


Table of Contents

Section 1, Welcome to Grove City Premium Outlets

General Manager’s Welcome

Your Management Team 1

Management Phone Numbers 2

Emergency Phone Numbers 3

Lease Language 4

Premium Rules 5

Section 2, Store Maintenance

Rules and Regulations 6

Site Plan, Exhibit I 7

Trash & Recycling Procedures 8

Construction Rules 9

Section 3, Center Security

Emergency Procedures and Evaluation Plan 10

Site Plan, Exhibit II 11

Helpful Hints 12

Tips to Combat Shoplifting 13

Section 4, Marketing and Customer Service

Marketing 14

Media Summary 15

Media Support for Sales and Seasonal Promotions 16

Communication 17

On-Site Marketing Opportunities offered through the Management Office 18

Sidewalk Sale Display Guidelines 19

Services 20

Tenant Services Offered at the Information Center 21

Directions to Grove City Premium Outlets 22

Newspapers, Area Restaurants, Hotels, and Banks 23

Section 1

Welcome to Grove City Premium Outlets


General Manager’s Welcome

Dear Merchant,

You and your store are an integral part of one of the finest outlet shopping centers in the Premium Outlets Group portfolio. Your store is considered essential to fulfilling our brand positioning as the finest in brands at 25% to 65% off.

Grove City Premium Outlets enjoys a premier position for outlet shopping in Western Pennsylvania. As the completion becomes stronger, so do we. New stores have been added to strengthen our mix. Our future will continue to bring new stores so that we can adjust to the changing tastes of our customers.

We will not only have new stores to strengthen our mix, but we as Center Management, are committed to keeping this center looking new and providing great customer service.

Our marketing department will make sure our customers hear and read about us. Our on-site marketing efforts will reach out to the broadest spectrum of potential shoppers and convert them to loyal customers.

By putting together all of the above, Grove City Premium Outlets’ stores and the management team will be unbeatable.

If you ever have any questions or want to discuss any concerns, please feel free to call me at



Carmen DeRose Jr.

General Manager


Your Management Team

General Manger Carmen Derose -

Director of Marketing & Business Mgmt. Michele Czerwinski -

Operations Director Mike Wojtarowicz -

Security Director Josh Ebel -

Office Administrator Lynn Swietlicki -

Customer Service Manager Deborah Schierberl -

Third Party Custodial Supervisor Gary Weiser -

Management Phone Numbers

Main Phone Number: 724-748-3875

Fax Number: 724-748-4944

Security Emergency Cell Phone


Maintenance Cell Phone


For up-to-date information on Center hours due to Inclement Weather

Dial 724-477-8104

An announcement will be heard immediately following the introduction if the hours for the Center have been changed.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Police – Fire – Ambulance 911

Grove City Chamber of Commerce…………………724-458-6410

Mercer Chamber of Commerce …………………….. 724-662-4185


Poison Information…………………………………. 800-222-1222

Pollution, Toxic Chemical & Oil Spills…………….. 800-424-8802

Sheriff/Police Department…………………………..724 -662-6162

Mercer State Police………………………………….724-662-6162

Tourist Information………………………………….888-257-2600

Security Emergency Cell Phone ………………….724-372-0775

Regarding Closures:

A. During Business Hours: On the rare occasion that the center will close due to snow or weather related issues, we will communicate the same door to door. Please do not call the office during these conditions.

B. During Non-Business Hours: Check your stores answering machine for an emergency broadcast message or call, 724-477-8104

An additional resource is the Mercer County Emergency Email and Wireless Network,

Lease Language

The following lease language is an example of what is included in most leases. Please check your store lease for any potential exceptions.

Alterations, Repairs, and Changes

7.01 ALTERATIONS BY TENANT. Tenant shall not make any alterations or additions to the Demised Premises, or make any holes or cuts in the walls, ceilings, roofs, or floors thereof, or change the exterior color or architectural treatment of the Demised Premises, without on each occasion first obtaining the consent of Landlord and if such consent is granted Tenant shall carry such worker’s compensation and general liability insurance and such other insurance as Landlord may require naming Landlord as an additional insured. Tenant shall submit to Landlord plans and specifications for such work at the time Landlord’s consent is sought. Such alterations or additions will be performed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in compliance with all requirements and shall be performed and completed by Tenant in an expeditious manner. The cost of any such alterations or additions shall be paid in cash or its equivalent so that the Demised Premises shall at all times be free of liens for work, labor, services or materials claimed to have been performed or furnished for or on behalf of Tenant or anyone holding any part of the Demised Premises through or under Tenant.

