Registry of Stained Glass Windows in Canada

revised May 2007

This bibliography is an ongoing project and as such will always be incomplete. If anyone has an addition to make, please send it to me at YorkUniversity for inclusion. Annotations are included where possible. The Paper # refers to the location of the specific piece in the RSGC files and is used for retrieval purposes only.

If this bibliography is used for research and/or publication purposes, an acknowledgement to the Registry of Stained Glass Windows in Canada would be appreciated. If it is useful to you, please let me know at .

· Anon. “The Crystal Palace: The Galleries,” The Daily Globe: (29 Sept.1858): 2, col.7.

Annotation: Notice of the McCausland/Bullock entry at the 1858 Provincial Exhibition.

Keywords: McCausland; Bullock

Paper #: McCausland

· Anon. "Miscellaneous Cards." The Daily Globe, Toronto, Canada West.(6 January 1860):n.p.
Annotation: Advertisement for the Toronto Stained Glass Works, featuring the skills of W. Bullock.
Keywords: Toronto Stained Glass works; Bullock, W.
Paper #: Bullock #1

· Anon. "Seventeenth Annual Exhibition, Provincial Agriculture Association, Toronto, Sept. 22, and Following Days: The CrystalPalace." The Daily Globe.Toronto, Canada West. (24 September 1862): 1.
Annotation: Describes the Exhibition, including briefly the McCausland and Howard (sic) entry of stained glass windows. The windows, picturing John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, are described as being 'generally meritious both in design and execution.'
Keywords: McCausland; Horwood; Canada Stained Glass Works, Toronto; Knox's Church, Toronto
Paper #: Anon. #16

· Anon. “Editorial Items,” Daily Globe (Toronto, Canada West) (23 October 1862): n.p.

Annotation: Announces the placement of three stained glass windows at the south of Knox’s Church, Toronto. McCausland and Horwood (sic), recipients of the Commission, are lauded as having won a prize a the recent provincial exhibition.

Keywords: McCausland; Horwood, Toronto; Knox's Church, Toronto; Provincial Exhibition, Fall 1862.
Paper #: McCausland #17

· Anon. “News: Canadian Items,” Daily Globe (Toronto, Canada West) (22 Aug. 1863): n.p.

Annotation: Announces presentation of two stained glass windows to the Church of the Ascension, John Street, Toronto. The subject of these windows by J. Spence is the Ascension and Christ Blessing Little Children.

Keywords: Church of Ascension, Toronto; Brydges, C. J.; Spence, J. C.
Paper #: Spence #1

· Anon. "Memorial Windows at the University." Daily Globe(Toronto, Canada West) (18 October 1866):n.p.
Annotation: Announces memorial project, the contract for which was awarded to J. McCausland of the Toronto Stained Glass Works.
Keywords: University College, Toronto; Convocation Hall, University College; McCausland, J.; Toronto Stained Glass Works
Paper #: McCausland #16

· Anon. "British Columbian Letters," The Canadian Architect and Builder. 14.4 (1901): 80.
Annotation: Commendation of the work of Bloomfield and Sons which is constructed properly as mosaics rather than painted glass. Some biographical information.
Keywords: Bloomfield; Bloomfield and Sons; James Blo(o)mfield; British Columbia.
Paper#: Bloomfield #1

· Anon. "German firms evading Canadian Custom Tariff." The Ornamental Glass Bulletin, (Stained Glass) 6.6 (July 1912): 9-10.
Annotation: Report on a meeting of the National Ornamental Glass Manufacturers' Association of the United States and Canada at which the practice, by the British and Germans, of undercutting tariffs through private invoicing was discussed and condemned.
Paper #: Anon. #13

· Anon. "War's Unusual Effect on Canadian Glass Business." Toronto Globe (19 March, 1918):14. Rejoinder."Stained Glass Industry in Canada." Construction 11.4 (April 1918):132. By Robert McCausland.
Annotation: An article reporting the effect of war on the Canadian Glass industry. Since it is not practical to manufacture glass in Canada, we must import it; however, the war interrupted our ability to obtain glass from both Belgium and Germany. The stained glass industry was at a virtual standstill during WW 1 due to lack of commissions, a shortage of supplies, and a shortage of manpower. Robert McCausland wrote a letter to the editor stating that he felt the information in the above article was inaccurate, in his opinion the Stained Glass industry was booming and glass was readily available from England.
Paper #: Anon. #1

