Fifehead Magdalen Parish Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 7th December 2016 at 7.00pm
Chair: David Redwood (DR)
In attendance:
Chris Vallance (CV), Karin Valence, Rose Figgins (RF), Peter Figgins (PF), Robin Longland (RL), Rosemary Redwood (RR), Geoff Merrick, Thomas Trevor (TT), Dee Trevor (DT), Roger Trevor (RT), Valerie Burnham, Mac Lafosse, Angela Stevens, Patsy Merrick scribe
Agenda item 1: Apologies
Anita and Adrian Exton, Helen and Peter Mera, Jacqueline and Andrew Duncan, Sally Waters, Jeanne and Andrew Lakeman, Jo Trevor, Peter Custard
Agenda item 2: Declaration of Interests
DR declared that he had no pecuniary interests.
Agenda Item 3: Minutes of the previous meeting of 4th May 2016
CV proposed and RT seconded; it was unanimously agreed that these minutes were a correct and accurate record and were duly signed and dated.
Agenda Item 4: Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
Agenda Item 5: Approval of audited accounts as accepted by the external auditor BDO LLP
Proposed by DT and seconded by KV, all unanimously voted in favour.
Agenda Item 6: Budget and Precept for 2016-17
DR submitted that he could see no reason to change this however, PF questioned the need to maintain the precept at the same level as the previous year . After some discussion, it was unanimously agreed that the sum in the bank was a reasonable contingency and the precept should remain unchanged. (This money may be used towards work on the footpath running along the side of the Old School House and/or towards a bench by the Millennium wood planted by RT.) DR suggested that the contingency money should be reviewed next year.
TT proposed and RF seconded.
RT brought up the matter of needing more signage on the roads warning drivers of pedestrians on the road and no pavements. However, NDDC now has a policy of less signage; therefore this is not a likely possibility. DR will write to the Highways Dept. and Councillor Westbrook about the matter to get a written reply. DR said he would also raise it when he meets Simon Hoare our local MP.
Agenda Item 7: Report on parish matters
Footpath next to The Old School House: Following a request from DR, Mr. Graham Stanley, Senior Ranger with Dorset Countryside met with DR, AL and GM to inspect the footpath N61/N from the lane by the Old School House and down through the kissing gate and onwards through Roger Trevor’s Centenary copse. Mr. Stanley thought he stood a fair chance of securing agreement and funding to repair this part of the Stour Valley Way by laying a thick path of scalpings with ditches to channel the water away from the path.
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Unfortunately the only quote that Mr. Stanley received for the job was in the region of £6000 plus VAT, half of which would have to be paid by the Parish, which is untenable. Since then, DR has talked with Martin Hibbert of the Ramblers Association and Footpath Liaison Officer, Stours Parish Council), who approached Mr. Stanley himself, as the footpath is part of the Stour Way. We await the reply and outcome.
RT suggested that perhaps we could do the work ourselves, if the Council supplied materials. DR pointed out that the Council would have to oversee the work, for health and safety and insurance reasons, which would be very expensive, therefore this is not a viable solution.
Henstridge:DR attended the Henstridge Airfield Consultative Committee and reported that he had asked the Chairman to ensure that the airfield produces better maps and advice to pilots and that pilots who ignore the Noise Abatement Zone should be held to account.
DR reported that the Yaks aerobatic team now conduct practice displays over the airfield despite the S106 not having been fully passed by SSDC. DR has complained to the owner and to Adrian Noon (SSDC Case Officer) who, in effect, has replied ”let them get on with it because they’ll get permission anyway. DR has been so incensed by the attitude and lack of professionalism in the Area East Planning Committee that he has spoken to Simon Hoare MP who fully supports the villages and who is to write to SSDC conveying our frustrations.
Marnhull: DR has received a letter from the Chair of Marnhull Parish Council suggesting that local Parishes should all work together to get their village’s respective problems dealt with. DR has replied that as Fifehead is a small parish with a village meeting, as opposed to Marnhull being a large parish with a parish council, it would cause him a hugely disproportionate amount of extra work. Therefore it is not practical or feasible and DR has said no to the suggestion. The assembled meeting agreed, unanimously, on this point.
House names: AS raised the point that the name of Fifehead Cottage (formerly belonging to Rosie Belsham) has been changed by the new owners to Church View. AS wished to alert everyone to this fact so that we can all direct deliveries etc. to the correct location, if directions are requested.
Agenda Item 8: Any other business
There was no further business.
Agenda Item 19: Date of next meeting
To be decided upon. Probably sometime in May.
The meeting closed at 8.03pm.
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