Statutory guidance
Key stage 2: assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA)
The following guidance is taken from the website, and is meant to be a useful reference tool. Please see the website to check for updated information, at
Changes for 2014 to 2015 academic year
Statutory guidance now only onlinePage 4
How test results will be used in performance tablesPage 4
Science sampling testsPage 4
Optional tests for years 3, 4 and 5 are no longer availablePage 4
Getting helpPage 4
The ‘Assessment and reporting arrangements’Page 5
Legal status of the ARAPage 5
How the ARA applies to different types of schoolsPage 5
ResponsibilitiesPage 7
'Parent' - a definitionPage 9
Dates and deadlines for 2014 to 2015
2014Page 9
2015Page 10
National curriculum test timetablePage 11
The national curriculum tests
Overview of the key stage 2 testsPage 11
Schools that should administer the testsPage 12
Pupils that should take the testsPage 12
Registering pupilsPage 13
When to administer the testsPage 13
How to administer the testsPage 13
Monitoring the testsPage 14
MaladministrationPage 14
Access arrangementsPage 15
Materials for the testsPage 15
Test resultsPage 16
Teacher assessment
SummaryPage 17
What teachers must assessPage 18
Pupils working below level 1 of the national curriculumPage 19
Pupils who move schoolsPage 19
Calculating overall TAPage 19
Moderating end of KS2 writing TAPage 19
Submitting TA dataPage 21
MaladministrationPage 21
Reporting to parents
What reports must coverPage 22
Religious educationPage 22
Pupils with special educational needsPage 22
Pupils who change schoolsPage 22
Pupils who are registered at more than 1 schoolPage 22
Keeping and maintaining records
SummaryPage 23
Disclosure of educational recordsPage 23
Transferring records to a pupil’s new schoolPage 24
Changes for the 2014 to 2015 academic year
1. Statutory guidance now only online
2. How test results will be used in performance tables
3. Science sampling tests
4. Optional tests for years 3, 4 and 5 are no longer available
5. Getting help1. Statutory guidance now only online
The Standards and Testing Agency is no longer producing printed copies of the ‘Assessment and reporting arrangements’ or ‘Test administrators’ guide’. This information is now only available on GOV.UK.
2. How test results will be used in performance tables
Until now, the Department for Education (DfE) counted results from more than 1 year in the performance tables. (For example, a pupil’s results were counted if they took English reading early and then mathematics the following year.)
From 2016, the DfE will not count results from previous years’ tests in performance tables. This means that pupils should only take the tests in 2015 if they have completed both the English and mathematics programmes of study.
3. Science sampling tests
The science sampling tests won’t take place in 2015 as they happen every other year. The tests will recommence in 2016.
4. Optional tests for years 3, 4 and 5 are no longer available
The new national curriculum is being introduced this year. Optional tests will not be integrated with the new curriculum and have been discontinued.
5. Getting help
Standards and Testing Agency
53-55 Butts Road
Earlsdon Park
National curriculum assessments helpline 0300 303 3013
For guidance on ordering modified test materials
STA modified test helpline 0300 303 3019
DfE enquiries
Central newsdesk 020 7783 8300
General enquiries 0370 000 2288
For reporting concerns about the national curriculum assessments
National curriculum assessments helpline 0300 303 3013
1. The ‘Assessment and reporting arrangements’
2. Legal status of the ARA
3. How the ARA applies to different types of schools
4. Responsibilities
5. 'Parent' - a definition
1. The ‘Assessment and reporting arrangements’
The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) and the Department for Education have updated the ‘Assessment and reporting arrangements’ (ARA) for the 2014 to 2015 academic year. If you are responsible for assessing and reporting key stage 2 (KS2) you need to refer to this document. Please make sure you have read the Changes section.
The ARA explains the statutory requirements for KS2 national curriculum assessment and reporting. It includes links to further guidance.
If schools have any regulatory concerns that have not been fully addressed by STA in line with the published procedures, these can be raised with the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation.
All information is correct at the time of publishing.
2. Legal status of the ARA
This statutory guidance contains provisions made pursuant to Article 11 of The Education (National Curriculum) (Key Stage 2 Assessment Arrangements) (England) Order 2003, SI 2003/1038 (as amended). This Order is made under section 87(3) of the Education Act 2002.
This statutory guidance gives full effect to, or otherwise supplements, the provisions made in the Order. As such it has effect as if made by the Order. You can view the original Order on the government’s legislation archive.
The ARA also contains guidance and information that does not form part of the law.
3. How the ARA applies to different types of schools
3.1 Maintained schools
The ARA applies to maintained schools, including maintained special schools, with pupils in KS2. There are different arrangements for maintained hospital schools.
Maintained schools have a statutory duty to ensure that provision is made to meet the special educational needs of their pupils. The access arrangements guidance gives detailed information about the adjustments available for the KS2 tests and how to apply.
3.2 Academies and free schools in England
All references to academies include free schools, as in law they are academies. The following information also applies to alternative provision (AP) academies.
