Math Analysis2015 – 2016Page | 1 [Type text]

Muncy Junior-Senior High School

Math AnalysisCourse Syllabus

2015-2016 School Year

Instructor:Mrs. Wertz

Phone:546-3127 ext. 3080


Meeting Time and Location:Period8, Room 251

Course Description

This course is directed toward the development and application of the mathematical skills needed to solve problems related to everyday life. Students will complete assignments and projects throughout the year that incorporate topics such as Algebra, Geometry, Statistical Analysis, Trigonometry, and Data Analysis. The guiding principle shall be how math is related to “real world” events and topics.

Course Unit Outline

Specific objectives for each topic shown in the outline below will be provided by the instructor at the time of coverage. Optional topics will be covered at the discretion of the instructor. The order and extent of coverage of some of the topics may vary.

Math Analysis Topics

1)Mathematical applications to current events

2)Topics in algebra

3)Elementary trigonometry

4)Landscape and structural design

5)Geometry and measurement

6)Personal finance



9)Permutations and combinations

10)Profit and debt

11)Statistics and data analysis

12)Vectors and determinants

13)Application technology in mathematics

14)Coordinate/Transformational geometry

Daily Classroom Expectations

There are five basic expectations for each class:

1. Be here and be on time.

2. Be prepared − have all materials with you each class period and be ready to start class when the bell rings. This includes bringing your calculator to class everyday! Failure to bring a calculator, or batteries for your calculator, may result in taking an assessment without the use of a calculator!

3. Work to the best of your ability.

4. Be respectful of others.

5. Use a pencil.

Please refer to the Pathfinder for the building policy on cell phones and other electronic devices and locker and rest room use throughout the school day.

Attendance, Absences and Make-Up Work

Tardiness is a classroom disruption and will be handled through detention, parent phone calls and referral to the guidance and main offices. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me in the morning before the start of homeroom to discuss what was missed and to receive any materials that were distributed during the class period(s) you missed. Time will not be taken during the class period you return to take care of this. As stated in the Pathfinder, students have the same number of days to make up any work missed for an excused absence. Failure to make up the work in the allotted time will result in a score of zero for that work.

Students present in school, but not present during the class period, on the day of an assessment are expected to take the assessment that day. This includes, but is not limited to, participation in a school-sponsored field trip, HOPES, Key Club luncheons, etc., and may require you to take the assessment in the morning before the start of homeroom. You should notify me immediately when these absences will occur. Failure to take the assessment on the same day will result in a score of zero for that assessment.

Students who are going to miss several consecutive class periods should see me immediately upon return to school to receive any materials and to find out what was missed during the absence.

In rare situations, I may grant an extension for making up an assessment that is missed because of an absence at a school-related activity.

Grading, Progress Reports, Retests and Extra Credit

Marking period grades will be calculated on the basis of a point system – the number of points earned out of the number of possible points.

Graded material will consist of a combination of the following each marking period:

• Quizzes

• Exams

• Graded homework assignments

• In-class activities and explorations

It is the responsibility of each student to keep a grade record sheet, or check the PowerSchool website, to be aware of their grade at all times throughout the marking period. Notification of student grade deficiency will be made through mid-marking period progress reports, when necessary. Students should be capable and responsible enough to keep parents/guardians aware of their standing in this course throughout the year.

There will be no re-quizzes and no re-tests offered throughout the course. Unless you are required to be given extra time for completing quizzes and exams, please do not ask for additional time. Assessments are designed to be completed in one class period. Assessments may include a calculator and/or a non-calculator portion. They may also include cumulative questions from previously learned course content.

Progress Reports

Notification of student grade deficiency will be made through mid-marking period progress reports sent in the mail through the guidance office for students of parents/guardians that do not have computer access. If a parent/guardian

has computer access, then they are able to keep up-to-date by using Power School, and paper progress reports will not be sent through the Guidance Office.

Possibility of failure notifications will be sent (if needed) at the end of the first semester and at the end of the third marking period.

Academic Dishonesty

You will be allowed and encouraged to work collaboratively throughout the year; however, when work is turned in, the work must be your own. Do not turn in work that is plagiarized from another student and do not let another student copy your work. Any indication of academic dishonesty will be dealt with as a serious offense and will result in a grade of zero for that assessment for all students involved and a referral to the Principal’s Office.


Homework assignments will be given regularly and will be periodically checked for completeness, collected and graded for correctness, or checked through a Bell Ringer Quiz at the beginning of a class period. Checking and collecting of assignments may be announced or unannounced. Be aware of the Mathematics Department policy that late or incomplete assignments will not be accepted for credit.


It is recommended that you use a three-ring binder as your notebook for this course. You will receive a large number of handouts as there is no textbook for this course.

Graphing Calculators

You are financially responsible for the graphing calculator you are issued. A lost or damaged calculator − whether cosmetically or functionally − will be your financial responsibility and replacement/repair costs will be done in accordance with district policy.

The only graphing calculators that are acceptable for use in Math Analysis are those in the Texas Instruments TI-83 and TI-84 families of calculators. Students will be issued a TI-84 for use in the course, but will have to supply the batteries for the calculator. If a student wishes to use their own calculator throughout the year, the calculator will be periodically inspected by the instructor so that inappropriate programs or applications are not being used. Any non-approved programs/applications for use in Algebra I can be removed from student-owned calculators at any time.

Be cautious in letting others borrow your calculator, even for a class period. Do not let your calculator remain in your car for any period of time. Extreme heat or cold can damage the calculator.

Record the graphing calculator identification numbers in your notebook for future reference. Students often mistakenly pick up a calculator that was not issued to them when they are working collaboratively. School-issued graphing calculators are issued for use in mathematics courses, but you may use them for other courses that require the use of a calculator.

Any inappropriate use of the school-issued graphing calculator in this course, another course, or at any other time will result in you turning in the calculator at that time. Inappropriate use of a student-owned graphing calculator will result in prohibition of its use in the course for the remainder of the year. If you are unsure about the meaning of inappropriate use, please see me individually.

It is your responsibility to bring the calculator to class each day. Failure to bring your calculator (with properly working batteries) may result in you taking an assessment without it.

Changes to Course Syllabus

In case of unforeseen circumstances during the school year, the information in this syllabus is subject to change. If any changes are made, you will be notified through an addendum to the syllabus and a posting on my web page.

Homework – Allow your parents to read the previous four pages of your class syllabus and sign this sheet. Then, sign and return this form and bring batteries for your calculator to receive a 10/10. This paper and the batteries are due no later than Monday, August 24, 2015. (Remember, there is no partial credit for late assignments.)

Student Name = ______

Adult contact name = ______

(for the purpose of discussing academic progress in math class and/or for discipline problems)

Relationship to student (circle one below)


Email address = ______

Preferred contact phone number = ______

(Please keep in mind I will only be contacting you between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M)

Graphing calculator serial number ______

Replacement cost for the TI graphing calculator: $100.00

Please sign acknowledging that you have read and understand the information regarding this syllabus:

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______