Baker Political Science Club Constitution


The mission of the Baker High School Political Science Club is to promote political awareness and spread political knowledge throughout the student body, while bettering our community.


It is only necessary for the Political Science Club to have a President, Vice President, and Secretary. The sponsor, is and always will be in charge of all financial matters and will therefore fill the position as Treasurer. If the need for more officers arises it should be called to the attention of the existing cabinet and the sponsor, who will ultimately decide based on the demand by the members. Furthermore, if an officer is neglecting their duties or the club members are unsatisfied with his or her performance, the members may make a move to impeach the officer.

  • President: It is the president’s job to conduct all meetings, delegate authority, formulate ideas for the well-being of the club, and spearhead community service activities.
  • Vice President: The Vice President is expected to assist the president when needed, conduct meetings in the absence of the president, and help with the organization of activities.
  • Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings, keeping track of attendance and bringing any attendance concerns to the attention of the cabinet, and helping with the organization of activities.


Attendance to meetings is required of all members and failure to attend will result in consequences, as directed by the by-laws. Meetings will be held the first and third Friday of every month at 6:50 in the sponsor’s room.All meetings will be announced through Remind 101 and daily announcements.

Meeting Procedure

The president will begin by calling the meeting to order. Upcoming events and projects will be discussed primarily, followed by any new suggestions. Meetings will be conducted as an open forum as long as members are respectful toward one another. Once the meeting ceases being productive the president will bring it to a close.


  • Two consecutive absences in a quarter will result in the member being put on probation. If any member has four unexcused absences during the course of a semester, he or she will also be placed on probation.
  • If any member misses the majority of a meeting due to tardiness, he or she will be marked absent.
  • A minimum of half participation is required of all members. This includes meetings, activities, and projects. Failure to maintain this will result in expulsion from the club.
  • Members that do not respect a person’s right to form their own opinion or fail to respect their fellow members in any way, will either be place on probation or expelled from the club.
  • Absence from meetings and failure to participate in projects while serving a term of probation will result in the immediate retraction of club membership.