CADE General Meeting Minutes
New Haven, Public Library
April 30, 2009
This meeting was called to order by Amy Sullivan at 5:15pm
In Attendance: Amy Sullivan, Diane DeMain, Wendy Spurrier, Molly Kirschner, Betsy Gaudian, Beth Caffrey, Kari Davis, Sue DeCarlo, Maria Brennan, Linda Ferro, Nina Milone, Will Dawson, Sharon Werner, and Jennifer Polletta
Item / Discussion / Action/Follow upWelcome and Introduction of New Members: Amy Sullivan / Amy welcomed
Introductions were made for all in attendance
Acceptance of March 2009 Minutes / Motion to accept: Kari Davis
Second by: Linda Ferro
Minutes accepted
President’s Report: Amy Sullivan / Location for meetings discussed in length at the board meeting. Looking for a new location for our Vendor Appreciation meeting in June instead of the 4 Points Sheraton. If there are any suggestions for meeting locations please contact Amy.
Issue with emails; if anyone is not getting emails from Amy please let her know. Contact Amy at the following numbers:
Work (860)-442-0711; Ext 3350
Home: (860)-442-3700
President Elect Report: Wendy Spurrier / Northeast Regional Meeting is in Albany NY next week. Brochures are available and there is still time to register.
Treasurer Report: Molly Kirschner / Molly reported that we are solvent
New software bought to help manage finances; not operational yet; will be soon.
Membership: Deb Swanson and Brian Feroldi / 119 members currently. Please pick up your directory if you have not yet.
Members at Large: Nancy Held and Leila Bruno / Amy reported:
Educator of the year; email sent to all members. Info on website colleague you would like to nominate please do. Deadline May 15th; announce at June meeting
Education: Sandy Micalizzi / Amy reported:
Tentative speakers for all meetings. If any one knows of a speaker or topic they would like to hear about let Amy or Sandy Micalizzi know.
Legislation: Pat Bak / Nothing to report
Hospitality: Lisa Gilmore / Nothing to report
By Laws: Linda Ferro & Pam Howard / Linda reported:
Bylaws sent prior to this meeting and should have been reviewed for a vote on changes. / Not enough members present for a vote. Will postpone vote until next meeting in June.
Public Relations: Diane DeMain and Gina Dulak / Nothing to report
Resource Library: Barbara Nadolny / Amy reported:
If there are any ideas about resources to add to our library let Barbara know
Newsletter: Betsy Gaudian / For the June newsletter the deadline is June 1st. Send stories about the expo, meetings, etc to Betsy to post. Kari Davis will write a short bio for the June newsletter.
Question was posed regarding opening communication on Facebook. The group discussed briefly. Updating our electronic knowledge may be something we look into for the future. At this time we will remain with our newsletter and email updates.
Nominating: Cindy Kozak and Betsy Gaudian / Cindy and Betsy will be identifying potential candidates. The new year starts in January; you can nominate yourself.
Old Business / Nothing to report
New Business / Betsy – interested in rooming together
Linda Ferro’s office is looking for an RN CDE; give Linda a call in Danbury if interested or know anyone interested.
Member Sharing / Diane DeMain shared that on Thursday May 14th; Greenwich Hospital will be holding its diabetes fair; open to the community. Staff attend, vendors present; good turnouts all the time. Great way to help people. Time: 11a.m.-3p.m.
Cindy Kozak reported that the 1st Cathedral Church in Bloomfield CT is holding a diabetes health fair on Columbus day weekend Oct 10th at 10a.m. Diane Davis is the contact.
Our diabetes review and update is scheduled for Monday, September 21st; more info to come.
Linda Ferro, Kit McKinnon and Cindy Kozak, along with Southern teamed up to come up with a program titled “Health Advisors - A Lifetime of Care. Program taught by Linda and Kit; accepted at the CDC conference. Purpose of grant: outreach to medical assistants to help educate them about diabetes. Help partner with nurses and diabetes educators to get individuals involved in self care. Community centers, Hispanic health centers, 9 private sites; 74 people total educated. Foot care achieved statistical significant improvement in regards to recommend foot care assessments. 4 hour sessions; “MA felt valued”.
Is the curriculum available for others to use?
At the Regional meeting in Albany next week Connie Greene will be presenting.
Will Dawson from CCS Medical will provid a list of pump supplies for the Cozmo for anyone who had a patient or patients who could not afford their supplies.
Molly reported that Animas website regarding pump deals/discounts for the Cozmo were on the website: / Cindy Kozak will check with the CDC how to disperse/share this information.
Meeting Adjourned at: 5:55pm
The next meeting will be: June 11th: 8 a.m. General Meeting / 9 a.m. Board Meeting
Location: TBA
Respectfully Submitted By: Jennifer Polletta