7.02 REPAIRS BY LANDLORD. Landlord shall make necessary structural repairs to the Demised Premises (but excluding windows and window frames, doors, plate glass, store fronts, showcases and signs) and shall keep in good condition and repair the foundations and roof of the Demised Premises. Landlord shall not be required to make any such repairs where same were caused or occasioned by any act, omission or negligence of their respective officers, employees, agents, customers, invitees or contractors. Landlord shall not be required to commence any such repair until notice shall be received from Tenant specifying the nature of the repair. The provisions of this Section shall not apply in the case of damage by fire or other casualty or by eminent domain, in which event the obligations of the parties shall be as provided in other sections of the Lease.

7.03 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE BY TENANT. Except for repairs required to be performed by Landlord under Section 7.02, Tenant shall make all repairs and replacements to, and shall keep clean, neat, safe, sanitary, in good order, repair and condition (including all painting and decorating necessary to maintain at all times a clean and sightly appearance) and free of vermin, the Demised Premises, including both inside and the outside, and any equipment facilities and fixtures therein. In making repairs, Tenant shall use materials equal in kind and quality to the original work. Tenant shall repaint and refurbish the demised Premises at reasonable periodic intervals to assure that the Demised Premises is kept in a first-class and attractive condition through the Term. Tenant shall keep in full force and effect during the Term hereof a maintenance contract for the HVAC system and shall deliver to Landlord a copy of the same and all renewals thereof. The provisions of this Section shall not apply in the case of damage by fire or other casualty or eminent domain, in which event the obligations of the parties shall be as provided in other Sections of this Lease. All alterations and repairs hereunder or performed by Tenant under Section 7.01 shall be performed by contractors approved by Landlord and all such work shall conform to existing structures and quality at the Shopping Center.

In addition: it would be prudent to have the following items in your store at all times – Small tool box containing a hammer, wrench, screw driver, nails, screws, nuts and bolts, etc….; Flashlight; Step stool; Step ladder; Extra light bulbs and ballast’s; Plunger; Restroom supplies; Broom, mop, and bucket.

Premium Rules

In order to provide a safe, secure and pleasant shopping environment, we ask for your cooperation in complying with the rules of conduct to be followed by all patrons.

The following activities are prohibited at the Center:

1. Loitering

2. Presence without shirt or shoes.

3. Use of obscene language or gestures.

4. Running, horseplay, throwing objects or debris.

5. Disorderly or disruptive conduct of any nature.

6. Standing or gathering in groups in such a way as to cause an inconvenience to others.

7. The playing of radios or musical instruments, not part of any activity approved by Center Management.

8. Yelling, screaming or similar behavior or making noise of sufficient volume to interfere with or be disruptive to the operation of the Center.

9. Consuming alcohol anywhere other than in an area designated for that purpose.

10. Sitting in areas other than areas designed for that purpose.

11. Distribution of any kind of literature, conducting surveys, engaging in protests, or solicitation without prior permission of Center Management.

12. Use of skateboards, roller blades/roller skates on Center property, or bicycling on common areas of Center other than as allowed on roadways for access to the Center.

13. Possession of any article defined as a weapon, whether illegal or not, unless the person possessing such weapon is law enforcement personnel required to carry such a weapon.

14. Any act defined by federal, state or local low, statute or ordinance as a criminal act.

15. Taking unauthorized photographs of the Center property, storefronts or other area and events without the consent of Center management.

16. Entering any area of the Center not open to the public.

17. Failure to comply with traffic controls and/or traffic personnel and posted speed limits at the Center.

18. Defacing, damaging or destroying any property at the Center.

19. Threatening or harassing any person.

20. No smoking, except in an area specifically designated for smoking.

21. No photographing or video taping without prior consent of the center management team.

Animal/Pet Policy

Animals specifically trained to assist disabled persons are always welcome.

Pets: Must be accompanied by a responsible person.

Must be restrained on leashes at all times.

Must not be disorderly, disruptive, or threatening to any person at any time.

