009. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring

Social Service Director Chris Kujava and Consultant Jennifer Anderson addressed the Board and received approval and acceptance on the following items:


Approval was given for:

1)  Sick Leave Transfer within Social Service Department for Carol Kilen, Child Support Officer.

2)  Leave of Absence for Amber Buzick, Social Worker, effective approximately 8/12/11 – 11/7/11. M/S/C – Borowicz, Carlson


The Board accepted the Director Sharing Update. M/S/C – Borowicz, Carlson

The Board accepted the 2012 Budget Update. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring

Director’s Administrative Report

The Legislative Update was accepted by the Board. M/S/C – Carlson, Bring


Case Activity, Bills, and Director Actions received Board approval. M/S/C – Vonasek, Bring

Water Plan Coordinator Jan Kaspari addressed the Board and received approval on the following resolution:


WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103B.301, Comprehensive Local Water Management Act, authorizes Minnesota Counties to develop and implement a local water management plan, and

WHEREAS, the Act requires that a county update and revise their local water management plan on a periodic basis, and recommends that a county amend its ten-year plan in five years, and

WHEREAS, the Act encourages that a county coordinate its planning with contiguous counties, and solicit input from local governmental units and state review agencies, and

WHEREAS, the Act requires that plans and official controls of other local governmental units be consistent with the local water management plan, and

WHEREAS, Marshall County has determined that the amendment and continued implementation of a local water management plan will help promote the health and welfare of the citizens of Marshall County, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Marshall County Board of Commissioners resolve to amend its current local water management plan.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Marshall County will coordinate its efforts in the amendment of its plan with all local units of government within the County, and the state review agencies; and will incorporate, where appropriate, any existing plans and rules which have been developed and adopted by watershed districts having jurisdiction wholly or partly in Marshall County into its local water management plan.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Marshall County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Marshall County Water Resources Advisory Committee with the responsibility of amending the plan and who shall report to the County Board on a periodic basis.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Marshall County of Commissioners delegates the Water and Land Office the responsibility of coordinating, assembling, and implementing the amended local water management plan pursuant to M.S. 103B.301. M/S/C – Bring, Vonasek

Minnesota Association of Townships District 13 Director Jill Hall addressed the Board to award a Phil Aulwes-Promote Voter Awareness plaque to Marshall County. This award is presented to the Minnesota County having the highest percentage of voter turnout statewide in the last Election. Marshall County had a 84.91% turnout in the 2010 Election.

County Engineer Lon Aune addressed the Board.


IT IS RESOLVED that Marshall County enter into Mn/DOT Agreement No. 99116-R with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes:

To provide for payment by the County to the State if the County’s share of the costs of the culvert construction and associated construction engineering to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 220 north of Trunk Highway No. 1 at Engineer Station 958+83.75, Reference Point No. 69.19 per Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to State Project No. 3513-11 (T.H. 220)

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Thief River Falls Resident Office are authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring


Resolution Delegating

Legal Signing Authority

Be it resolved that the jurisdiction of Marshall County, Minnesota, has authorized Rodney Teigen, Marshall County Highway Dept. Assistant Engineer or David R. Lansing, Marshall County Highway Dept. Accountant to sign any and all grants or required documentation from the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management at the Department of Public Safety, executed on behalf of Marshall County Highway Department. M/S/C – Carlson, Bring

Mr. Aune discussed cattail spraying maps, the impact of the State Shutdown, the upcoming bid letting for project SAP 45-620-005, correspondence for the City of Argyle regarding repair issues, and the County flood repair progress with the Board.

