Eadmer - Precentor of Canterbury and historian
Eanbald I - The first Archbishop of York by that name
Eanbald II - Date of birth unknown; died 810 or 812
East Indies, Patriarchate of the - In consequence of an agreement between the Holy See and the Portuguese Government in 1886
Easter - Includes information on the feast and customs
Easter Controversy - The dispute regarding the proper time of observing Easter
Eastern Churches - Eastern Churches depended originally on the Eastern Empire at Constantinople
Eastern Schism - From the time of Diotrephes (III John 1:9-10) there have been continual schisms, of which the greater number were in the East
Easterwine - Abbot of Wearmouth, nephew of St. Benedict Biscop; born 650, died 7 March, 686
Easton, Adam - Cardinal, born at Easton in Norfolk; died at Rome, 15 September (according to others, 20 October), 1397
Eata, Saint - Second bishop of Hexham, d. 686
Ebbo - Archbishop of Reims, b. towards the end of the eighth century; d. 20 March, 851
Ebendorfer, Thomas - German chronicler, professor, and statesman, b. 12 August, 1385, at Haselbach, in Upper Austria; d. at Vienna, 8 Jan., 1464
Eberhard, Matthias - Bishop of Trier, b. 15 Nov., 1815, at Trier (Germany), d. there 30 May, 1876
Eberhard of Ratisbon - A German chronicler about the beginning of the fourteenth century
Ebermann, Veit - Theologian and controversialist, born 25 May, 1597, at Rendweisdorff, in Bavaria; died 8 April, 1675
Ebionites - Two varieties: the earlier group called Ebionites denied the divinity of Christ; the later Ebionites were a Gnostic sect who believed that matter was eternal and was God's body
Ebner - The name of two German mystics
Ecclesiastes - The name given to the book of Holy Scripture which usually follows the Proverbs; the Hebrew Qoheleth probably has the same meaning
Ecclesiastical Addresses - Rules as to what is fitting and customary in the matter of ecclesiastical correspondence
Ecclesiastical Architecture - All ecclesiastical architecture may be said to have been evolved from two distinct germ-cells, the oblong and the circular chamber
Ecclesiastical Archives - A collection of documents, records, and memorials, pertaining to the origin, foundation, growth, history, and constitutions of a diocese, parish, monastery, or religious community under the jurisdiction of the Church
Ecclesiastical Art - Article explores the origin, history, and types
Ecclesiastical Buildings - This term comprehends all constructions erected for the celebration of liturgical acts, whatever be the name given to them, church, chapel, oratory, and basilica
Ecclesiastical Forum - Ecclesiastical jurisdiction is distinguished into that of the internal and external forum
Ecclesiasticus - The longest of the deuterocanonical books of the Bible, and the last of the Sapiential writings in the Vulgate of the Old Testament
Eccleston, Samuel - Fifth Archbishop of Baltimore, U.S.A (1801-1851)
Eccleston, Thomas of - Thirteenth-century Friar Minor and chronicler
Echard, Jacques - Historian of the Dominicans, born at Rouen, France, 22 September, 1644; died at Paris, 15 March, 1724
Echave, Baltasar de - Painter, born at Zumaya, Guipuzcoa, Spain, in the latter part of the sixteenth century; died in Mexico about the middle of the seventeenth
Echinus - A titular see of Thessaly, Greece
Echternach, Abbey of - A Benedictine monastery in the town of that name, in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg and the Diocese of Trier
Echter von Mespelbrunn, Julius - Prince-Bishop of Würzburg, b. 18 March, 1545, in the Castle of Mespelbrunn, Spessart (Bavaria); d. 13 Sept., 1617, at Würzburg
Eck, Johann - Theologian and principal adversary of Luther. Detailed profile by J.P. Kirsch
Eckart, Anselm - Missionary, born at Bingen, Germany, 4 August, 1721; died at the College of Polstok, Polish Russia, 29 June, 1809
Eckebert - Abbot of Schönau, born in the early part of the twelfth century
