Study Guide for Chapter 13: The Trojan War

Prologue: The Judgment of Paris

What did Eris throw into the banqueting hall to cause trouble among the

goddesses? Why did she do this?

What were the three things that Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite offered Paris? Who

did Paris choose?

The Trojan War

Who was the most beautiful woman in the world? Who was her real father? Who was

chosen to be her husband?

What did Paris do to officially spark the Trojan War? Why did the chieftains of

Greece help Menelaus against Troy? Which two of the chieftains were missing at

first? Why?

Why was Artemis angry at the Greeks? What did she demand of them to calm the

wind and ensure a safe voyage to Troy? Did they do what she asked?

Why was it brave for Protesilaus to be the first to leap ashore? Who was the

greatest of the Trojan warriors? Of the Greek warriors? What did each of them

know would happen to them before Troy was taken?

For how many years did victory go back and forth? What two Greeks had a fight

that turned the tides in favor of the Trojans? What was the fight about?

Which gods were on the side of the Trojans? Which were on the side of the


What did Aphrodite do to protect Paris when he fought alone against Menelaus?

What happened to keep the Greeks and Trojans from coming to an agreement?

Who almost died at the hand of Diomedes? Who tried to stop Diomedes? Were they


How was Ares stopped when he was fighting for Hector with the Trojans? Did this

loss hurt the Trojans? How did the Trojans try to fix it?

Why did Zeus leave Olympus and go to help the Trojans himself?

What nickname did the Trojans give Hector?

How did the Greeks try to appease Achilles? What was his response?

What was Hera’s plan? Did it work? How did Hector escape harm? Who had been

helping the Greeks against Zeus’ wishes? Who stopped the Greeks from conquering

Troy? How?

Who revived Hector? To whom did Achilles give his armor and men? Why? What

happened when Patroclus met Hector face to face? Who got Achilles armor?

Why did Achilles enter the fight again? Who made his new armor? Who was

appointed by Zeus to die during this battle?

Why didn’t Hector flee into Troy? Who accompanied Achilles in battle? Why did

Hector stop his flight around the walls of Troy? Who did he think his ally was?

Who was it really? What covenant did Hector try to make with Achilles? Did

Achilles accept?

Did Achilles succeed in killing Hector the first time he threw his spear? Who

brought it back to him? Why didn’t Hector’s spear kill Achilles?

What did Achilles do with Hector’s body? What three gods on Olympus didn’t mind

the abuse of the dead? How did the King regain Hector’s body? How many days did

they mourn Hector? What was the funeral like?

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