Date: / 9 September 2008
Venue: / Committee Room 2, Guildhall
Time: / 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Attendees or X

Name / /X / /X / /X
Marie Lebacq (Chair) /  / Jill McBrearty-Gilliam / X / Dr Peter Saul / X
Lisa Mills /  / DI Mark Chesters /  / Phil Owen / 
Rob Ratcliffe / X / Linda Butler / X / Brenda Bishop / 
BredaCrowley / X / Roz Harrison /  / Louise Bayliss-Chapman / X
Jenny Gibbs /  / Dr Lawrence Dixon /  / Mandy Jones / 
Gerwyn Matthews /  / Chris Elmitt /  / Emma Brett / 
Kathy Weigh /  / Barbara Norris / X / Sue Robins / 
Fred Czulowski / X / Geoff Moore / X / Tricia Jones / 
Angela Roberts / X / Chris Pearson / X / Richard Stanwood-Jones / 


Agenda Item and Details / Actions/Who
1.Minutes and matters arising not on the agenda
Minutes of the meeting held on 24thJune 2008 were accepted for content and accuracy.
  • Leaflets–Jenny Gibbs circulated printed copies of four leaflets to demonstrate what the finished leaflets will look like. Minor errors in proofs will be changed. Jenny thanked agency colleagues who provided numbers. It is estimated these may last about 5 years. Jenny has been quoted £2,540. The original budget was £2,000. Hywyn Williams added £500 towards the cost of the Code of Conduct leaflet. Jenny will check if contact telephone numbers will follow staff who are relocating offices. The leaflets may possibly be ready next month. Remaining agencies still need to supply requirements to Jenny. There was concern about the wording on page 2 of the children’s leaflet. It was agreed to leave out the word confidential, so it reads, “only the people who need to know will be told.”
  • All Wales Child Protection Procedures 2008– Still copies in stock. Send letter to CSSIW to remind groups to get copies.
  • Designated Child Protection Leads–All agencies are to email relevant names to Richard Stanwood-Jones.Many have done so. A reminder is to be circulated for remaining agencies to supply names before a possible workshop is arranged for CP leads.
  • Safeguarding Children in a Digital World – Gerwyn Matthews advised that there is so little information available on what is happening currently in schools and with young people, there is nothing to report on. A “Know It All” CDROM has been sent by Childnet to all school in England. Gerwyn Matthews understands that the WAG will be issuing guidance at some time. Some guidance has been sent to schools by Wrexham IT and also guidance for parents on safe internet use. NSPCC research flagged concern regarding the internet. Roz Harrison was involved with an NSPCC campaign and thinks it is very important their task & finish group follows through its recommendations. The Learning & Achievement SCoG is to be asked to provide information on this. Jenny Gibbs advised that Internet Abuse training has been available through Wrexham LSCB but doesn’t think it can be maintained annually because of capacity issues for North Wales Police.
  • Children Educated Other Than At School: Implications of Khyra Ishaq Case – Marie Lebacq raised this issue in the Framework Partnership meeting. Sue Willis, Nurse Director, Wrexham LHB is going to liaise with Dr Peter Saul. Marie Lebacq will report back on this.
  • LSCB Business Plan – Jill McBrearty-Gilliam is sick and unable to provide feedback to this meeting.
  • Promotion, Awareness Raising & Participation Group – Jenny Gibbs stated this needs to be separate from the existing Training Sub-Group and requires participation from a larger body of people. Jenny believes the two groups can be linked, but with slightly different personnel on each. The 4 or 5 people on the leaflets task & finish group have agreed to do this.
  • Policies and Procedures Group –Breda Crowley, Louise Bayliss-Chapman and Joy Dyment have already joined the Group. Francine Salem, the new Head of Safeguarding could chair it. Marie Lebacq said that the Group needs additional representation from partner agencies.
  • Governance Group – Kathy Weigh, Jill McBrearty-Gilliam and Barbara Norris are on this Group and Breda Crowley is to link in regarding Audit Sub-group tasks.
  • Turning the Curve Workshop – 31 applications have been received so far. There is no representative from Adult Services. Marie Lebacq will approach them and others.
  • LSCB Annual Conference – This is looking to be heavily oversubscribed with 80 applications already. Places will be confirmed next week.
  • Safe Parenting Handbook – Jenny Gibbs has received an offer to look for a sponsor for us to help with costs. Roz Harrison said that she is not convinced that those with most need will benefit from this publication. Members agreed there is no support for this initiative and it will not be taken forward.
  • “Butterflies, Right to be Safe” – These programmes that have been pioneered by NSPCC across Walesare available from Chris Elmitt.
  • Sexual Violence Conference 7th October, 2008 – Chris Elmitt advised that invitations have gone out.
  • NSPCC Toolkit– Brenda Bishop said she was happy to bring this to a future meeting. It will be added to the Agenda for the next meeting.
/ JG to check telephone numbers.
JG to amend.
RSJ to send letter.
RSJ to circulate email reminder.
ML to contact L&A SCoG for information.
ML to report back.
ML to make approach.
BB to present on 21st October 2008.
2.Independent Safeguarding Authority – Vetting and Barring
Feedback on Consultation with Governing Bodies in Schools
  • WAG Briefing Document has been circulated to members.
  • Feedback was provided by Sue Robins, HR Manager, WCBC.
  • Scheme expected to be introduced from October 2009.
  • Possibly phasing in over five years.
  • Hywyn Williams, Chief Learning & Achievement Officer, deemed to be the appropriate local authority officer.
  • It will be an offence not to carry out a check.
  • Under the Act, an individual must personally register and be a member of the scheme.Non-governors not to be included, if one-off.
  • Convictions will be notified to the ISA. Soft intelligence will also be made available by the police.
  • One lifetime registration and CRB check will be portable across roles.
  • Designated people could check registration number online to confirm.
  • WCBC response to draft legislation sent ahead of deadline.
  • The Council has adopted a new safe Recruitment Policy.
  • It needs to be checked to what extent this new legislation can be applied.
  • Further guidance and advice is awaited. A report will then be presented to WCBC.
  • The scheme will be free for volunteers. It is to be determined who will incur costs.
  • A fee of £64 (part is for CRB check) is going to be highlighted as budget and resource pressure.
  • Further information may be obtained from Sue Robins, HR Manager, Learning & Achievement Department, WCBC on 01978 297474.