Your funding agreement may say that you will follow guidance issued by the Secretary of State in relation to assessments and teacher assessments of pupils’ performance. If so, you must comply with the ARA. KS2 arrangements are only applicable if you provide education to pupils at this stage of learning.
Academies are not required to follow the national curriculum. You need to teach a broad and balanced curriculum which, as a term of your funding agreement, includes English, mathematics and science. (For AP academies, this only includes English and mathematics.)
Your funding agreement means that you must comply with statutory assessments on the same basis as maintained schools.
You must make provision to meet the special educational needs of your pupils, according to the requirements set out in your funding agreement. The access arrangements guidance gives detailed information about the adjustments available for the KS2 tests and how to apply.
Your academy trust must make sure you have complied with the moderation, monitoring and data submission requirements in this publication. All references to academies include free schools, as in law they are academies.
3.3 Independent schools in England (not including academies)
Independent schools in England may take part in the assessment and reporting arrangements for 1 or more subjects at the end of KS2, although they are not required to do so. Your results will not be reported in the performance tables.
Participating independent schools must follow the arrangements in this ARA.
3.4 Pupil referral units and maintained hospital schools
Pupils who are on a maintained school or academy’s register but who are studying at a pupil referral unit (PRU) or hospital school are required to take the KS2 tests.
It is the responsibility of maintained schools and academies to register the pupils for the KS2 tests and report their results.
Children not on the register of a maintained school or academy that attend a PRU or hospital school are not required to take the tests. They are expected to receive a comparable education to a pupil in a mainstream school. Therefore it is recommended that KS2 assessments form part of their educational provision where appropriate.
3.5 Overseas schools
Service Children’s Education schools take part in the national curriculum assessment and reporting arrangements in line with the arrangements for administration in England.
Other overseas schools can’t formally participate in the KS2 assessment and reporting arrangements. They will be able to download the 2015 test materials once the test administration window has closed.
3.6 Non-maintained special schools
Non-maintained special schools may take part in the assessment and reporting arrangements at the end of KS2, although they are not required to do so. If you choose to participate you should follow the arrangements in this ARA.
3.7 Home-educated pupils
Pupils who are educated at home can only take the tests if they are registered with a maintained school, academy or other independent school that is participating in the tests.
4. Responsibilities
4.1 Headteachers
All headteachers at participating schools have a duty to ensure that:
- the requirements in the ARA are implemented in their school
- teachers and other staff comply with the assessment and reporting arrangements
- the deadlines in the ARA are met
- pupils who have reached the end of KS2 are identified
These requirements are summarised below. Please refer to the relevant sections of the ARA for further detail.
KS2 tests
All headteachers must:
- keep the test materials secure and treat them as confidential before, during and after the test period
- be able to give an accurate account of everyone with access to test materials before, during and after the test period
- ensure that their test administrators are appropriately trained, and that they administer the tests according to the published procedures
- carry out all tests according to the published timetable, unless STA has approved a timetable variation
- complete and submit the headteacher’s declaration form on the NCA tools website after all test scripts have been collected for marking
- co-operate with any monitoring visit requests, including visits by STA or local authority (LA) representatives
Headteachers of maintained schools, independent schools and academies must also note specific, additional responsibilities below.
Headteachers at maintained schools and academies must also:
- consider whether any pupils will need modified versions of the tests and place a test order by Friday 28 November
- ensure all pupils are registered for the levels 3-5 tests on the ‘Pupil registration’ section of NCA tools by Friday 20 March
- consider whether pupils may be working above level 5 for possible participation in a level 6 test
- register any pupils who they wish to take the level 6 tests on the ‘Pupil registration’ section of NCA tools by Friday 20 March
- register pupils for the levels 3-5 tests if they arrive at the school after Friday 20 March
You must also ensure any pupils who are registered at your school but are attending a PRU or hospital school are registered for the tests.
Pupils who are not registered for the level 6 tests by Friday 20 March will not be able to formally take part in those tests.
Independent school headteachers must also:
- issue a privacy notice to the parents of any pupil participating in 1 or more of the tests and receive approval before placing a test order
- place orders for standard and modified levels 3-5 tests on the ‘Test orders’ section of NCA tools by Friday 28 November
- register all eligible pupils for the levels 3-5 tests, and any pupils who will be participating in the level 6 tests, by Friday 20 March
- ensure the tests are only administered to pupils that have been registered
If you miss the test orders or pupil registration deadlines your school will not be allowed to participate.
Teacher assessment
All headteachers must:
- submit data to STA which gives overall levels and individual levels for each attainment target in the core subjects of English, mathematics and science for all pupils at the end of KS2 by Friday 26 June
- comply with the guidance on the external moderation of English writing TA, including visits by LA or STA representatives
- ensure their school has an appropriate system to record and submit data to STA by the deadline date
- ensure the data reflects any changes made as a result of LA moderation
LAs should notify STA if submitted data differs from the moderated data. This will be investigated as possible maladministration.
Headteachers at participating independent schools must make sure they submit data to STA for the tests their pupils took part in.