Eckhart, Johann Georg von - German historian, b. at Duingen in the principality of Kalenberg, 7 Sept., 1664; d. at Würzburg, 9 Feb., 1730
Eckhart, Meister - Biographical article on the Dominican theologian and mystic. Includes bibliography
Eckhel, Joseph Hilarius - German numismatist (1737-1798)
Eclecticism - A philosophical term meaning either a tendency of mind in a thinker to conciliate the different views or positions taken in regard to problems, or a system in philosophy which seeks the solution of its fundamental problems by selecting and uniting what it regards as true in the various philosophical schools
Economics - The social science which treats of man's activities in providing the material means to satisfy his wants
Ecstasy - Offers details of false views
Ecuador - An independent state of South America, bounded on the north by Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the south by Peru, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean
Ecumenical Councils - Article looking at the definition, place in church governance and short historical sketches of each council until Vatican I
Ecumenism - Includes the Catholic Church together with the many other religious communions which have either directly or indirectly, separated from it
Edda - A title applied to two different collections of old Norse literature, the poetical or 'Elder Edda' and the prose or 'Younger Edda'
Edelinck - The family name of four engravers
Eden, Garden of - The name popularly given in Christian tradition to the scriptural Garden of Eden
Edesius and Frumentius - Tyrian Greeks of the fourth century, probably brothers, who introduced Christianity into Abyssinia; the latter a saint and first Bishop of Axum, styled the Apostle of Abyssinia, d. about 383
Edessa - A titular archiepiscopal see in that part of Mesopotamia formerly known as Osrhoene
Edgeworth, Henry Essex - Confessor of Louis XVI, and vicar-general of the Diocese of Paris at the height of the French Revolution (1745-1807)
Edinburgh - Derives its name from the time (about A.D. 620) when the fortress of Edwin's burgh was raised on a lofty spur of the Pentland Hills, overlooking the Firth of Forth, and established the Anglian dominion in the northern part of the NorthumbrianKingdom
Editions of the Bible - Includes Hebrew and Greek editions
Edmund, Congregation of Saint - Founded in 1843, by Jean-Baptiste Muard, at Pontigny, France, for the work of popular missions
Edmund Arrowsmith, Venerable - English Jesuit and martyr, d. 1628. Short biography
Edmund Campion, Saint - English Jesuit, martyr, d. 1581. Biographical article
Edmund Rich, Saint - This Archbishop of Canterbury died in 1240, and was canonized within six years. Biography
Edmund the Martyr, Saint - Short biography of the King of East Anglia, who died in 870
Education - In the broadest sense, education includes all those experiences by which intelligence is developed, knowledge acquired, and character formed. In a narrower sense, it is the work done by certain agencies and institutions, the home and the school, for the express purpose of training immature minds
Educational Association, The Catholic - A voluntary organization composed of Catholic educators and other persons who have an interest in the welfare of Catholic education in the United States
Education of the Blind - Includes statistics and history
Education of the Deaf - History, aids, and alphabets are discussed
Edward III - Detailed biographical article on the King of England
Edward Powell, Blessed - Biography of the Welsh priest, Bl. Thomas Abel's companion in martyrdom, d. 1506
Edward the Confessor, Saint - Short biography of the King of England, who died in 1066
Edward the Martyr, Saint - King of England, assassinated at the age of 16 or 17 at the behest of his stepmother. St. Edward was murdered in 979
Edwin, Saint - Biography of the first Christian King of Northumbria, who died in 633. Also known, in Latinized form, as Aeduini
Edwy - King of the English, eldest son of Edmund and St. Aelfgifu, born about 940; died 959