3.CYP Workforce Development
  • Feedback was provided by Sue Robins, HR Manager, WCBC.
  • A Single Children’s Plan is out for consultation.
  • Task & finish group in Learning & Achievement Department.
  • Social Care Workforce Plan amended to reflect education perspective.
  • Dave Palmer, HR Manager agreed on Workforce Partnership Group to get some feedback to be able to determine whether workshops are a good idea.
  • Web link to be sent to LSCB Administrator for circulation to members to access ‘Shared Planning for Better Outcomes - Planning Guidance and Regulations for Local Authorities and their Partners onChildren and Young People‘s Plans.’
  • Further information may be obtained from Sue Robins, HR Manager, Learning & Achievement Department, Children & Young People Service on 01978 297474.
/ SR to email web link / RSJ to circulate.
4.Task and Finish Groups and Business Plan
  • Discussion of this item was deferred because Jill McBrearty-Gilliam was unable to attend.

5.YP Housing/Accommodation
  • No headlines to report.
  • A report on progress should be available for the next meeting.
  • Discussion of this item was deferred.

6.All Wales CSE Protocol
  • The draft Protocol concern children at risk of sexual exploitation. A copy has been circulated to members.
  • The Chair advised that there isn’t evidence of huge numbers at risk of sexual exploitation in Wrexham.
  • Jenny Gibbs and DI Mark Chesters were aware of only one or perhaps two cases in Wrexham.
  • Barnardo’s is running a workshop on 26th November 2008 in St. Asaph. Gerwyn Matthews and team members attending.
/ GM to give feedback.
7.LSCB Self Assessment and Improvement Tool (SAIT)

The August event concerning piloting for LSCBs went well. Positive feedback was received from the WAG facilitator.

  • The feedback will be circulated with tracked changes removed.
  • There is to be a briefing meeting to hear feedback from the participating LSCB's regarding the usefulness of the tool. The Chair will circulate details and ask members to respond if they are interested in attending.
  • Feedback will be given to the LSCB following the briefing.
/ RSJ to circulate.
ML to arrange.
ML to feedback.
8.Team Around The Child (TAC): Update Report
  • An update report has been circulated to members.
  • Feedback at the end of piloting was provided by Tricia Jones, TAC Co-ordinator.
  • Trying to introduce TAC to broad range of agencies.
  • Simple yet complex model.
  • Different agencies work differently – some not able to lead but could become involved – different levels of involvement likely.
  • Awareness raising and multi-agency skill building events have been good.
  • Linked in to a number of new initiatives in Wrexham.
  • Some problems as to how TAC can be incorporated into secondary schools.
  • An updated eligibility framework is coming out.
  • Age range extended up to 25 years. Whilst not unexpected, there is concern as to how this will work in practice.
  • New website set up which can be accessed through old site.
  • Proposing to roll out training to South and then Central Wrexham, and proactively visit agencies to offer support.
  • Hoping to take proposal to WCBC Executive Board on 30th September 2008.
  • Tricia Jones relocating to Salvation Army, Garden Road, Rhosddu on 12th September 2008. New landline telephone number will be circulated.
  • Tricia Jones said people more aware and recognising signs.
  • TAC encourages people to think outside the box. Roz Harrison acknowledged that families are more willing to open up and share worries.
  • The Chair advised there has been a significant increase in referrals received by the Child & Family Assessment Team. This may be because of increased awareness in the community now. There is a need to make sure of training regarding eligibility levels.
  • Further information may be obtained from Tricia Jones, TAC Co-ordinator, Prevention & Inclusion Department, Children & Young People Service on 01978 340750.

