The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 25th March 2015, 7.30pm in Winkleigh Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Mondy, Knight, Ware, Griffiths, Turner, Hodgson, Sansom, Gledhill, Bowers, Stutt,

Flockhart (Chairman) & District Cllr Lausen.

Apologies: Police

1.3.15  The minutes of the meeting held on 25th February 2015 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.

2.3.15  GUEST SPEAKER: Mr John Donovan: Local Risk Manager: Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue.

Mr Donovan addressed the Council and gave an outline of the pressures the fire service is facing and the actions they intend to take to focus on local needs. Cllrs were given information on recent figures relating to fires and also a selection of leaflets. Cllrs were advised that the Fire Service is focusing on three measures: prevention, protection and response and were given details on all aspects. Cllrs were encouraged to work with the service to identify local risk factors and vulnerable people in order to assist the service in focusing their resources most efficiently. Cllrs were encouraged to read the North Tawton Fire Service Community Plan (which covers Winkleigh area) and to consider partnership agreements. Cllrs agreed to promote the partnership agreement posters and encouraged Mr Donovan to forward information to DW and the PC web site for wider publication.

3.3.15  Declaration of Interest in matters to follow: none


4.3.15  PLANNING

A) Returned from TDC

a)  a) 1/0022/2015/CPE: The provision of a stone hard core layer under the proposed floor slabs of the new poultry buildings , Winkleigh Farm, Winkleigh- GRANTED

B) New Applications

b)  1/0147/2015/LBC: Widen existing opening with internal party wall and form new lobby to rear door. Old Castle School, Castle Street, Winkleigh : Cllr Stutt proposed Approval – 2nd Cllr Hodgson: AIF: MOTION CARRIED

c)  1/0211/2015/AGMB : Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling under Class MB 9a) Old Dairy building, Smythen Farm, Hollocombe: Cllr Hodgson proposed recommend approval subject to the securing of an agricultural tie and condition that the development is in keeping with the surrounds and is no higher than the existing structure- 2nd Cllr Turner : AIF: MOTION CARRIED

d)  1/0196/2015/CPL: Certificate of Lawful Development, Single Storey Extension, 33 Elms; Meadow, Winkleigh EX19 8JU: The Chairman proposed no comment – 2nd Cllr Bowers: AIF MOTION CARRIED.

C) Appeals

a)  Update following Planning Inspectorate site visit attended by Cllrs Stutt, Mondy and ChairFlockhartRe Bryon Hill Turbine application 17th March 2015. A report had been circulated prior to the meeting.

b)  Late notice of Plans Committee hearing on 1/0820/2014/FUL: Turbine, Chittlehampton Farm, Wembworthy 2nd April 2015: Cllrs were advised that no decision could be made as this was not on the agenda for the meeting but that their original detailed refusal would be considered – Cllr Hodgson declared a prejudicial interest (family) and left the meeting. The Chairman proposed that the PC send two representatives to the Plans Committee meeting – 2nd Cllr Mondy: AIF: MOTION CARRIED. The Chairman and Cllr Mondy agreed to attend.

Cllrs expressed frustration at the inability to formally discuss this matter and Cllr Stutt proposed that the Clerk write to TDC and complain that the late notice to Winkleigh PC resulted in their inability to formally discuss this matter which was undemocratic – 2nd Cllr Gledhill : AIF: MOTION CARRIED.

Cllr Hodgson returned to the meeting.

5.3.15. District Councillor reports to and from TDC

Dist Cllr Lausen had circulated a report prior and discussed the current status of the Local Plan. Cllrs were advised that Kate Little (Head of Planning) is leaving TDC.

6.3.15 FINANCE

a)  Receipts & payments

The following were recorded as received since the last meeting:

Bungalow Rent (£99.60 x 4 – 2/2/15 – 2/3/15) £ 398.40 DD

Bank Interest £ 1.16

The following were authorised for payment:

Winkleigh Community Assets Trust (Hire of Centre) £ 11.50 chq 1616

Tavistock Newspaper (Advertisement – vacancy) £ 154.44 1617

Mrs N J Bullen (Clerks salary + reimbursement March 2015) £ 596.84 1618

SLCC (2 x Publications for new Clerk) £ 99.00 1619

W.Mondy (Mileage + reimbursement for ink) £ 33.98 1620

Local World (advertisement – vacancy NDJ) £ 264.00 DD

The Chairman proposed approval – 2nd Cllr Bowers: 10 for, 0 against, 1 abstention (Cllr Mondy): MOTION CARRIED

The following were paid since the last meeting:

EDF (Electricity to Winkleigh Square) £ 34.00 DD

The Clerk advised Cllrs of receipt of the annual Non domestic rates bill for the Cemetery at

£ 393.60 paid by 2 direct debits 1/4/15 & 1/10/15

b)  Renewal/New electricity supply for Winkleigh Square

Cllr Mondy reported that as there was incomplete information a decision could not be made at this time. However the Councillors should be aware that the EDF contract, should we continue with them as supplier, was for three year. Cllr Hodgson proposed that the PC continue with EDF as the supplier for a further 12 months and review next year – 2nd Chairman : AIF: MOTION CARRIED

7.3.15. Matters moved from last meeting

a) Cemetery Bungalow The Bungalow Group

Due to the nature of the discussions in considering quotations/estimates received for works required at the Cemetery Bungalow it was resolved to move this matter to Part II later in the meeting


a) Clerks Reports and discussions

The Chairman proposed the PC adopt and send a copy of her letter to DCC in response to DCC’s lack of action to address a number of broken signs in the parish ( draft read to Council, with copies to go to MP, County Leader & other agencies)– 2nd Cllr Bowers: AIF : MOTION CARRIED

Cllr Mondy spoke to her previously circulated report on amendments to the Street Cleaners routes.

