Power Point or Prezi Book Presentations
4th Grade Book Presentation /2nd Quarter
This quarter, 4th graders will use PowerPoint or Prezi to create their book presentations. Using one of these applications, students will discuss various elements of their Mystery and will rate/ recommend their book selection. Students will be given a PowerPoint/Prezi demonstration in class, and will review an example of a Book Presentation slide show so they will know what they are expected to produce in their own work. In addition, students will be shown how to save their work to a storage device, which will be required for this project.
Primary Learning Outcomes:
- Identify the main and secondary characters of the book
- Identify the setting of the book
- Summarize the story with sequential events
- Identify the bibliographical information of this book (title, author, publisher, place of publication, and copyright)
- Create and present an electronic presentation
Begin usingelectronic presentation planning sheets to design layout of presentation.
The following should be included:
- Slide One: Title Page
- Slide Two: Book Profile Slide (Bibliographical Information)
- Slide Three: Main Characters
- Slide Four: Secondary Characters
- Slide Five: Setting
- Slide Six: Book Summary
- Slide Seven: Rate the Book
Do you recommend? Why or why not?
- Slides Eight-Twelve: Five questions, author info and anything else you would like to include about the book.
Create your PowerPoint/Prezi presentation using provided planning sheets and rubric as a guide. Save your work to a portable storage device (flash drive).
Presentations will be made in class using a computer and LCD projector. Be sure to bring the device that your work is saved on!
Slide One- Title Page / Slide Two- Book Profile / Slide Three-Main CharactersSlide Four-Secondary Characters / Slide Five- Setting / Slide Six- Book Summary
Slide Seven- Book Review / Slide Eight- Extra / Slide Nine- Extra
Slide Ten- Extra / Slide Eleven- Extra / Slide Twelve- Extra
Name: ______Date: ______
Title: ______
Author: ______
Electronic Book Report Rubric
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Title / Title slide is present and contains book title, author, and presenter’s name. / Title slide is present, but missing one piece of required information. / Title slide is present, but is missing most of the required information. / Title slide is present, but contains none of the required information.
Setting / Setting is described with great detail using descriptive language. / Setting is described with some detail using some descriptive language. / Setting is mentioned, but there is minimal detail. / Setting contains little or no information.
Characters / Characters are described in great detail, including physical attributes and personality traits. / Characters are described in some detail, including physical attributes and personality traits. / Character descriptions are incomplete or inadequate. / Little or no information about the characters is given.
Summary / Major events are descriptively discussed and includes the problem/conflict and resolution. / The plot summary is adequate and includes the problem/conflict and resolution. / The plot summary is incomplete and does not mention the problem/conflict and resolution. / The plot summary is inadequate.
Opinion and Recommendation / A strong personal opinion and a detailed recommendation are given. / An opinion and a recommendation are given. / Either the opinion or the recommendation is missing. / Neither an opinion nor a recommendation is given.
Author Information / Biographical information about the author includes five or more facts. / Biographical information about the author includes three or four facts. / Biographical information about the author includes one or two facts. / No author information is given or information is inaccurate.
Questions for Author, Characters, and/or Audience / Five quality-thinking questions are given. / Four quality-thinking questions are given. / Three quality-thinking questions are given. / Questions are missing, incomplete or require a yes/no response.
Eye Contact / Eye contact is established and maintained with the audience. / Eye contact is established and maintained most of the time. / Eye contact is established, but rarely maintained. / There is no eye contact during the presentation.
Speaking Voice / The student speaks confidently in a loud, clear voice. / The student speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time. / The student speaks clearly and distinctly some of the time. / The student often mumbles and cannot be understood.