10th July 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 6 will be swimming on Tuesday afternoons from 2.00p.m – 3.00p.m. on the following dates commencing Tuesday 31st October 2017:
Tuesday 31st October 2017 - 19th December 2017
20th February 2018 - 27th March 2018
5th June 2018 - 17th July 2018
As usual, the class will be divided into three groups and each group will swim for 20 minutes. Please ensure that your child has their swimming kit in school on their swimming day. Children who are well enough to be in school will swim unless there are exceptional circumstances, in which case this must be explained in writing.
Our usual rules for swimming will apply. All boys and girls must wear swimming hats, which are available from the school office. Boys may wear swimming trunks or shorts but not bermuda shorts. Please do not send in talc - it can cause breathing problems for some children.
Children must not wear earrings for swimming. Unless your child can remove these on their own, they should be removed and left at home on days when your child has swimming or P.E. lessons. To keep clothes dry and to reduce misplaced clothing, we recommend you place a named carrier bag in your child’s swimming bag each week. This will then be placed on a peg to keep their dry clothes whilst they swim.
We would appreciate help from any parent who is available on Monday afternoons and has a DBS check. There is always a member of staff on hand to organise the children but without parent helpers the children would not be able to swim. If you are able to help please complete and return the slip below by 17th July, in September a rota will be sent out.
Yours sincerely,
School Office
Child’s Name: ……………………………………………… Name of parent helper: ......
Please tick:
q I am unable to help
q I can help each week
q I can help occasionally
q I am willing to be swimming rep
Signed...... Parent/Carer