· Anon. "Memorial Window Unveiled at McGill." Construction 15.10 (October, 1922): 333.
Annotation: Announcement of the unveiling of a memorial window at McGillUniversity designed by Prof. Percy E. Nobbs and executed by the Bromsgrove Guild of Leeds, England. The window is dedicated to John McCrae, R.P. Campbell and H.B. Yates.
Keywords: Montreal; Nobbs
Paper #: Nobbs #1

· Anon. "Craftsmanship in Glass." Construction 22.9 (September 1929): 299.
Annotation: A positive review, emphasizing innovative technique and modernity, of a show of W.E. Philips Co. Ltd.'s glass at the Construction building at the C.N.E.
Keywords: W.E. Philips Co. Ltd; Toronto
Paper #: Anon. #3

· Anon. "The Alcove Window in the School Chapel." BishopStrachanSchool Magazine (Mid-Summer 1931): 3-4.
Annotation: Iconographical description of the Flora Cumming, Marjory Gibson and Kathleen Murray Alexander Machell memorial windows, based on information provided by Peter Haworth.
Keywords: Haworth; BishopStrachanSchool Chapel; Toronto
Paper #: Haworth #1

· Anon. "An exhibition of Reproductions of Antique Masterpieces of Stained Glass." Catalogue of the Arts, Canadian National Exhibition 1931.Toronto: Canadian National Exhibition, 1931. 102-106.
Annotation: A list of the reproductions on display in Toronto in 1931. Subtitle: "Showing the development of the art from 1060 to 1600 AD."
Keywords: Zettler Studios; Canadian National Exhibition.
Paper #: Anon. #9

· Anon. "St. Paul's United Church, Dundas, Ontario." Construction 27.1 (January-February 1934):27-28.
Annotation: Discussion of the "great" chancel window of St. Paul's UnitedChurch, Dundas, Ontario. This memorial window (no mention of artist) depicts Christ Knocking at the Door, The Scene at Emmaus, and Sowing the Seed.
Keywords: Dundas; St. Paul's United Church
Paper #: Anon. #4

· Anon. “Church House Visitors View Memorial Window,” Mail and Empire, (Toronto) (17 Feb. 1936): 9.

Annotation: Article mentions Yvonne Williams’ window at the chapel of the Holy Apostles in the Church House, Toronto.

Keywords: Williams

Paper #: Williams #38

· Anon. "Notes-Correspondence-Comment: Medieval Medallion." Stained Glass 31.1 (Winter 1936-37):98-99. 1 illus.
Annotation: Offers limited provenance for a thirteenth-century French roundel currently in the MontrealMuseum. The roundel shows the martyrdom of an unnamed female saint.
Keywords: Arnold Seligman, Ray and Co., New York City; Baron de St. Levee d' Aguerre (Paris); ChartresSchool; MontrealMuseum, Montreal
Paper #: Anon. #10

· Anon. “Pioneer in Old Art,” Toronto Star, (3 April 1937): 6.

Annotation: An early, largely biographical article about Yvonne Williams.

Keywords: Williams

Paper #: Williams #35

· Anon. "Windows in the Chapel." BishopStrachanSchool Magazine (Midsummer 1938): 3-4. illus.
Annotation: Iconographical description of three windows recently installed in the alcove. They are in memory of Mary Lindsay Prichard Smith, Constance Rowe and Clara Belle Englebright.
Keywords: Haworth; Mary Lindsay Prichard Smith memorial Window; Constance Rowe Memorial Window; Clara Belle Engle Bright Memorial Window; Bishop Strachan School Chapel, Toronto.
Paper #: Haworth #3

· Anon. "Canadian Women in Stained Glass," Stained Glass 36 (Summer 1941): 50-52,illus.
Annotation: Brief discussion of Yvonne Williams, Esther Johnson and Gladys Allen as pivotal figures in Canadian stained glass.
Keywords: Williams; Johnson; Allen
Paper #: Williams #1

· Anon. "To the Glory of God and in memory." BishopStrachanSchool Magazine (Midsummer 1942): 3-4. illus.
Annotation: Iconographical description of three lights in organ bay added c. 1941-42 by Peter Haworth - the Dorothy Clara Hutchings, Constance Peace Acres and Helen Elizabeth Acres memorial windows.
Keywords: Haworth; Dorothy Clara Hutchings Memorial Window; Constance Peace Acres memorial Window; Helen Elizabeth Acres Memorial Window; Bishop Strachan School Chapel, Toronto.
Paper #: Haworth #4