Reporting to parents
Headteachers at maintained schools, including maintained special schools, must provide parents with written reports on their child’s progress at least once in each school year. They must give parents an opportunity to discuss the report. This is noted in the Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005, SI 2005/1437.
The term ‘parent’ is used here as defined in section 576 of the Education Act 1996 as:
- parents of a pupil
- any person who is not a parent of a pupil but who has parental responsibility for the pupil
- any person who has care of the pupil
Keeping and maintaining records
Headteachers at maintained schools, including maintained special schools, must ensure the statutory requirements for the transfer of records between schools are fulfilled, including the completion of the common transfer file. This is noted in the Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005, SI 2005/1437.
4.2 Teachers of pupils in KS2
Teachers must comply with the provisions of this ARA when carrying out assessment and reporting functions.
4.3 Governing bodies
Governing bodies of maintained schools must carry out their functions so that the requirements in the ARA are implemented in their school.
If the headteacher is temporarily or permanently absent, the governing body must ensure a nominated representative carries out the headteacher’s duties specified above.
4.4 Academy trusts
An academy’s funding agreement will usually require the academy trust (the body that runs the academy) to comply with any guidance to ensure that pupils take part in assessments and in teacher assessments of pupils’ performance as they apply to maintained schools. This ARA is that guidance.
4.5 Local authorities
LAs must make sure their maintained schools understand and complete their statutory assessment and reporting arrangements correctly.
LAs must also ensure any academies which have asked to be part of their assessment arrangements are included in their monitoring and moderation activity.
LAs will:
- offer training and advice on all aspects of assessment at KS2
- view their schools’ applications for early opening of the tests or additional time
- make unannounced KS2 monitoring visits to at least 10% of their schools before, during and after the test period
- inform STA of any irregularities in the test administration process or within any school’s submitted TA data and discuss steps to take
- moderate English writing TA in a sample of schools
- ensure schools meet the requirements for transferring records between schools, including the completion of the common transfer file as noted in the Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005, where this has been agreed between a governing body and authority
If a school submits TA levels which are different from the agreed LA moderated data, the LA will notify STA and investigate this as possible maladministration.
5. ‘Parent’ - a definition
The term ‘parent’ is used here as defined in section 576 of the Education Act 1996 as:
parents of a pupil
- any person who is not a parent of a pupil but who has parental responsibility for the pupil
- any person who has care of a pupil
Dates and deadlines for 2014 to 2015
These dates may be subject to change.
1. 2014
2. 2015
3. National curriculum test timetable
1. 2014
Date / ActivityAutumn term / Local authorities (LAs) submit their completed moderation plan to the Standards and Testing Agency (STA).
Monday 29 September / ‘Test orders’ section of NCA tools opens for schools to order standard and modified versions of the levels 3-5 national curriculum tests.
Friday 28 November / Deadline for schools to order standard and modified versions of the national curriculum tests. If you wish to place an order for modified national curriculum tests or change an existing modified test order after this date you should contact STA’s modified test helpline on 0300 303 3019.
Friday 28 November / Deadline for independent schools to order test materials and issue privacy notices.
2. 2015
Date / ActivityFebruary / Schools that have ordered modified versions of the national curriculum tests will be contacted by STA’s modified test helpline to confirm their order.
Monday 2 February / ‘Access arrangements’ section of NCA tools opens for applications for additional time, early opening and compensatory marks.
Monday 23 February / ‘Pupil registration’ section of NCA tools opens.
March / ‘Test administration guidance’ refreshed for the 2015 administration period.
Monday 2 March / Deadline for schools to submit applications for early opening and compensatory marks.
Friday 20 March / Deadline for schools to complete pupil registration for all levels 3-5 and level 6 national curriculum tests.
Final week of spring term / Schools notified of inclusion in LA teacher assessment moderation visits.
Monday 13 April / Deadline for schools to submit applications for additional time.
Monday 13 April / All schools that have applied for early opening will have been notified of the outcome of their application via NCA tools.
W/c 27 April / Schools receive their national curriculum test materials (standard and modified versions) and stationery items.
Summer term / LA teacher assessment moderation visits take place.
Monday 11 May - Thursday 14 May / National curriculum test week (levels 3-5 and level 6 tests).
Friday 15 May / ‘Access arrangements’ section of NCA tools opens for applications for special consideration.
Friday 22 May / Deadline for schools to submit the headteacher’s declaration form.
Friday 22 May / Deadline for schools to submit special consideration applications.
Tuesday 26 May / Mark schemes available to download from NCA tools.
Monday 1 June / ‘Teacher assessment’ section of NCA tools opens.
Friday 26 June / Deadline to submit teacher assessment data.
Friday 26 June / Schools that have applied for special consideration will have been notified of the outcome of their application via NCA tools.
Tuesday 7 July / Pupil results and marked script images available on NCA tools. Level thresholds available on GOV.UK
Friday 17 July / Deadline for schools to submit review applications.
Friday 4 September / Review outcomes returned to schools.
3. National curriculum test timetable