Dean’s Research Awards - HDR
Facultyguidelinesforthe Best Doctoral Thesis Prize and the Best HDR Supervision Prize and Best HDR Publication Award
School or CentrePublication Author
Contact email
Contact phone
DOI / Publication (must be from 2016)
Abstract for publication
In case of co-authorship please provide a statement regarding the contribution to the publication.
Please see the following policy regarding co-suthorship for UNSW
*Multiple publications are allowed.
Please send your nomination forms to
The Best Doctoral Thesis Prize aims to encourage and reward the Graduate Researcher’s exceptional achievement in producing a PhD thesis. The prize is worth $1,000. It has been awarded each year since 2003 to the most outstanding PhD thesis in the Faculty based on examiners’ reports.
The Best HDR Supervision Award recognises sustained excellence and leadership in postgraduate supervision. The prize is worth $2500. The Award was previously awarded under the Dean’s Learning and Teaching Awards, up until 2014. From 2016 onwards, this award will be part of the Dean’s Research Awards.
The Best HDR publication award is a new category to recognise the achievements of our HDR students. The prize is worth $1000 and we encourage currently enrolled HDR students as well as completed students enrolled in 2015 and onwards to submit publications from 2016 where the HDR student is primary or sole author.
Best Doctoral Thesis Prize
Schools and Research Centres may nominate two candidates each. The nomination is to be accompanied by a nomination form sent to Angela Bradburn along with copies of two examiners’ reports and the thesis abstract with a link to the copy of the thesisin UNSW Library. Eligible Theses must have received either two recommendations of ‘A: Award Degree’, or One recommendation of ‘A: Award Degree’, and one recommendation of ‘B: Minor Corrections’. Nominations must only be for candidates who have been awarded the doctorate in the 2016 calendar year.
Best HDR Supervision Award
Allacademicstaff,eitherfulltimeorparttime,who havesupervisedatleastthreeresearchhigherdegreestudentsto completionasa supervisorareeligibletoapplyfortheaward. Students are also able to nominate their supervisors for this award however they will need their supervisor to fill in some sections of the nomination form.
Applicantsshouldsubmitthenomination form, along with the following material:
(max.1.5pages)Applicantsmaypresenta caseforoutstanding supervisionbaseda number of factors including the following where applicable:
- Outstandingtrackrecordinhigherdegreeresearchsupervisionwhich mayincludethenumberofcandidatessupervisedandstudentcompletion rates;natureoftheresearchprogramandacademicprofilethatattracts highcalibrelocalandinternationalstudents;supervisionpracticesthat leadtopublications,prizesandawards,presentationsatprestigious conferences,andthesesjudgedtobeofoutstandingquality;supervision practicesthatleadtotimelyandsuccessfulcompletions;inductionof studentsintothenationalandinternationalresearchcommunities;career mentoring
- Outstandingsupervisionofasmallnumberofresearchstudents, including leadershipinsupervisionreflectedinappointmentstokeyrolesinthe School/Faculty/Universitywithreferencetothespecificachievementsand impactoftheapplicantintheseroleswhichmayincludesignificant contributionstorelevantpolicydevelopmentandbestpracticeinthe School/Faculty/Universityorwidercommunityandmentoringofnewstaff.
Applicantsshouldstructuretheirsubmissionstobesthighlighttheir contributionsandcaseforoutstandingHDRsupervision.The statementshouldincludereferencetotheoutcomesandinformation providedintheSupervisionRecordTableinordertojustifyclaims.Furtheradviceon structuringthe applicationisavailabletoassistapplicantsintheSupervisionAward ToolkitontheGraduateResearchSchoolwebsite.
TwoReferences from students who were supervised by the nominee will be obtained confidentially by the sub - committee.
Best HDR Publication Award
Current HDR students and students who completed but were still enrolled in 2015 and onwards are eligible to nominate their publications from 2016 where they were primary or sole author. Please see GRS policy on authorship below.
Please submit the nomination form and any supporting documents to Angela Bradburn by email
A sub-committee of the Higher Degree Committee, usually consisting of the Associate Dean – Research Training, the Associate Dean Research, and a Postgraduate Coordinatorwith no nominees from his/her school/centre, will select the awardees. In the event of all schools/centres being represented among the applicants the subcommittee will consist of the ADRT and ADR and an additional co-opted member from the Faculty.
The prize is awarded at the Faculty’s Dean’s Awards.
Nominations open: 18th March 2017
Nominations close: 7th April 2017
Results announced: Dean’s Awards, May 15th 2017