Allen ISD

Administrative Guidelines for

Management of Cumulative Records

The following information is to serve as district guidelines regarding contents of district student cumulative folders. The folders should contain items noted, based on the campus category. As students progress through the district, additional contents should be added to the cumulative folders as listed below.

1.Cumulative Folders Contents (Elementary)

1.1Report cards

1.2Attendance records

1.3Proof of identity-

1.3.1copy of birth certificate

1.3.2adoption records

1.3.3church baptismal records

1.3.4hospital birth records


1.4Copy of social security card

1.5Standardized test scores

1.6Competency test information (TAAS)

1.7Home language survey

1.8IPT testing, and ESL committee recommendation for placement (for ESL students only)

1.9Withdrawal information

1.10Records from other schools-appropriate for cumulative folders

1.11Special medical information (vision/hearing tests, immunization records, etc.)

1.12Legal documents

1.12.1custody documents

1.12.2name change


1.12.4questionnaire for minors living apart from guardian

1.12.5power of attorney documents, etc.

1.13Copies of accident reports

1.14Copies of residency information & transfer requests

1.15Gifted and talented campus selection committee recommendation form

1.16Referral to regular education form

2.Cumulative Folders Contents(Middle School)

2.1Previous contents plus:

2.1.1Credit by exam information

2.1.2Middle school advanced course information

3.Cumulative Folders Contents (High School)

3.1Previous contents plus:

3.1.1Permanent record cards

3.1.2Credit check form in cum folders at the time of withdrawal or graduation

Transfer responsibilities


4.1Counselors--remove personal contents, i.e.. student work, personal notes, loose pictures

4.2Principal’s designee - separate all inactive or withdrawn student folders

4.3Alpha organize active records and deliver to receiving campus

4.4Records of students withdrawing from school should be retained for three years on the home campus. After the three-year period they should be sent to the central records center clearly marked with the destruction date seven years after withdrawal.

5.Middle School

5.1Attach year-end grades labels to the middle school permanent record cards. Bundle permanent record cards separately from the cumulative folders.

5.2Hold any possible retainees files until summer school is over

5.3Attach summer school grades and send records of passing students to the receiving school.

5.4Forward all cumulative folders, immunizations, and permanent record cards, to the high school, with the exception of summer school grades.

5.5Upon reaching eighth grade, student records become permanent records. All active and inactive students’ records should be kept with the grade level, but separated andclearly marked as active or withdrawn.

6.High School

6.1Personal notes should not be placed in cum folders. Any written materials of value should be returned to the student at the end of the year.

6.2Hold retainees files until summer school is over.

6.3Keep separate active and inactive student records.

6.4“Active” folders should be boxed and clearly labeled separately from “Withdrawn” student folders.

6.5Graduated students folders:

6.5.1In October following graduation date all records should be purged from folders, except for student transcripts (Academic Achievement Record-AAR), and medical cards.

6.5.2Graduated students folders should be retained on campus until October, four years after graduation. After four years, the records should be forwarded to the central records retention center for permanent storage.

6.6Withdrawn students folders:

6.6.1Should contain all records pertaining to their high school career, including withdrawal form.

6.6.2Should be retained on campus for four years. These folders should be forwarded to the records center in October, four years after date of withdrawal.

Administrative Guidelines for

Student Records Transfer

1.The sending and receiving campus counselors should make arrangements for folder transfers during the last week of school.

2.Folders, which are complete, are to be moved by the lead counselors by the last day of school.

3.The sending campus administrator is responsible for moving folders, which are not completed by the last day of school.

4.Folders should be reviewed for content and arranged in alphabetical order before the transfer to the receiving campus.

5.A check-off sheet should accompany folders being transferred.

5.1Insert student names for each folder involved.

5.2Check the appropriate box as to the type of folder.

5.3Both the sending and receiving campus personnel should sign and date the appropriate blanks.

6.Student record folders should be grouped and transferred in the following categories:

6.1Cumulative Student Folders

6.2504 Student Folders

6.3Alpha Phonics Student Folders

6.4Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Student Folders

6.5Student Support Team (SST)Student Folders

Allen ISD Administrative Guidelines

for Confidentiality

1(Cumulative, 504, SST, Health, Discipline, LPAC, Counselor, Special Education)Keep folders in a locked file cabinet or other similar secured area.

2Student Folders

2.1Post a list where the folders are kept of school officials who are authorized to access the folders. Such persons shall be school officials who have a "legitimate educational interest" in a student's records when they are working with the student; considering disciplinary or academic actions, the student's case, or an individual education plan for a student with disabilities; compiling statistical data; or investigating or evaluating programs.

2.2Designate on the list the person who has been delegated by the records manager to be responsible for maintenance of the folders.

2.3Do not discuss the contents of the folders with anyone who is not on the access list.

2.4Do not discuss the contents of the folders in a public area where unauthorized persons (students, volunteers, etc.) may hear.

2.5Do not authorize any person who is not a District employee (e.g. students, volunteers, etc.) to access student folders.

2.6Refer all persons, including parents, who want access to student folders, copies of records in student folders, and/or to amend student records to the appropriate record custodian. The record custodian for all folders maintained at the campus is the principal. The record custodian for folders maintained at the central office is the appropriate director, assistant superintendent, or the superintendent.

2.7Remove the names of other students before including information in a student's folder.

3. Professional Responsibilities

3.1Do not discuss a student or parent in front of another student or parent.

3.2Do not use the name of a student or parent in front of another student or parent.

3.3Do not leave material containing personal information about a student or parent in open view and/or unattended.

3.4Do not make telephone calls to parents where other students or parents can hear.

3.5Do not discuss a student with anyone who is not a District employee or the student's parent (e.g. parent volunteers, students, etc.).

3.6Do not allow persons who are not District employees to access personal computer files.