· Anon. "The St. Cecilia Window." BishopStrachanSchool Magazine (1944): 33.
Annotation: Brief explanation of symbolism of the Caroline M. Goad memorial window, the final window in the organ bay.
Keywords: Haworth; Caroline M. Goad Memorial Window; BishopStrachanSchool Chapel, Toronto.
Paper #: Haworth #5

· Anon. "Resurrection Windows for Airfield." Stained Glass 40.2 (Summer 1945): 67-68.
Annotation: Mention of ten stained glass windows installed in the sanctuary of a transport command chapel near Whitehorse.
Keywords: Whitehorse
Paper #: Anon. #14

· Anon. "Stained Glass in Quebec." Stained Glass 43.2 (Summer 1948): 47-49.
Annotation: Discussion of a group of windows made for the Novitiate of the Clerics of Saint Viator, Joliette by Marius Plamondon. The article is really an extensive description by Plamondon of the windows.
Keywords: Marius Plamondon; Quebec
Paper #: Plamondon #11

· Anon. “Stained Glass Her Art,” Toronto Star, (1950): n.p.

Annotation: Brief article lists Yvonne Williams as one of a number of women artists honored by Toronto’s five women’s international service at their fourth annual dinner.

Keywords: Williams

Paper #: Williams #22

· Anon. "Labouret's Work in Philadelphia," Stained Glass, 45.3 (Autumn 1950): 118-120, illus.
Annotation: Announcement for an upcoming exhibition of Labouret's work at the Philadelphia Art Alliance which notes the French artists's use of cement rather than lead and comments on his windows at the basilica at Ste.Anne de Beaupré, Québec.
Keywords: Labouret; Ste.Anne de Beaupré, Québec.
Paper #: Labouret #1

· Anon. "Allen, Gladys W." National Reference Book on Canadian Men & Women. (Toronto: Canadian Newspaper Services International, 1952.): 19-20.
Annotation: A short biography.
Keywords: Allen
Paper#: Allen #1

· Anon. "Vaste verrière de Plamondon sur le vieux Montréal", La Presse (Montréal) (4 Dec.1957): 23,illus.
Annotation: Discussion of Plamondon's window in "Les Voyageurs" cocktail lounge in the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal, focusing on the iconographical significance of the scene.
Keywords: Plamondon; Les Voyageurs Cocktail Lounge, Montreal.
Paper #: Plamandon #5

· Anon. "The Harriet Walsh Memorial Window." The Bulletin (1957): 5.
Annotation: Iconographical description of the Harriet Walsh Memorial Window in the Bishop Strachan School Chapel, Toronto.
Keywords: Haworth; Harriet Walsh Memorial Window; BishopStrachanSchool Chapel, Toronto
Paper #: Haworth #6

· Anon. "La Vie Religieuse," La Presse (Montreal) (11 Jan.1958): 19,illus.
Annotation: The briefest of descriptions of the "glass mosaic" by Vincent Poggi installed at the Institut Cardinal-Léger, Montreal.
Keywords: Poggi; Institut Cardinal-Léger, Montreal
Paper #: Poggi #1

· Anon. "Stained Glass Display Opens at ArtGallery," Globe and Mail (Toronto) (20 Sept.1958) 15,illus.
Annotation: Preview of exhibition of stained glass by Plamondon opening at the Art Gallery of Toronto.
Keywords: Plamondon
Paper #: Plamandon #4

· Anon. "Glass Window Recalls Montreal of Long Ago," Ottawa Citizen (22 Feb.1958) 37.
Annotation: This article explains the iconographical significance of Plamondon's stained glass windows in 'Les Voyageurs' cocktail lounge and the Beaver Club at the QueenElizabethHotel, Montreal.
Keywords: Plamondon; East,Benoit; Ferland,Olivier; Gagnon, Aristide; Les Voyageurs cocktail lounge, Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal; Beaver Club, Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal.
Paper #: Plamandon #1

· Anon. "Quatre Verrières Installées en 1959," Le Droit (Ottawa) (28 Dec.1959) 22,illus.
Annotation: Brief discussion of Plamondon's stained glass windows for the Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal, the first four of which had recently been installed.
Keywords: Plamondon; Oratoire Saint-Joseph, Mont-Royal.
Paper #: Plamandon #3

· Anon. "Importants Travaux réalisés à l'Oratoire," La Presse (Montreal) (29 Dec.1959) 46, illus.
Annotation: A discussion of the artistic furnishings of the Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal including mention of three windows by Plamondon in the chapel of Très-Saint-Sacrement which represent "La Victoire de Frontenac sur Phipps," "Le Miracle du oilier de St-Joseph," and "La deliverance du FortSte-Marie.
Keywords: Plamondon; Oratoire Saint-Joseph, Mont Royal.
Paper #: Plamandon #2

· Anon. “St. Clement’s, Eglinton,” The Anglican, (Jan. 1962): 8, illus.

