Milton Conservation Commission
PO Box 310
Milton NH 03851
January 23, 2013
Members in attendance: Chairman Cynthia Wyatt, Charlie Karcher, Mike McDonnell and Wendy Keane, Recording Clerk.
Excused: Emery Booska, Steve Panish
Chair Cynthia Wyatt called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
Cynthia Wyatt opened the meeting to public comment. There being none, the session was closed.
MOTION: Charlie Karcher moved to approve the meeting minutes of November 27, 2012. Seconded by Mike McDonnell. Motion carried 3-0.
Discussion was held on proposed Warrant Article 20:
To see if the Town of Milton will vote to discontinue to deposit 50% of the revenues collected pursuant to RSA 79-A (land use change tax) being deposited into the Town of Milton Conservation Fund as previously approved in March 2002 by warrant article 21. If approved 100% of revenues collected pursuant to RSA 79-A will be deposited into the town’s general fund.
(Majority Vote required)
Cynthia Wyatt explained that a presence is needed at the deliberative session to explain to townspeople that the funds deposited to the Conservation Commission’s (Con Com) fund are not tax payer’s dollars but fines imposed for property coming out of current use. Also to explain what it is that the Con Com does with the funds.
Chairman Wyatt made the Commissioners aware that Don Whittum is researching titles on several properties in town for the Con Com.
Due to snowfall, Darrell Detour has postponed his baseline and other work until the snow melts.
Don Whittum feels that the language on the deed for the 69.5 acres that was transferred to the Con Com in exchange for monies owed is vague and feels that it should be strengthened.
Discussion was held on the findings of Paul Zuzgo on the Ball easement. Mr. Zuzgo discovered that there is an encroachment on the line by an abutter. He has conveyed to Cynthia that there is a deck, boat and dock which are over the survey line. Discussion was held on how to proceed with clearing the encroachment.
MOTION: Charlie Karcher moved to approve payment of invoice number 12-064 to Prospect Mountain Survey-Paul Zuzgo for work completed on map 38 lot 60 in the amount of $1200.00. Seconded by Mike McDonnell. Motion carried 3-0.
Charlie Karcher will review the information regarding the deed for easement for the property owned by Bob Frizzell at exit 17. An unexecuted copy of the deed was found and it was realized that the wrong names had been utilized in the search for recorded deed.
MOTION: Charlie Karcher moved to donate $100 to the Society for the Protection of NH Forests. Also to pay the invoice for the Moose Mountain Regional Greenways invoice #26 in the amount of $100.00 (for yearly donation). Seconded by Mike McDonnell. Motion carried 3-0.
MOTION: Charlie Karcher moved to pay McEneaney Survey Associates in the amount of $4,477.23 for their project number 10-1911, Plan and Monuments and easement signposts and wire for signs on the Lyman Brook Easement. Seconded by Mike McDonnell. Motion carried 3-0.
Discussion was held on a property owner who has offered to donate land to be placed in a Conservation Easement. Discussion will be continued on this topic at a later date.
MOTION: Charlie Karcher moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mike McDonnell. Motion carried 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy L. Keane
Land Use Clerk