NS1-U5C10 - First Aid (Exam)Page 1


1What is the FIRST THING you should do when coming upon a person who might need first


AClear the airway

BCheck for a pulse

CAsk, “Are you OK?”

2You can remember the “First Life-Saving Steps” by remembering the ABCs. Which choice

below correctly identifies the ABCs?

AAirway / Breathing / Circulation

BAttitude / Breathing / Care

CAirway / Breathing / Communication

3You are hiking in the woods when you come upon a boy who is not breathing. He has a

cut on his arm that is bleeding. He does not have a pulse. Which should you do next?

APut pressure on the cut on his arm to stop the bleeding.

BStart rescue breathing.

CStart CPR.

4An upward push to the abdomen given to clear the airway of a person with a complete

airway obstruction; procedure used to expel an object lodged in the airway of a choking


AGood Samaritan Law



DFirst Aid

EHeimlich Maneuver

5The Good Samaritan law protects primarily which of these groups?

APeople who do not provide assistance to accident victims

BPeople who, acting in good faith, administer first aid correctly

CPeople whose accidents cause harm to bystanders

DPeople who are employed as emergency workers

6For which of these reasons should first aid kits contain face shields?

ATo increase the effectiveness of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and CPR

BTo keep debris away from the victim’s eyes and breathing passages

CTo protect the rescuer against infectious diseases

DTo aid vision in accidents where there is heavy smoke

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7Which of these sets correctly corresponds to the ABCs of emergency priorities?

AAssessment, bleeding, consciousness

BAirway, bleeding, communication

CAssessment, broken bones, circulation

DAirway, breathing, circulation

8Which of the following are signs of a stroke? (Input all correct answers; then push the

ENTER button.)

AMental confusion

BDizziness or loss of balance

CTalking very fast

DParalysis on one side of the body

9True or False: You should clean out any cut, no matter how minor.



10Burns are classified as first, second, or third degree according to which of these factors?

ADepth of the burn

BSize of the affected area

CSource of the burn

DDistance from the heart and lungs

11Which of the following things should you do when treating a second degree burn?

(Input all that apply, then push the ENTER button.)

ACool the burned area with water.

BPut a cotton bandage on the burn.

CPut oil on the burn.

DElevate the burned part.

12If you are caught outside during an electrical storm, which of the following should you do?

(Input all that apply, then push the ENTER button.)

AFind low ground and crouch down

BRun under the closest tree

CGet away from metal objects

NS1-U5C10 - First Aid (Exam)Page 3

13If the clothing of soldiers and athletes provides ______so that air can circulate, heat

injuries are less likely to occur.





14Which of the following can result in carbon monoxide poisoning?

(Input all that apply, then push the ENTER button.)

AStarting a fire in a fireplace using newspaper

BRunning a car engine in a closed garage

CUsing a charcoal grill indoors

15The removal of an external part of the body, most often a limb or part of it, when it has

been severely crushed or following the death of extremity due to impaired blood circulation.





16How should you treat frostbite?

(Input all that apply; then push the ENTER button.)

AThaw the affective part quickly with hot water

BGet the victim emergency help as soon as possible

CRub the injured part with snow

17How should you treat a victim that has hypothermia? (Input all that apply, then push the

ENTER button.)

AKeep the victim awake

BRewarm the victim slowly

CRewarm the victim quickly

DLet the victim sleep

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18Which of the following things should you do to treat a snakebite? (Input all that apply,

then push the ENTER button.)

AWash the bite thoroughly with soap and water

BGive the victim food and coffee

CApply constricting bands two to four inches away from the bite.

DPlace an hot compress over the bite

19To remove a stinger, what should you do?

ASqueeze the skin around the stinger

BBite it out with your teeth

CScrape the skin surface with a fingernail or knife

20All of these reactions to an insect bite or sting generally indicate an allergic reaction, except

which one?


BItching and redness

CDifficulty breathing

DNausea and vomiting

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Answer Key:NS1-U5C10 - First Aid (Exam)




