The Board approved a vacation time request for Mr. Aune. M/S/C – Bring, Vonasek

The Board approved a ditch cleaning request for Branch 4 of Ditch 25 on the south side of County Road 28. M/S/C – Carlson, Vonasek

Roy Lunde from Brady Martz and Associates addressed the Board to provide a 2010 Audit Exit Interview. Mr. Lunde stated that Marshall County is looking very good regarding budgeting, fund balances, and following compliances. Present for this discussion was Deputy Auditor-Treasurer Renae Yutrzenka. The Board accepted the 2010 Audit Review. M/S/C – Carlson, Bring

County Attorney Williams introduced future assistant County Attorney A.J. Kasprick to the Board.

Mr. Williams received approval on a new Joint Powers Agreement between Marshall County Sheriff’s Department and the 9th Judicial District Court enabling the Sheriff’s Department to perform name searches for the Court. M/S/C – Bring, Vonasek

The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m.

The following Commissioner/Committee Reports were shared:

Commissioner Meeting/Report

Borowicz Water Resource Advisory Committee, Park Board

Bring Park Board, TAC, AMC District, MN Council on Aging, Marshall County Board of Aging

Carlson MarKit, TAC, Human Services with Norman County ITV, Northwest Mental Health Center

Kiesow Water Resource Advisory Committee, AMC District, NW Community Action, Delisting of Timber Wolf, Fabian Meet & Greet

Vonasek MarKit, Tri-Valley, Pembina Trails RC&D

Representatives Deb Kiel and Dan Fabian addressed the Board to update on the proceedings at the state, the DNR, 2012 budget and to discuss the impact of a statewide shutdown. Also present for this discussion were MN Association of Townships District 13 Director Jill Hall, County Engineer Lon Aune and Social Service Director Chris Kujava.

Court Administrator Teresa McDonnell swore in Russ Steer as the Marshall County Assessor.

The Board viewed an AMC District Meeting video conference regarding the state legislative session.


BE IT RESOLVED, that after review of the following bills, authorization for payment of the same in the following total amounts, are hereby approved, with a detailed listing kept on file at the Auditor’s office.

Auditor bills:

May 20, 2011 $12,677.86

May 23, 2011 $4,828,123.63

May 27, 2011 $71,630.08

May 27, 2011 $5600.00

June 3, 2011 $73,141.69

June 6, 2011 $144,538.09

June 9, 2011 $40,550.91

June 17, 2011 $8152.25

Total $5,184,414.51

Commissioner bills: $164,567.59

M/S/C – Borowicz, Vonasek



Kenneth Borowicz $120.00

Sharon Bring $60.00

Curtis Carlson $60.00

Gary Kiesow $240.00

LeRoy Vonasek $180.00

Darlene Bates $60.00

Totals $720.00

M/S/C – Carlson, Bring

Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters provided the following items for his report:

1.  Airport Special Meeting

2.  Ditch Report

3.  Johnson Controls Contract

4.  Review of NWRDC & Northwest Radio Board 2012 Budgets

5.  Watershed Appointments to be held July 19th

6.  Performance Standards

7.  Roof repair update

8.  Viking and Strandquist Post Offices closing notices

The Board asked that Auditor Peters submit a letter from Marshall County to State officials to find a timely resolve to the state budget stalemate.

The Board approved to sign a one-year contract with Johnson Controls for maintenance on the heating and cooling system for $9986. M/S/C – Bring, Carlson

The Board authorized Mr. Peters to send a letter to the US Postal Services in support of the communities of Viking and Strandquist to keep their Post Offices open. M/S/C – Bring, Carlson

The Board discussed the 2012 Budget and the effects of a possible Statewide Shutdown July 1, 2011.

Minnesota Association of Townships District 13 Director Jill Hall was in attendance for the Board Meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. M/S/C – Bring, Vonasek




ATTEST: ______




June 7, 2011 9:00 A.M.

Marshall County Boardroom

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Board Chairman Gary Kiesow called the meeting to order with Commissioners Ken Borowicz, Sharon Bring, LeRoy Vonasek, Gary Kiesow, Curtis Carlson, Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters, and Recording Secretary Domita Taus present.

