Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday the 4th November 2013
Meeting started 7.00pm
Chairperson Barry Hodgson Vice Chairperson Ian Hartley Councillor Ruth Crompton
Clerk Adele Waddington Councillor Adrian Foulkes Councillor Paul Reyner
Councillor Steven Wilcock Councillor Karen Plumb
Also Present
PC Nigel Keates, County Councillor Paul White, Mandy Cunningham, Sandra Smart, Gill Smith
Councillor Seb Wilcock, Councillor Beverley Robinson, PCSO Trish Thompson
The minutes of the meeting of 7th October were approved and signed correct. Proposed by Cllr Wilcock, seconded by Cllr Reyner
Declaration of Interest
Parish Council were reminded of the requirement of the member Code of Conduct concerning the declaration of interests. Cllr Hodgson declared interest in planning application 13/13/0520P, 13/13/0487P, 13/13/0486P, 13/13/089P, 13/13/0515P
Police Matters
Cllr Foulkes advised that people are tending to park near to the white lines again before the bad bend at the top of Winewall. PC Keates to investigate and deal with.
PC Keates advised that there had been 5 crimes in October 2013 compared to 9 in the same period last year. 3 burglaries other than a dwelling and 2 vehicle crimes.
PC Keates advised that he had been on nights recently, and had seized a car from the man living in the goat shed. There seem to be some issues with a dog on Hollin Hall near to the new development; the Dog Warden has been to have a look and doesn’t see any issues. PC Keates to check on this and handed out some posters to display.
County Councillor Paul White
CCllr Paul White advised that Suff Studios are still being investigated and are receiving regular visits.
With reference to the depression in the road at Cemetery House, CCllr White advised that this had not been actioned yet, but it is planned very soon.
The resident of the goat shed on Rock Lane has until 14th January to comply with the notice served on him. Gill Smith attended the meeting to find out what is happening with this area as she is directly affected by the happenings. CCllr White advised that Pendle Borough Council can only take action if the person does not comply with the notice served. PC Keates advised that he has visited the area with the Dog Warden. Gill is very concerned that nothing is happening, and this seems to have been going on for around 15 months, with no action. She advised that there is a problem with hygiene in this area as the man is washing dog excrement onto the road. The Police, CCllr White and Pendle Borough council are doing a lot of work together, which will be unseen as yet, and PC Keates is aware of what is happening on a daily basis. CCllr White to serve a 215 notice to clear up the land, and Pendle Borough Council can make the area uninhabitable, but cannot take the land off him. PC Keates will contact the RSPA to find out whether the horses that have appeared on the land should be there, and whether they are healthy.
CCllr White advised that the patching at the bottom of Parkinson Terrace has not yet been complete. Adele to e-mail details to remind.
CCllr White left at 7.35pm
Residents Issues
Mandy Cunningham attended the meeting on behalf of a resident on Lane House. There seems to be an issue with speeding cars again. Lancashire County Council is responsible for the speed dictated on the road. When they looked at this road they decided that it was not necessary to make this a 20mph road, and there has been a recent traffic survey. Details of which have not yet been received.
Matters Arising
Everyone was thanked for clearing the pots as requested at the last meeting.
It was advised that Arthur English would re-plant the planters at the war memorial.
Cllr’s Crompton and Robinson attended the North West in Bloom prize giving and Trawden were awarded Silver Gilt. Trawden was supposed to be entered into the Large Village class, but for some reason, the award was given in the small town class. Cllr Robinson has asked that this be reassessed as we cannot compete with other small towns in this class. Lynne Barnes won a special award for the best small garden in East Lancashire. A vote of thanks was given to Cllr Robinson once again for her dedication and hard work in this area.
Colne Area Committee
Cllr Hartley advised that the housing proposal at Green Meadow has been granted, with conditions for waste and water disposal to prevent flooding. There is to be no stones or mud on the road and satisfactory access is required along with provision for additional parking whilst work is being carried out.
The application for the change of use at Whiteholme mill to a children’s play centre is recommended to be approved.
The Sun Inn conversion is recommended to be approved (listed building consent), although the actual change of use to houses is recommended to be refused.
Cllr’s Plumb and Foulkes have been to inspect the allotments with the map that is currently being used, and it is very confusing. Cllr Plumb will took photo’s of each plot to show what a mess a lot of them were in. It was thought that maybe some of the areas were too large to manage. Adele had received back a lot of the maps, and started to transpose these onto a larger copy. This was handed to Cllr Plumb for further investigation. Cllr Plumb would like to meet with the people whose allotments are particularly dilapidated, and report back. Adele to send Cllr Plumb a copy of the letter head, so that she can write notes to these people as necessary. A vote of thanks was given to Cllr’s Plumb and Foulkes for their work, although it is far from complete yet. (Cllr’s Plumb and Wilcock left at 9.10pm)
Review of Community Toilet Facilities
Pendle Borough Council advised that the toilets at Ball Grove were actually in the Parish of Trawden, and would like the Councillors to reconsider their views on this. It was asked what monies and services would be coming from Pendle Borough Council for the running of this.