Egan, Boetius - Archbishop of Tuam, born near Tuam, Ireland, 1734; died near Tuam, 1798
Egan, Michael - First bishop of Philadelphia, U.S.A., b. in Ireland, most probably in Galway, in 1761; d. at Philadelphia, 22 July, 1814
Egbert, Saint - A Northumbrian by birth, became a monk in Ireland, died in 729 at the age of 90
Egbert - Frequently though incorrectly called 'First King of England', died A.D. 839
Egbert, Archbishop of Trier - Belonged to the family of the Counts of Holland. Died 8 or 9 December, 993
Egbert, Archbishop of York - Son of Eata, brother of the Northumbrian King Eadbert and cousin of King Ceolwulf, to whom the Venerable Bede dedicated his history; date of birth unknown; d. 19 November, 766
Egfrid - King of Northumbria, b. 650; d. 685
Eginhard - Historian, born c. 770 in the district watered by the River Main in the eastern part of the Frankish Empire; d. 14 March, 840, at Seligenstadt
Egloffstein, Frederick W. von - Born at Aldorf, near Nuremberg, Bavaria, 18 May, 1824; died in New York, 1885
Egmont, Lamoral, Count of - Born at the Château de La Hamaide, in Hainault, 18 Nov., 1522; beheaded at Brussels, 5 June, 1568
Egoism - Synopsis of this ethical system, and short refutation
Eguiara y Eguren, Juan José - Mexican scholar (d. 1763)
Egwin, Saint - Third bishop of Worcester, founded the Benedictine monastery of Evesham, d. 717 or 720
Egypt - Provides information on history, religion, and literature
EgyptianChurch Ordinance - An early Christian collection of thirty-one canons regulating ordinations, the liturgy, and other main features of church life
Eichendorff, Josef Karl Benedikt - Poet (1788-1857)
Eichstätt - Diocese in Bavaria, north of the Danube, and suffragan to Bamberg
Eimhin, Saint - Abbot and Bishop of Ros-mic-Truin, d. first half of the sixth century. Some believe that Eimhin is the author of the Tripartite Life of St. Patrick
Einhard - Historian, born c. 770 in the district watered by the River Main in the eastern part of the Frankish Empire; d. 14 March, 840, at Seligenstadt
Einsiedeln, Abbey of - A Benedictine monastery in the Canton of Schwyz, Switzerland, dedicated to Our Lady of the Hermits
Eisengrein, Martin - Catholic theologian and polemical writer, born of Protestant parents at Stuttgart, 28 December, 1535; died at Ingolstadt, 4 May, 1578
Eithene, Saint - Sixth-century Irish woman, visionary
Eithne, Saint - Irish princess, converted to Christianity by St. Patrick, died immediately after receiving her First Communion (433)
Ekkehard - Name of five monks of the (Swiss) Abbey of St. Gall from the tenth to the thirteenth century
Ekkehard of Aura - Benedictine monk and chronicler, b. about 1050; d. after 1125
Elaea - A titular see of Asia Minor
Elba - The largest island of the Tuscan Archipelago
Elbel, Benjamin - Bavarian moral theologian (1690-1756)
Elcesaites - A sect of Gnostic Ebionites
El Cid - Popular hero of the chivalrous age of Spain, born at Burgos c. 1040; died at Valencia, 1099. He was given the title of seid or cid (lord, chief) by the Moors and that of campeador (champion) by his admiring countrymen
Elder, George - Educator, b. 11 August, 1793, in Kentucky, U.S.A.; d. 28 Sept., 1838, at Bardstown
Elder, William Henry - Third Bishop of Natchez, Mississippi, U.S.A., and second Archbishop of Cincinnati, b. in Baltimore, Maryland, 22 March, 1819; d. in Cincinnati, 31 Oct., 1904
Eleazar - Includes information on three uses of this name
Elect - Denotes in general one chosen or taken by preference from among two or more; as a theological term it is equivalent to 'chosen as the object of mercy or Divine favour, as set apart for eternal life'
Election - In its broadest sense election means a choice among many persons, things, or sides to be taken. In the stricter juridical sense it means the choice of one person among many for a definite charge or function
Election, Papal - The method of electing the pope has varied considerably at different periods of the history of the Church. . .