Annotation: Article includes a reproduction of Yvonne Williams’ window in St. Clement’s church.

Keywords: Williams

Paper #: Williams #25

· Anon. “14-Foot Windows Going to St. John’s,” Globe and Mail, (27 June 1964): 17.

Annotation: Brief article describes Yvonne Williams’ five windows depicting scenes from the life of Christ to be installed in St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in St. John’s.

Keywords: Williams

Paper #: Williams #24

· Anon. "Montrealer Defends Stained Glass Art," Windsor Star (22 Feb. 1964): 5-6.
Annotation: Lubbers argues that stained glass is a true artistic medium. He also gives an overview of his technique which uses antique glass and cement. Reference is made to his windows for the Hotel Dieu chapel and St.Joseph's Church on Seminole Street in Windsor.
Keywords: Lubbers; Hotel Dieu Chapel, Windsor; St.Joseph's Church, Windsor
Paper #: Lubbers #1

· Anon. "Window Artist Turns to Textiles," Globe and Mail, (28 Dec.1966): 10.
Annotation: This article focuses on Angus Macdonald's creation of centennial designs for upholstery and drapery materials. It is noted that the textiles were to be used by Macdonald's partner, interior designer John Downton, for the refurbishing of the offices of Toronto business firms in the centennial year. Stained glass projects at St.Luke's in Sault Ste.Marie, St. Charles of Borromeo and St.James Cathedral are mentioned in closing.
Keywords: Macdonald; St.Luke's Anglican Cathedral, Sault Ste.Marie; St. Charles of Borromeo RC.
Paper #: MacDonald #5

· Anon. "Dedication of the Adelaide McLaughlin Memorial Window, St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, Ontario, November 19,1967."
Annotation: Programme of the mass dedicating the window. Also includes a history of the St.Andrew's parish and biography of Adelaide McLaughlin, as well as a resumé of Gustav Weisman and a brief iconographical outline of the window.
Keywords: Weisman; St.Andrew's United Church, Oshawa
Paper#: Weisman #1

· Anon. "Margit Gatterbauer," Allied Arts Catalogue des Art Connexes.Vol.2 (Oct 1968): 26.
Annotation: Citation of Gatterbauer with three reproductions of her windows accompanied by factual information.
Keywords: Gatterbauer; Kitchener/ Waterloo
Paper #: Gatterbauer #1

· Anon. "Stained Glass." Allied Arts Catalogue des Arts Connexes (2 Oct 1968): 24-25.
Annotation: Six reproductions of stained glass windows by Marcelle Ferron with brief explanatory data.
Keywords: Ferron; Montréal
Paper#: Ferron #1

· Anon. “East Window is exciting,” The Anglican, (May 1970): n.p., illus.

Annotation: Article describes Yvonne Williams’ East Window at St. Timothy’s Church, Toronto.

Keywords: Williams

Paper #: Williams #27

· Anon. “Ten-year project completed by church, The Post, (Burlington) (9 Dec. 1970: 37.

Annotation: Article describes stained glass window by Yvonne Williams in the WellingtonSquareUnitedChurch, Burlington.

Keywords: Williams

Paper #: Williams #19

· Anon. "News Release: Stained Glass by Robert Pinart at French Embassy." French Cultural Services, News release. New York: French Embassy, 972 Fifth Avenue, 1971.
Annotation: Announcement of an Exhibition of work by French stained glass artist Robert Pinart, held at the French Embassy, New York, 27 February-27 March 1971. Provides some bibliographical information and a partial list of sites of his work in both Europe and America.
Keywords: Pinart
Paper #: Anon. #2

· Anon. "Arts Alive at Calgary," Stained Glass 67.2 (Summer 1972): 24-25,illus.
Annotation: Formal analysis of V.C.Thompson's display of stained glass for the "Arts Alive" exhibition at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede.
Keyword: Thompson
Paper #: Thompson #1

· Anon. Four Decades (Canada)1972: n.p., illus.
Annotation: Peter Haworth and Bobs Cogill Haworth are discussed in the context of their involvement with the Canadian Group of Painters. Some biographical details are noted.
Keywords: Haworth.
Paper #: Haworth #10

· Anon. “Christmas – Stained Glass Windows” Canada Post, 1976, illus.