Parish Matters
Cllr Crompton has been approached by someone who would like to become a Parish Councillor, but she also lives on Colne Road. Adele to create posters as we need someone who is from Winewall, as at the moment, there is only Cllr Foulkes representing the area. These will be displayed in the Cotton Tree, Post Office and notice boards. Adele to also contact the Colne Times to ask them to do something on it.
PC Keates asked if the Councillors would be willing to part fund a project on bike etching that he is running with Laneshaw Bridge Parish Council and Go Velo. £50 proposed by Cllr Crompton, seconded by Cllr Reyner, put to vote, all in favour.
As there seems to be various on-going issues with residents at the moment, it was suggested that, if someone attends the meeting to see PC Keates and/or CCllr White, they would meet outside the room, and report back if it was felt necessary to the Councillors. The meetings are being held up by long conversations and frustrations of residents who want answers from the Police or County/Borough Council
Planning Applications
Case Number: 13/13/0520P
Proposal: Full: Demolish conservatory and erect two storey and single storey extension to the rear of dwelling house
Address: 5 Park Cottages Hollin Hall Trawden Colne BB8 8PT. Must be in-keeping with the cottages on the row. No other observations
Case Number: 13/13/0503P
Proposal: Listed Building Consent: Install 1 No. roof light on north roof slope and 1 No. sun pipe to the south roof slope
Address: The Old Farm House Lane Top Trawden Colne BB8 8BU. No objections
Case Number:13/13/0487P
Proposal:Listed Building Consent: Conversion of public house to 5 dwellings including partial demolition, erection of extension to rear, insertion of new doors, windows and rooflights and creation of curtilage and parking areas (Re-Submission).
Address:The Sun Inn Back Colne Road Trawden Colne BB8 8PG
Case Number:13/13/0486P
Proposal:Full: Conversion of public house to 5 dwellings including partial demolition, erection of extension to rear, insertion of new doors, windows and rooflights and creation of curtilage and parking areas (Re-Submission).
Address:The Sun Inn Back Colne Road Trawden Colne BB8 8PG. No issues with this application, as it is better to have the building used, than for it to be unused.
Case Number:13/13/0489P
Proposal:Full: Erection of detached garage with boiler room (Part retrospective).
Address:Bank Quarry Bungalow 22 Wellhead Trawden Colne BB8 8BW. This will not really be visible, but must be in-keeping with the building. Other alterations done at this property have been done to a high specification.
Case Number: 13/13/0514P
Proposal: Full: Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of a detached domestic store with terrace above (part retrospective)
Address: Halls Croft 3a Foulds Road Trawden Colne BB8 8NT. No issues with this as long as it is not intrusive on neighbours and is in keeping with the area
Case Number: 13/13/0515P
Proposal: Full: Siting of static caravan for an agricultural worker for a 3 year temporary period (Re-Submission).
Address: Field No. 4149 Wycoller Road Trawden Colne BB8 8SZ. No issues with this as long as it is not visible from the road.
Bank statement received
Information received from the Fairtrade group as they are trying to achieve Fairtrade status for Lancashire
Philip Mousdale responded to the query of the Ball Grove toilets being in colne with:
Adele - following our correspondence yesterday, Colne are questioning whether the toilets are in their area.
I have now looked at a more detailed map and it seems that whilst they are very close to the boundary they are just in the Trawden area. The large car park is in Colne butthe park itself including the lakeand the building next to it including the conveniences seem to be in your area. Do you have a map or anything else which suggests otherwise?
Ian Hartley to contact Julie Hibbert on 661569 regarding the key for the barrier at Ball Grove
Advice received that the planning application for Green Meadow has been granted
Information received from LCC about the Green Partnership. Funding up to £500 is available. Application form printed off and sent to Cllr Robinson
Action Plan template received from Eric Bond of Newground about flooding
Agenda for the scrutiny management team received
Letter received from LCC about the traffic masterplan
First winter Service Briefing note received
Information received from LCC about shale gas operations
Information and posters received for the mayors Annual bit of a do
Timesheet received from Granville for September hours
Colne and District Committee meeting information received for next meeting
Letter received from insurance about the policy on gritting and snow clearing
Cheque number 1137 for £51.95 was issed to Cllr Hartley for reimbursement of wreath and card for the late Cllr Clough
Cheque number 1138 for £225.02 was issued to Adele Waddington for October salary
Cheque number 1139 for £37.99 was issued to Adele Waddington for October Expenses
Cheque number 1140 for £56.20 was issued to the Tax Office for Adele’s tax contribution
Cheque number 1141 for £90.24 was issued to Granville Bentley for September hours
Cheque number 1142 for £25.00 was issued to Royal British Legion for the poppy wreath
Cheque number 1143 for £50.00 was issued to PC Keates for the bike etching project
Cheque number 1144 for £10.00 was issued to Cllr Crompton for travel to NWIB awards
Cheque number 1145 for £10.00 was issued to Cllr Robinson for travel to NWIB awards
Cheque number 1146 for £10.00 was issued to Lynne Barnes for travel to NWIB awards
Meeting closed 10.10pm
Next meeting 2nd December 2013, 7pm prompt
Dates for future meetings
To be advised