Eleutherius, Pope Saint - Native of Nicopolis, served as deacon in the Roman Church, d. about 189
Eleutherius, Saint - First Bishop of Tournai, early sixth century
Eleutheropolis - A titular see in Palaestina Prima
Elevation, The - The Elevation of the Mass is a rite of comparatively recent introduction
El Greco - Spanish artist. Born in Crete, between 1545 and 1550; died at Toledo, 7 April, 1614
Elhuyar y de Suvisa, Fausto de - Mineralogist and chemist (1755-1833)
Eli - Discusses the Old Testament priest, and the New Testament father of Joseph
Elias - Old Testament prophet
Elias of Cortona - Minister General of the Friars Minor, b., it is said, at Bevilia near Assisi, c. 1180; d. at Cortona, 22 April, 1253
Elias of Jerusalem - Died 518; one of the two Catholic bishops (with Flavian of Antioch) who resisted the attempt of the Emperor Anastasius I (491-518) to abolish the Council of Chalcedon (451)
Elie de Beaumont, Jean-Baptiste-Armand-Louis-Léonce - Geologist, b. at Canon (Dép. Calvados), near Caen, France, 25 Sept., 1798; d. at Canon, 21 Sept., 1874
Eligius, Saint - Or Eloi. Bishop of Noyon-Tournai, founded several monasteries, d. 660
Elijah - Old Testament prophet
Elined, Saint - British princess, virgin, and martyr, fl. c. 490. Venerated especially in Wales
Eliseus - A Prophet of Israel
Elisha - A Prophet of Israel
Elishé - Armenian historian of the fifth century, place and date of birth unknown, d. 480
Eliud, Saint - Archbishop of Llandaff, born at Eccluis Gunniau, near Tenby, Pembrokeshire; died at Llandilo Vawr, Carmarthenshire, probably in or before 560
Elizabeth - The wife of Zachary, mother of St. John the Baptist, and relative of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Some believe that it was Elizabeth who proclaimed the Magnificat
Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint - Biography of the founder of the Sisters of Charity in the United States
Elizabeth, Sisters of Saint - From an association established by Dorothea Klara Wolff, in connection with the sisters, Mathilde and Maria Merkert, and Franziska Werner, 1842, in Nelsse (Prussia), to tend in their own homes, without compensation, helpless sick persons who could not or would not be received into the hospitals
Elizabeth Associations - Charitable associations of women in Germany which aim for the love of Christ to minister to the bodily and spiritual sufferings of the sick poor and of neglected children
Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint - Also called St. Elizabeth of Thuringia. Biographical article on the princess, widow, Third Order Franciscan, who died in 1231
Elizabeth of Portugal, Saint - Queen, also known as St. Isabel, d. 1336
Elizabeth of Reute, Saint - Even in her childhood was called 'the good Betha.' Third Order Franciscan, d. 1420
Elizabeth of Schönau, Saint - Benedictine visionary, friend of Hildegarde of Bingen. Elizabeth died in 1165
Ellis, Philip Michael - First Vicar Apostolic of the Western District, England, subsequently Bishop of Segni, Italy, b. in 1652; d. 16 Nov., 1726
Ellwangen Abbey - The earliest Benedictine monastery established in the Duchy of Wurtemberg, situated in the Diocese of Augsburg about thirty miles north-east of the town of Stuttgart
Elohim - The common name for God
Elphege, Saint - Also called Alphege or Godwine. Hermit, abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, martyred in 1012. Biographical article
Elphin - Suffragan of Tuam, Ireland, a see founded by St. Patrick
Elusa - A titular see of Palaestina Tertia, suffragan of Petra
Elvira, Council of - Held early in the fourth century at Elliberis, or Illiberis, in Spain, a city now in ruins not far from Granada
Ely - Ancient diocese in England
Elzéar of Sabran - Married, Third Order Franciscan, d. 1323
Emanationism - The doctrine that emanation (Lat. emanare, 'to flow from') is the mode by which all things are derived from the First Reality, or Principle