Annotation: Leaflet produced by Canada Post with a brief history of stained glass and its inspiration for Christian art. Three stained glass nativity scenes are illustrated, including a rondel by Yvonne Williams.

Keywords: Williams

Paper #: Williams #18

· Anon. "Yvonne Williams created....," CraftNews (Ontario Crafts Council) 2.1 (Jan.1977): 2,illus.
Annotation: Illustration of Canada Post stamp adorned with reproduction of William's stained glass roundel. Accompanying text quotes Williams views on how to run a good stained glass studio.
Keyword: Williams
Paper #: Williams #3

· Anon. "Stained Glass Bibliography." Canada Crafts 4.1 (October-November 1978): 37-38.
Annotation: Brief bibliography arranged thematically under the headings: History; Technique; General; magazines.
Keywords: Bibliography
Paper #: Anon. #12

· Anon. "'Mother and Child' roundel by Yvonne Williams," CraftNews (Ontario Crafts Council) 3.6 (Nov.1978): 1,illus.
Annotation: Illustration of Williams 'Mother and Child' roundel in memory of Dr.Adelaide Marriott, commissioned by the volunteer committee of the Ontario Crafts Council and presented to the Council's permanent collection at the 1978 annual general meeting.
Keyword: Williams
Paper #: Williams #2

· Anon. "Yvonne Williams," Artisan News 2 (May-June 1979): 7.
Annotation: A brief biography of Williams published in connection with an honour bestowed on her by the Canadian Crafts Council.
Keyword: Williams
Paper #: Williams #4

· Anon. "Artists in Stained Glass." Craftnews (Ontario Crafts Council) 5.1 (January 1980): 12.
Annotation: Report on the organization "Artists in Stained Glass" (ASG) summarizing their function and facilities.
Keywords: Artists in Stained Glass (ASG)
Paper #: Anon. #15

· Anon. "Architectural Glass." Glass 8.1 (March 1980): 50-52. 1 reproduction.
Annotation: Some discussion of the work of Kerry Kelly of Victoria. Discusses the influence of German Glassworker Ludwig Schaffrath.Discusses his commission at Concordia Place in Toronto.
Keywords: Kerry Kelly; Toronto; Victoria; Ludwig Schaffrath
Paper #: Anon. #8

· Anon. "Profile: Lutz Haufschild - Burnaby Jamatkhana, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada", Stained Glass (summer 1984): 160-161, illus.
Annotation: Includes project description of Haufschild's commission at the Ismaili mosque in Burnaby. Also includes brief overview of artist's background, and an architectural diagram of a typical interior window elevation.
Keywords: Haufschild; Burnaby Jamatkhana (Ismaili mosque, Burnaby); Kitsilano Stained Glass Ltd., Vancouver
Paper #: Haufschild #1

· Anon. Untitled. Globe and Mail.(April 28, 1984):n.p.
Annotation: Brief article noting reception held for the Haworths in honor of their joint exhibition at the Robarts Gallery.
Keywords: Haworth
Paper #: Haworth #11

· Anon. "Angus Macdonald Renowned for Work with Stained Glass," Toronto Star (30 Mar.1986): A-16.
Annotation: This obituary focuses on biographic and anecdotal material with a cursory look at his work in stained glass. Commissions mentioned St.James Cathedral, St.Luke's Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie and Canada's diplomatic mission in New York.
Keywords: Macdonald; St.James Cathedral, Toronto; St.Luke's Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie; Canada House, New York.
Paper #: MacDonald #4

· Anon. "Ancient and Contemporary Stained Glass." Artist in Stained Glass Bulletin (December 1989):n.p.
Annotation: Describes the International Centre for Stained Glass Art, Chartres, France, and lists the Canadian artists who attended the 1989 Salon International du vitrail exhibition there.
Keywords: The International Centre of Stained Glass Art, Chartres, France; Bettinger, Claude; Hall, Sarah; Obata, Sue; Pearl, David; Wilde, David.
Paper #: Anon. #5