Must be properly cared for including provisions for water and removal of litter.

May not be left unattended in automobiles.

Pets are allowed in common areas except for food court. Please check store policies for regulations.

Are not permitted in stores by employees or owners for long periods of time.

NOTE: Grove City Premium Outlet’s Code of conduct is posted at each foyer in the food court!

Section 2

Store Maintenance

Rules and Regulations

1. Tenant will supply replacement light bulbs, ballasts, etc., for interior lighting of the demised premises.

2. Tenant will provide and maintain adequate, functioning fire extinguisher(s) readily available within the demised premises. Tenant will provide fire egress to all areas particularly to all exits as required by Code.

3. Tenant will provide and maintain a small first aid kit available within the demised premises in the event of cuts or minor injuries.

4. Tenant will keep the demised premises in a neat and clean condition and will maintain the demised premises and tenant’s personal property therein as an attractive shopping area in accordance with the general character of the shopping center.

5. Tenant will keep the windows and doors of the demised premises clean inside and outside. However, tenant will not permit the cleaning of any windows or other exterior maintenance and janitorial services to be performed except by such person(s) as will be approved by landlord and except during reasonable hours designated by landlord for such purpose. Window cleaning contractors must clean exterior windows prior to 11 am. All contractors must show proof of insurance, with required limits and naming landlord as additional insured – specific requirements can be obtained in the management office.

6. Tenant’s window displays and other displays in or on the demised premises will be in good taste and in keeping with the best standards of the retail trade. (Refer to Store Front Criteria.) Tenant will not place any signs outside of the demised premises, or in or upon the windows of the demised premises, without the consent of landlord. NO handwritten paper signs will be allowed AT ANY TIME.

7. Tenant will comply with all applicable smoking regulations. No smoking will be allowed within the demised premises; customers and invitees will be so advised when violating this rule. Designated employee smoking areas are located in each service area and in each courtyard. Tenant employees will not smoke under any courtyard canopies.

8. Tenant will comply with all regulations concerning the disposal of trash from the demised premises and will not throw, discard or deposit any paper, glass or other matter of any kind, except in designated receptacles, or create litter or hazards of any kind. In general, all trash from daily operations should be placed in plastic garbage bags, securely tied at the top and deposited in the appropriate dumpster. No trash or boxes may be left in front of or at the rear of or outside of the demised premises. All cartons must be crushed flat. If tenant needs to dispose of debris that does not go in the trash compactor such as metal, shelving, wood, etc., it will be the tenant’s responsibility to haul such material from the property. (Contact Grove City Premium Outlets Operations Manager for assistance.)

9. Tenant will not deface, damage or demolish any part of the demised premises or any sign, light standard or fixture, landscaping materials or other improvements within the shopping center, or the property of any customers, invitees or employees situated within the center.

10. Tenant will not use, permit or suffer the use of the demised premises, or any part thereof, for any purpose other than for the retail sale of the items identified in tenant’s lease. Specifically, but not by way of limitation, tenant will not use, permit or suffer the use of the demised premises, or any part thereof, as living, sleeping of lodging quarters, or other residential purpose. Nor will tenant store or stock in the demised premises any goods, wares, merchandise or other property except such as are reasonably required for the conduct of tenant’s business in the demised premises.

11. Tenant will operate the heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system servicing the demised premises in such a manner so as to provide (1) adequate heat, ventilation and air-conditioning in and to the demised premises during all business hours of the center and (2) sufficient heat during all other times so as to prevent freezing of all pipes within the demised premises. Tenant will maintain and keep in effect an annual contract for quarterly maintenance by reputable contractor as approved by landlord. All copies of maintenance work should be forwarded to Grove City Premium Outlets operations manager.

12. Tenant will not carry on any trade or occupation, or operate any instrument or apparatus or equipment which emits any odor or causes any noise or sound discernible outside the demised premises and/or which may be deemed offensive in nature. Tenant will not use any televisions, flashing lights or other devises in a manner so as to be seen outside of the demised premises. Tenant will not install or permit to be installed in, on or about the demised premises, any audio, video or radio transmitting equipment, diathermy equipment, x-ray equipment or any other material or equipment which would cause any interference with, or interruption of radio or television reception or transmission anywhere in the center.