User’s Guide

United of Omaha

Term Life Answers

Speed eTicket

September 2014

Term Life Answers

Speed eTicket

Getting Started 3

Start New Case 4

View My Cases 6

Searching for Cases 7

Pre-Qualification Screen 8

Primary Insured Screen 9

Navigation Window 10

Additional Questions 11

Save and Return Later 11

View the Application 122

Social Security Number 12

Personal Finances Screen 13

Beneficiaries Screen 14

Individual Beneficiary 16

Not an Individual Beneficiary 16

Plan Information Screen 17

Premium Payment Screen 19

Other Coverage Information Screen 21

History Screen 22

Producer Statement Screen 23

Producer Statement, Contd. Screen 24

Review and Submit Screen 25

Speed eTicket Form 26

Thank You Screen 28

Docusign Process 29

Wet Sign 30

Getting Started

iGO Electronic Applications is available for the Term Life Answers, Speed eTicket in all states except MA,NY,VI, or PR.

You may access the Term Life Answers electronic application through Mutual of Omaha’s SPA site, or through your local BGA site.

Upon entry of iGO Electronic Applications, there are two large buttons, one for Start New Case and one for View My Cases.

Click on the Start New Case button to begin a new case.


Click on the View My Cases button to access applications already started.

Start New Case

The Case Information tab displays. The screen is divided into three areas:

· Proposed Insured

· Case Description

· Carrier and Product

Navigation tip: Use the tab key to advance field-to-field. Yellow fields are required fields and must be completed. Type the first letter of the variable name when the field is a drop-down list of values. When entering a State, the fields may display either the entire state name or the state’s two-digit postal code.

When all the required fields are complete, the Find Available Products button is enabled.

The products meeting the state and product type search criteria appear at the bottom of the screen. If the Speed eTicket is not available in the state where the Proposed Insured is signing the application, the Speed eTicket option will not appear.

View My Cases

The View My Cases button is used to return to applications already in progress or to check on their status.

The Speed eTicket product will only display a status of Started or Complete. Unlike the full application, the application signature process is not recorded through I-Pipeline.

Searching for Cases

To quickly locate an application, enter the applicant’s name in the First, Middle or Last Name field and click the Search button.

Only Speed eTickets or Full Applications meeting your search criteria will display on the screen.

Pre-Qualification Screen

The Pre-Qualification screen is used to make sure the Speed eTicket is the correct option for your client.

If the criteria are not met, click on the No button and you are prompted to please complete the Term Life Answers – Full Application.

Primary Insured Screen

The second screen to complete is the Primary Insured screen. The left side of the screen contains the navigation window.

Navigation Window

The left navigation window is used as a guide to take you from screen to screen. As each screen is completed successfully, the red question mark is replaced by a green check mark. The check mark indicates the screen is in Good Order (iGO). All screens must be in good order to submit the Speed eTicket.

The screens listed in the navigation window are the required screens for this case.

You will be guided to the next screen in the order they appear, but if during the interview process you find out information that does not follow the pre-defined sequence, click on the screen name to go directly to that screen.

To be in good order, all required (yellow) fields must be completed and all screens must contain a green check mark.

Additional Questions

Depending on the answer to a question, more questions may appear. For example, if the answer to the question, “Does the insured have a driver’s license?” is Yes, more information is required.

If the insured is not the owner, more screens will appear in the navigation window asking for information for the owner.

Save and Return Later

If at any time you need to leave the application and return at a later time to finish, click on the Save button in the upper right-hand area of the screen. Once information is saved, you can sign out and finish the application later.

View the Application

You may view the application at any time during the interview process. The forms required for the state where the primary insured reside appear with information that’s been entered on the screens.

Social Security Number

The Primary Insured’s Social Security number is particularly important. The last four digits of this number are used to access the final application for the electronic signature. Without this number, the primary insured will not be able to view or sign the electronic application.

Personal Finances Screen

Beneficiaries Screen

The Beneficiary screen is used to enter the Proposed Insured’s beneficiaries and contingent beneficiaries. The Proposed Insured may have up to 10 primary beneficiaries and 10 contingent beneficiaries.

Click here to add . . . will present Primary Beneficiary radial buttons. Click on the radio button for either an “Individual” beneficiary or “Not an individual”. If the beneficiary is to be the insured’s children shared equally, use the “Not an Individual” option and enter “Children of the Insured” in the Name field.

Individual Beneficiary

Not an Individual Beneficiary

The percentage share of all beneficiaries must equal 100% to be in good order.

