Periodic Jobs Required for Basis Housekeeping
Job Name /ABAP Program /
Variant / Recommended
Repeat Interval /
SAP_REORG_JOBS / RSBTCDEL / Required; you must create a variant. / Daily / Delete old background jobs
SAP_REORG_SPOOL / RSPO0041 / Required; you must create a variant. / Daily / Delete old spool requests
This job may not run at the same time as normal batch input activity. Schedule this job for periods during which no batch input sessions are run. / RSBDCREO / Required; you must create a variant. / Daily / Delete old batch input sessions
RSSNAPDL deletes old dumps. To save the trouble of scheduling this job, you can run the ABAP report RSNAPJOB from the ABAP editor. This report schedules RSSNAPDL with the following specifications:
Job name: RSSNAPDL
Variant name: DEFAULT (you must create this variant)
Start time: 0100 AM
Repeat interval: Daily / RSSNAPDL / Required; you must create a variant / Daily / Delete old dumps produced by ABAP abnormal terminations.
SAP_REORG_JOBSTATISTIC / RSBPSTDE / Required; you must create a variant / Monthly / Delete job statistics for jobs not run since the specified date (statistics no longer needed since job was a one-time occurrence or is no longer run)
You need to run this job ONLY:
· If you have deactivated automatic deletion of update records after they have been processed. By default, automatic deletion is activated. This function is controlled by system profile parameter rdisp/vb_delete_after_execution; or
· If you have deactivated automatic deletion of incomplete update records (records partially created when an update header is created and saved but the generating transaction then ends abnormally). By default, automatic deletion is activated. This function is controlled by system profile parameter rdisp/vbreorg; or
· If you have deactivated processing of U2 update components after the processing of the associated U1 updates. This function is controlled by system profile parameter rdisp/vb_v2_start.
For more information, see Managing Updates. / RSM13002 / None required / Daily / Delete old completed update records (automatic delete deactivated); delete incomplete update records (automatic delete deactivated)
SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_JOBSTATISTIC / RSBPCOLL / None required / Daily / Generate runtime statistics for background jobs
This job was previously also called COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCE_MONITOR. Please schedule this job under the new name.
RSCOLL00 schedules all of the reports that need to run for the performance monitor. RSCOLL00 uses table TCOLL to determine what to run. See the CCMS Guide for more information on setting up RSCOLL00. / RSCOLL00 / None required / Hourly / Collect system performance statistics
Users, Authorizations, and Client Specificity of House-Keeping Jobs
Job Name / Client-Specific? / Required User / Required AuthorizationsSAP_REORG_JOBS / Yes, can be run to work only in the current client or in all clients.
If the job is to reorganize all clients, then you can start it in any client. / No / Reorganize in all clients:
· Object Batch Processing: Batch Administrator (S_BTCH_ADM), authorization value Y
Reorganize ONLY in job’s client: User for job must have these authorizations:
· Object Batch Processing: Batch Administrator (S_BTCH_ADM), auth. value N
· Object Batch Processing: Operations on Batch Jobs, auth. value * for field Job name; auth. value DELE for field Job action
SAP_REORG_SPOOL / Yes, can be run to work only in the current client or in a selected client/all clients.
If the job is to reorganize all clients, then you can start it in any client. / No / Reorganize in specified client or all clients:
· System Authorizations (S_ADMI_FCD), auth. value SPAD
For all clients, enter client selection * in the variant.-
Reorganize ONLY in job’s client:
· System Authorizations (S_ADMI_FCD), auth. value SPAR
SAP_REORG_BATCHINPUT / Yes, schedule in each client / No / Reorganize in job’s client:
· Object Batch Input Authorizations, auth. values ABTC, ANAL, AONL, DELE, FREE, and LOCK for field Batch Input Monitoring Activity; auth. value * for field Session name
SAP_REORG_ABAPDUMPS / No / No / No special authorizations required
SAP_REORG_JOBSTATISTIC / No / No / No special authorizations required
SAP_REORG_UPDATERECORDS / No / No / No special authorizations required
SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_JOBSTATISTIC / No / No / No special authorizations required
SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR / No, but must run in client 000 / Job user must be user DDIC. / No special authorizations required