The June 7, 2011 meeting agenda was approved with additions. M/S/C – Bring, Carlson

The Board approved the May 17, 2011 meeting minutes with corrections. M/S/C – Carlson, Bring

The following Commissioner/Committee Reports were shared:

Commissioner Meeting/Report

Borowicz Household Hazardous Waste, Social Services, Employee Benefits

Bring MRCC, Brent Strand Open House

Carlson NW Mental Health

Kiesow Brent Strand Open House, MRCC, NW Regional Development, Joint Powers Red River Basin, Joint Powers Natural Resource

Vonasek North Valley Health Preparedness, Employee Benefits





WHEREAS, Marshall County is a participating member of the Northwest Regional Board, a Joint Powers Entity formed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 403.39 and 471.59; and

WHEREAS, a Joint Powers Agreement creating the Northwest Regional Radio Board was approved by the fourteen counties and one city compromising the Board, including Marshall County; and

WHEREAS, the current Joint Powers Agreement provides for membership by counties and cities within HSEM Region 3; and

WHEREAS, the Minnesota legislature has amended Minnesota Statute 471.59 to provide authority for federally recognized Indian tribes to participate in Joint Powers Agreements; and

WHEREAS, compliance with this amendment to Minnesota statute requires modification of the existing Joint Powers Agreement; and

WHEREAS, the Northwest Regional Radio Board recommends modification of the Joint Powers Agreement governing the Northwest Regional Radio Board to provide for the authority for federally recognized Indian tribes meeting the same requirements as counties and cities within HSEM Region 3 to participate in the Northwest Regional Radio Board.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Marshall County Board of Commissioners approves the modifications to the Joint Powers Agreement recommended by the Northwest Regional Radio Board and attached hereto; and be it further

RESOLVED that the Marshall County Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters is hereby authorized to execute the required addendum to the existing Joint Powers Agreement to implement the authorized modifications. M/S/C – Bring, Carlson

Public Health Director Gail Larson addressed the Board to provide a bimonthly report. Ms. Larson discussed a mass dispensing site plan, Table Talk in Karlstad, and invited the Board to the SHIP Celebration.

Social Service Director Chris Kujava addressed the Board to provide a Social Service Year End Report. Topics covered were Volunteer Programs, Foster Homes, Fee Reports, Workload changes, Child Protection Activity, Abuse Activity, Out-of Home Placement Costs, County Car Report and Status of Funds. Social Service Consultant Jennifer Anderson was present for this report.

County Highway Engineer Lon Aune addressed the Board.

Mr. Aune presented a plaque that the Marshall County Highway Department was awarded in Recognition for Excellence in Asphalt Pavements for 2010 for CSAH #43 SAP 45-643-02 to Assistant County Highway Engineer Rodney Tiegen and Senior Engineering Technician Doug Hess, who were involved with this project and were present for this presentation. Not present but also involved in this project were Beth Safranski and Tim Buss.



WHEREAS, the Marshall County Highway Department proposes to reconstruct and improve a portion of County State Aid Highway No. 39, known as SP 45-598-20; located between CSAH 4 and CSAH 30 from a point 3,588.5 feet North of the Southeast Corner of Section Four (4), T156N, R46W and running north to a point 474.88 feet Northeast from the Northeast Corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section Four (4), T156N, R46W.

WHEREAS, the improvement consists of bridge replacement and bridge approach construction on said roadway as herein determined necessary to provide for the safety of the traveling public, and

WHEREAS, in addition to the existing highway easement, certain lands in fee are required to provide for said reconstruction, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, the Marshall County Highway Department will prepare a right of way plan. The plan will be on file at the Engineer’s Office at 447 S. Main, Warren, MN 56762 and made part hereof, and which lands will be more particularly described therein as follows:


4 Daniel Hogberg et al

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Commissioners hereby authorize the County Highway Engineer to proceed to acquire the permanent and temporary highway easements over said lands in accordance with Minnesota Statutes,