Emancipation, Ecclesiastical - In ancient Rome emancipation was a process of law by which a slave released from the control of his master, or a son liberated from the authority of his father (patria potestas), was declared legally independent. The earliest ecclesiastical employment of this process was in the freeing of slaves
Ember Days - The days at the beginning of the seasons ordered by the Church as days of fast and abstinence
Embolism - An insertion, addition, interpretation. The word has two specific uses in the language of the Church; in the prayer and in the calendar
Embroidery - In Christian worship embroidery was used from early times to ornament vestments
Emerentiana, Saint - Virgin and martyr, d. at Rome in the third century
Emery, Jacques-André - Superior of the Society of St-Sulpice during the French Revolution, b. 26 Aug., 1732, at Gex; d. at Paris, 28 April, 1811
Emesa - A titular see of Phœnicia Secunda, suffragan of Damascus, and the seat of two Uniat archdioceses, Greek Melchite and Syrian
Emigrant Aid Societies - Details of several organizations, the earliest being the Charitable Irish Society of Boston, Massachusetts, founded 17 March, 1737
Emiliana and Trasilla, Saints - Aunts of St. Gregory the Great, virgins in the sixth century
Emiliani, Saint Jerome - Soldier, priest, founder of the Order of Somascha, d. 1537
Emmanuel - Signifies 'God with us' (Matthew 1:23), and is the name of the child predicted in Isaias 7:14: 'Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel'
Emmaus - A titular see in Pa1æstina Prima, suffragan of Cæsarea
Emmeram, Saint - Late seventh-century missionary to Bavaria, where he was martyred
Emmeram, Saint, Abbey of - A Benedictine monastery at Ratisbon (Regensburg), named after its traditional founder, the patron saint of the city
Emmerich, Anne Catherine - An Augustinian nun, stigmatic, and ecstatic, born 8 September, 1774, at Flamsche, near Coesfeld, in the Diocese of Munster, Westphalia, Germany; died at Dulmen, 9 February, 1824
Empiricism - Primarily, and in its psychological application, the term signifies the theory that the phenomena of consciousness are simply the product of sensuous experience, i.e. of sensations variously associated and arranged
Ems, Congress of - A meeting of the representatives of the German Archbishops Friedrich Karl von Erthal of Mainz, Maximilian Franz of Cologne, Clemens Wenceslaus of Trier, and Hieronymus von Colloredo of Salzburg, at the little town of Bad-Ems, near Coblenz, in August, 1786, for the purpose of protesting against papal interference in the exercise of episcopal powers and fixing the future relations between these archbishops and the Roman pontiff
Emser, Hieronymus - The most ardent literary opponent of Luther, born of a prominent family at Ulm, 20 March, 1477; died 8 Nov., 1527 at Dresden
Encina, Juan de la - Biographical article commenting on his musical and writing abilities and his priestly positions
Enciso, Diego Ximenez de - Dramatic poet, b. in Andalusia, Spain, c. 1585; date of death unknown
Enciso, Martín Fernández de - Navigator and geographer, b. at Seville, Spain, c. 1470; d. probably about 1528 at Seville
Encolpion - The name given in early Christian times to a species of reliquary worn round the neck, in which were enclosed relics
Encratites - Literally, 'abstainers' or 'persons who practised continency', because they refrained from the use of wine, animal food, and marriage
Encyclical - According to its etymology, an encyclical is nothing more than a circular letter. In modern times, usage has confined the term almost exclusively to certain papal documents which differ in their technical form from the ordinary style of either Bulls or Briefs, and which in their superscription are explicitly addressed to the patriarchs, primates, archbishops, and bishops of the UniversalChurch in communion with the Apostolic See
Encyclopedia - An abridgment of human knowledge in general or a considerable department thereof, treated from a uniform point of view or in a systematized summary