The Clerk reported on the response from Blake Anderson WDP advising that they will be laying turf to Ring o Bells site on 27/3/15. The Clerk was instructed to contact WDP and query when the works to Coopers Hill, Dial Street and the verge by the Parish Bench on the A3124 will be addressed.

b) Cemetery Bungalow Finance

Cllr Stutt advised that a report is due to be issued on this matter.

c) First responder funding request

Cllr Ware gave further information regarding the request for funding assistance for equipment for the community first responder. Following discussions Cllr Hodgson proposed that the PC fund up to a maximum of £250 for the purchase of the required equipment for the first responders use –( equipment to be owned by Winkleigh PC) – 2nd Cllr Bowers: voting 10 for, 0 against, 1 abstention.

d) Recruitment of Clerk

The recruitment group had issued a report proposing the process by which candidates would be selected for interview, how the selection panel would be made up and interview procedure. Cllrs were advised that the deadline for application was 26th March and that to date 5 application forms had been received. Cllr Stutt addressed the Council and gave a detailed update on the process involved, the actions required and taken so far and the requirements to proceed. Following lengthy discussion and Cllr questions Cllr Hodgson proposed that the selection panel comprise of three Cllrs and two external representatives bringing skills and/or experience to the process – 2nd Cllr Bowers : voting 10 for, 0 against, 1 abstention. Motion Carried. Cllrs discussed the need to have a short listing exercise as the report indicated a short list of 3-6 and with 5 candidates the numbers already meet the requirements. Cllrs discussed that none of the applications had been read and that they may not all be appropriate for interview. Cllrs confirmed that appointment would be by the Parish Council and that a summary of all applications would be submitted to the Council meeting prior to any decision. Cllr Hodgson proposed that the selection panel be given authority to interview at their discretion and to make recommendations of their 1st, 2nd & 3rd candidates to the Parish Council at the extraordinary meeting called for Wednesday April 15th – 2nd Chairman : AIF : MOTION CARRIED.

The Clerk was instructed to investigate the requirements to appoint a locum Clerk should the need arise and this matter would be discussed at the extraordinary meeting

e) Elections 2015

The Clerk reminded Cllrs of the deadline for submission of nomination papers and the need to hand deliver them to TDC. The Chairman had produced a number of posters for display in the parish to promote the elections and encourage nominations.

The Chairman advised Cllrs that the AGM needs to be called no more than 14 days after the date of election and asked all representatives/groups to provide written reports for the April PC meeting.

f) Review Annual Planner

The Chairman referred to the PC’s annual planner and asked PC Groups/Reps to consider any reports or items that need to be completedprior to the end of the Council Year.

g) Update on meeting with DCC

Cllr Mondy spoke to a previously circulated agenda for the proposed meeting with DCC for Councillors to approve, no objections oralterations raised A response from DCC awaited and will be progressed. Cllr Mondy confirmed that any Cllr would be welcome at the meeting.



10.3.15. REPORTS

·  The Chairman reported on the Gold Award for sustainable Tourism achieved by Wheatland’s Farm

·  The clerk had circulated the Police report & letter to residents of Elms Meadow

11.3.15 Letters from Parishioners

·  Letter received from Mike Wilson ref Youth Club

·  The Chair reported on a communication from a parishioner regards an error on the Burial Plot plan and advised of the action taken to resolve this.


14.3.15. Reminders & Late Items at the Chairman’s discretion

Cllrs were advised of the Regulation 19 and 20: Town and Country Planning (Local Planning)(England) Regulations 2012 - Notification of consultation on Proposed Main Changes to the Publication North Devon and Torridge Local Plan and Regulation 13: The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004

Cllr Turner agreed to review the Standing Orders in relation to new regulations concerning the recording of meetings

Part II

Due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed the PC by resolution moved the meeting to Part II where the public and press are excluded.

Cllrs considered quotations received for a number of items at the Cemetery Bungalow.

Cllr Hodgson proposed that the quotations from Trade Windows for a replacement door at £654 inc Vat , and for replacement windows and trickle vents at £730.80 inc Vat be accepted – 2nd Cllr Knight: AIF: MOTION CARRIED

Cllr Knight proposed that the quotation from Michael Parker for £400 to address number of maintenance matters at the bungalow be accepted – 2nd Chairman: AIF: MOTION CARRIED

Cllr Hodgson proposed that the PC accept the quotation from AMB Electrical for £100 to install an external light to the back porch – 2nd Cllr Turner : AIF : MOTION CARRIED

There being no further matters discuss the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.52pm