Alturas City Council

Regular Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers

December 16, 2014 2:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor John Dederick at 2:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Bobby G. Ray, Cheryl Nelson, Jim Irvin, Mark Steffek. Councilmembers absent: None. Staff present: City Clerk Cary L. Baker, City Treasurer Heather MacDonnell, DPW Joe Picotte, Police Chief Ken Barnes. Public attending: 2. All present joined together in the pledge of allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Under the public forum, Lorrisa Soriano is present at the request of the Public Works Director to inform the City Council of the Pit River-River Walk Project. This is a 5-phase project located on the west side of Hwy 395 at the north bank. The first phase is a trail from the Refuge to the County Museum; this part will be developed by the Federal Government. Phase two is the north bank of the West side of Hwy 395 by the bridge along the Pit River; phase three is a continuation of the trail from the Pioneer Cemetery to Centerville Road; phase four will be the east side of the North bank toward the Refuge; and phase five will be a diversion/flood channel around the City. These flood and erosion control benefits will help the City and County.

RC& D, along with a collaborative of other agencies, found grant funding for phase two of this project; the grant application is due January 7th. The collaboration includes the Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Modoc County, NRCS, RC&D, and the Historical Society.

The State Water Resources has $8.3 million in funding. Each project can be funded up to $1 million. Phase two will cost approximately $300,000; there is no match for this grant. This is information only at this point, but will be asking for City Council support.

The High Plateau Humane Society requests Council consideration for a special rate to use the City’s Livestock Arena for monthly dog training and agility classes due to their non-profit status. No one is here at the meeting to represent the Humane Society.

Council consensus is not to set special rates and deviate from our standard rates. The rates apply uniformly to all agencies or members of the public. Also, the City will not allow the storage of personal equipment at the Arenas.

Dave Brooks, representing the Episcopal Church, requests discussion on the City’s use of the Church’s lot located at the corner of Rine & North Streets. They request that the City try to keep the lot looking a little bit better, and possibly keep piles of materials, etc. away from the Church and closer to Rine Street. Mr. Brooks further states that the Church also has a goal to keep things cleaner around their property.

DPW Picotte responds that he will keep the piles closer to Rine Street and try to reduce the piles of debris from the street sweeper.

Council consensus is to first try to keep the piles away from the Church and see if that is satisfactory. If not, let the City know in writing and we can look for an alternate site.

MOTION by Councilmember Steffek, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance #503 amending the City of Alturas Zoning Ordinance. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Nelson to adopt Resolution #2013-28 adopting the FY 2014/2015 Budget in the amount of $5,549,512. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Irvin, SECONDED by Councilmember Steffek to approve the consent agenda as follows: a) Approve minutes of November 18, 2014 meeting; b) Approve City warrants $244,117.54; c) Adopt Resolution #2014-29 removing inactive water & sewer accounts $913.23. ALL AYES.

COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS: City Treasurer MacDonnell received a bid from Completely Custom for $2,000 to paint the 24 doors in City in City Hall, and is waiting for a bid from Pioneer Auto Body. This has been budgeted in the Building Maintenance Fund.

DPW Picotte will be putting out RFQs for Airport Engineering Services; spoke with the California Rural Water Association regarding funding for a sewer rate study; moving forward on the Chip Seal Project and the Pedestrian Project, and is hoping to get funded for both projects in January.

Councilmember Irvin reports that at last week’s LAFCO the question came up about the status of the City’s annexation.

Mayor Dederick reports there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the MCTC Park on January 8th, at 11:00 a.m.

At 3:04 p.m., the Mayor announced the Council would be meeting in Closed Session under G.C. Section 54957.8/Labor Negotiations – Department Heads; Police Unit & General Unit; 2) Government Code Section 54957/Personnel – appointment of two Police Cadet positions.

Reconvened back to regular session at 4:14 with the following to report: Labor Negotiations/ – Department Heads - The City Council completed the labor negotiations with the Department Heads. Personnel/appointment of two Police Cadet positions – The City Council agreed to appoint Cody Widby and Christopher Harrison as the two Police Cadets to send to the academy, with the condition that Police Chief Ken Barnes agrees to retire June 16, 2015 due to Cody Widby being the Police Chief’s son-in-law.

With no further business to come before Council, meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. to return in regular session on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 2:00 p.m., City Hall.


Cary L. Baker

City Clerk