League Website: dccl.org FALL EDITION, 2009


At our first meeting of the fall we have the traditional speakers from the DNR in attendance.

There will be a representative from the Wildlife Division to give us their forecast for the upcoming hunting seasons and any other news they may have. As usual, we will have a local warden there to go over any new rule changes or hunting seasons. He will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Remember that our NEW meeting time has been pushedback to 7:00 P.M..


The DCCL has recently sponsored three 1 day Hunter Safety Courses at North Bristol Sportsmen’s Club. These courses are taken by doing online studies at the student’s convenience and then attending the daylong session which includes hands-on exercises and testing.

On August 8 & 9 there were 28 and 31 students respectively and on Aug 30 there were another 26 who can now go out hunting. Most of the students were adults in theses classes, especially the Aug. 30 class.

Anyone who was born after Jan. 1 of 1973 is required to have passed this course in order to able to hunt in Wisconsin. Other states, especially out West, may have different age requirements. Anyone who passes the class will be able to purchase a license virtually anywhere in North America.

The League would like to thank North Bristol Sportsmen’s Club for the use of their facilities and to all the instructors who volunteer their time to teach safe firearm handling and hunting in order to continue the Hunting Heritage that Wisconsin has.

The following instructors helped out in at least one of the classes. Connie Bowes, Tim Kilian, Mike Beckwith, Rick Salzwedel, Perry Manor, Tom J. Fisher, Dean Whitney, Mike Kilian, Dale Moody, Dick Jensen, Don Sprang, Tim Thompson, and Ross Busalacchi. Some of these people may not be League members but all are well deserved of being mentioned in this newsletter.

FROM THE PREZ -- Dave Pulda

It’s been a busy summer. The birds we raised are likely all gone as you read this and were in great shape. Wonderful Open House where we also honored recently deceased members. Members spent many volunteer hours on projects throughout DaneCounty.

This month the Board of Directors approved a commitment of $100,000 for the DNR to acquire 883.25 acres of land within the Buena Vista Marsh where we own roughly 4,400 acres. The cranberry industry is making a real pitch for the property, but the family that owns the land wanted to honor the wishes of grandparents who wanted the land to be preserved. If things proceed on schedule, the land acquisition by the state should be completed by year-end. This continues a legacy the League and our members supported beginning in the 1950s. This hopefully preserves another section of land for future generations of Wisconsites to enjoy, including our membership.

Hope to see you at our kickoff membership meeting later this month. Take care and enjoy the fall season, and if you have some spare time, we can always use the help to close the farm most Saturday mornings until mid October.


This was a very good year for our farm and the birds we raised. Approximately 1,700 pheasants and 750 quail were raised this year. Members that were eligiblefor birds have picked up their birds, and the remaining birds have been sold. Thanks to all members who put in their work hours, especially those who put in countless more. Special thanks to Ron Brinkmann, Don Sprang, and Lowell Carter for their chairing the work at the farm. In addition, we thankDave Esser for his plumbing work on the pressure tank and Greg and Floyd (Doc) Scheel for their carpentry work for the tank’s shelf.

The farm will close by the middle of October. The flag will be put away for safekeeping until we open again next spring.

Some members have asked what is done to close the farm. Here you go: Remaining feed in the feeders is removed, and the feeders are then pressure washed. All tarps are removed, water lines are drained, catch areas are spread with barn lime, as is the area in front of each feeder to reduce the bacteria that may have accumulated during the year. Lines are blown out with air, and the water tank is drained. We then siphon out remaining water at the bottom of the pump. Waterers are disassembled and placed in vinegar. The boxes around the prairie are mowed, as is the yard. We disc the pens and runs. They will be sown with winter wheat or rye. The shed is then prepped to houseboats, cars, etc., for the winter months.


Space is available for your boat/camper/vehicle for the winter from Saturday, October 17, until mid-April 2010. For those who have not been at the Farm, the building has a cement floor and is locked for the winter. We limit how many units go in the shed so there is adequate spacing. Space still rents for $200 per unit for up to 20 feet, and $300 for anything more. If interested, as space is limited, contact Dwaine Rundle (276-9427) to let him knowif you are interested.


This is always a worthwhile event in the month of June. Four members of the League helped to clean the area along the YaharaRiver between Lake Monona & Lake Mendota. Stan Allen, Jack Hurst, Scott Pharo & son, Riley and Ed Brost took on this task. Thanks to Stan, Jack, Scott, Riley & Ed for taking part in this event.


Our first open house with rain, but still a beautiful day as we also paid tribute to families that had League members pass away recently. Bob Geiwitz’s significant other Pat Mings, his brothers, Kevin & daughter-in-law Angie,and brother Terry were there to see the oak trees that were planted in his name, and Ken Wittenwyler’s family was also in attendance to see the new benches that were purchased with memorial money from the family and Nash Williams. Jean Bell also represented our longtime historian, Jack Bell. Ken’s family asked that a memorial in Ken’s name be used towards the pheasant farm that he enjoyed so much, so one bench faces the pheasant pens, and the other faces our two prairies and the newly planted oak savanna.

Joyce Wittenwyler, wife Pat Mings, parter of Bob Geiwitz Jean Bell, wife

John, son,; Kathy & Laurie, dts. Kevin & Angie, brother & wife of Jack Bell

Matt & April, grandson & wife terry, brother

We had seventy-five people at the open house, and the desserts and salads furnished by the members filled all in attendance. Chief cooks Ed Brost, Cathy Matts, Helen and Jack Bond and Roseanne and Don Sprang prepared a great meal of burgers, brats, chicken breasts, hot dogs, and sweet corn. Thanks also to Ed Fuss & Jennifer Smith for running the raffle. Again, thanks to each of you for being there to honor Bob, Ken, Nash and Jack.


It was a beautiful sunny day on Friday, July 31 for the annual DCCL golf outing at the Foxboro Golf Course. We had 52 players participating. Everyone tried to come out on top but the winners this year were: Roy Schehr, Kyle Schehr, Jason Howland & John Van Roy.

It was a great time for all who were there and everyone enjoyed themselves. There was some revenue that was generated for the League. A number of players walked away with one of the great raffle prizes. Linda & Keith Weier have a commitment for next year’s golf outing and won’t be able to handle the event but will be returning the following year. The League would like to thank Keith & Linda Weier for all their hard work.

Sept 22 Membership Mtg.

Oct.17 Storage Rental & Closing of the Farm

20 Board of Director’s Mtg.

27Membership Mtg.

Nov.10 Board of Director’s Mtg.

17 Membership Mtg.

Dec15 Board of Director’s Mtg.

(No membership Mtg. in December due to holidays)

NEW THIS YEAR: All membership meetings are held at the VFW Hall, 133 E. Lakeside St., Madison beginning at7:00 p.m. Board meetings are also held at the VFW Hall, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Members arewelcome to attend.