Plan Information Screen

Only valid term period options will be displayed.

The Optional Benefit Riders are shown below. Based on the information that we entered for the Primary Insured, riders may not be optional.

1. Disability Waiver of Premium

If selected, the Disability Supplement screen is added to the navigation window.

2. Dependent Children Rider

If selected, the DCR amount must be selected from $5,000 or $10,000. The Dependent Children Rider screen is added to the navigation window.

3. Accidental Death Benefit Rider

If selected, enter a dollar amount

Other Coverage Information Screen

The Other Coverage Information Cont’d screen will not appear if there are no policies being replaced. The questions may be different depending on the State form.

History Screen

Producer Statement Screen

· If an Agency producer logs on, the Division Office Name will display. This cannot be edited.

· If an IDN producer logs on through Sales Professional Access (SPA), a drop-down list will display to select the General Agent.

· If an IDN producer logs on through a Marketers site, the Marketer information will not be available. Enter the name of the top level marketer in the General Agent Name field. For faster processing, enter the top level marketer producer’s number.

The Producer’s information populates based on the logon ID entered and may be edited.

Producer Statement, Contd. Screen

Premium Summary screen

This screen provides a summary of the plan selected and gives the name of the screen where the information was entered. If a change needs to be made, the producer can click on the navigation tree to make the necessary update on that screen. The Premium Summary screen will show any updates made.

The Primary Insured and Plan Information screens must be in good order before the Premium Summary screen will be available. If there is a change to any one of these screens the Premium Summary screen must be revalidated to insure the correct information has been entered.

You can only select one mode of premium payment:

· Direct Bill Annually

· Direct Bill Semi-Annually

· Direct Bill Quarterly

· Monthly Bank Service Plan

If the Premium Mode selected is Annual, Semi-Annual or Quarterly, the first payment will need to be collected upon delivery of the policy. If Monthly Bank Service Plan is selected the Bank Service Plan screen will be triggered and follow the Premium Summary screen. It will be the last screen before you Review and Submit the application.

Bank Service Plan screen

This screen is generated when the premium mode selected on the Premium Summary screen is Monthly Bank Service Plan.

All possible payor name’s will be displayed in the drop down field. Insured and Other. The Name on Account, Account Holder SSN/TIN will be prepopulated with the information captured for that person earlier in the application.

If “Other” is selected in the payor drop down, the application cannot be electronically signed and submitted. Select “Print and Wet Sign” as the Signature Method. If Credit Card was selected as the Initial Premium Payment method then ‘Other’ will not be displayed in the payor drop down.

The Amount Quoted field will be prepopulated with the amount on the Premium Summary screen.

The initial entry of the account and routing numbers are hidden from view while you enter the numbers again to guard against an entry error. If the numbers do not match, both numbers must be re-entered.

Debit and credit cards cannot be accepted.

If the Premium Mode is Monthly Bank Service Plan, the first payment will be deducted via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from the client’s account on either the day the policy is placed in force or a specific date as long as it is within 30 days of when the application is submitted.

Review and Submit Screen

The Review and Submit screen is used to review the Speed eTicket before submitting and to read and agree to the Producer Attestation.

Speed eTicket Form

Clicking on the Preview Form button will display the Speed eTicket form.

Thank You Screen

The Thank You screen is the last screen in the Speed eTicket process. This screen lets you know that the Speed eTicket was successfully transferred to the fulfillment center.

The fulfillment center will contact the Primary Insured within the next 24 hours. You will be kept informed of the status of the application through email.

Docusign Process

If the Primary Insured has an email address, the application will be e-mailed to them. The email will be from Esignature process via Docusign.

1. The Primary Insured will be asked to enter their code to access the application. Their code is the last four digits of their Social Security Number.

2. They will be asked to read and agree to the electronic signature disclosure statement and select a signature style to represent their signature.

3. Once the application appears, they will click on the yellow Start button, which will take them to the first signature area. They will enter the City and State where they are signing the application.

4. They will then click on the yellow Sign Here tags included within the application.

5. When all signatures areas are signed, they will click on the enabled Complete Signing button.

6. They will then have the option to download a copy of the application and print it.

7. The final step is to click on the Done button to transfer the signed application back to the fulfillment center.

Wet Sign

If the Primary Insured would rather wet sign the application or if the payor is not the insured, the fulfillment center will mail the application to them for their signature. After they have signed the application, they will mail it back to the fulfillment center. It will then be sent to United of Omaha for processing.

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