9.Community Strategy
  • A final draft document has been circulated to members.
  • The Chair asked members if they would like the LSCB to provide a response.
  • It was agreed that individual agencies only should respond.

10.Verbal report of numbers on Child Protection Register
  • Marie Lebacq reported that there were 109 children’s names on the Register at 31st August 2008.Well over 100 of these are Wrexham children:
  • 46 registered under the category of neglect.
  • 27 registered under the category of emotional abuse.
  • 22 registered under the category of physical abuse.
  • 11 registered under the category of sexual abuse.
  • 3 registered under the category of neglect & physical abuse.
  • There is almost an even split in terms of gender.
  • These include 35 babies, the most vulnerable group.
  • The next highest group is aged 5-9 years.
  • More referrals are being received now and more Section 47 investigations being undertaken. DI Mark Chesters added that there is more third party reporting now.
  • Children are not being de-registered at the first review conference, unless there have been significant changes.
  • There are now up to six child protection case conferences held each week in Wrexham.
  • Police cover increasing workload in Flintshire and Wrexham, including strategy meetings, investigations and conferences.
  • There is a need to provide resources to support needs, and struggle to keep to timescales and performance indicators.
  • The Chair agreed to present a verbal report on numbers on the Register as a standing item.
  • The Chair will ask Francine Salem to undertake a piece of research on this.
/ ML / RSJ to add to forward plan.
ML to ask FS to do research.
11.Verbal report back from Framework Partnership
  • Each SCoG provides feedback to the Partnership meeting.
  • Feedback from August meeting provided by Marie Lebacq.
  • CYP Plan will be signed off by the end of September. There are proposals for school base counselling and integrated speech and learning.
  • Suicide Strategy – Any developments are to be reported back.
/ LM to report to LSCB.
12.Feedback from Audit Sub-Group
  • Refer to the Headline Report.
  • The next Case of Special Interest will be held on 18th September 2008 and Gerwyn Matthews will chair on behalf of the Audit Sub-Group. Marie Lebacq stated that this is good and positive aspect of the work done by the LSCB.

13.Feedback from Training Sub-Group
  • Jenny Gibbs advised that the training programme has been busy. Some courses have been oversubscribed. The managers’ training went well.
  • Achieving Best Evidence training needs to continue but there are funding issues affecting new people waiting for this training as well as concern about refresher training. DI Mark Chesters is pursuing this. He advised that North Wales Police have devised a form to pilot in Flintshire for note taking.
/ MC to report back to LSCB.
14.Upcoming Events
  • Wrexham LSCB Annual Conference 29th September 2008.
  • Turning the Curve Workshop 22nd October 2008.

  • Assessment Tools – There is a need to look at what people are using and seek comments and contributions regarding assessing risk, neglect and Graded Care Profile, for example. Gerwyn Matthews is still using the neglect monitoring tool which he includes in training. Lisa Mills stated that this tool has been superseded in Health. CAFCASS were said to have introduced a robust assessment tool. The Training Sub-Group was asked to look at tools available.
  • Employment of School Children – Gerwyn Matthews advised that local bye laws were not adopted properly, but changes were ratified last week. Child employment and performance licences are reported to be easier to control now. The area in which they are employed determines which local authority is responsible. Gerwyn Matthews will add information to the WCBC website. A link can be requested to the LSCB website.
  • Consultation on Stronger Families – Supporting through a new approach to Integrated Family Support Services (IFSS)– The closing date for this consultation is 3rd October 2008. WCBC will put together a response. Any comments to be included are required by the end of next week. Three years funding is proposed for pilot projects involving multi-disciplinary teams to work with families. A consultative workshop is to be held at GlyndwrUniversity on 11th November 2008.
  • Wrexham LHB representation – Anne Eccles, NPHS now attends the LSCB Executive and will no longer be attending this Group. Angela Roberts, Joint Service Development Manager, Wrexham LHB is joining this Group as their representative.
  • Minutes – Members were asked to be mindful that minutes are available to the public.
  • NSPCC Toolkit – An electronic version is to be circulated to members.
/ JG to follow up.
GM to update site.
JG to request link.
16.Date and time of next meeting
  • Tuesday, 21st October 2008 at 2.00pm in Committee Room 2, The Guildhall, Wrexham.