ChangLiu, MSW
College of Social Work, the Ohio State University
1947 College Rd., 325 Stillman Hall, Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-620-0721
Ph.D. / College of Social WorkThe Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio
Anticipated graduation: May 2017
Dissertation Title:
Examining the Effectiveness of Solution-FocusedArt Therapy for Sleep Problems of Children with Traumatic Experiences
Dissertation Committee
Mo Yee Lee, Ph.D. (chair)
Gilbert Greene, Ph.D.
Joseph Guada, Ph.D. / 2012-present
M.S.W. / College of Social Work
The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio / 2010-2012
B.A. / School of Humanities and Social Science
Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing, China / 2006-2010
Strengths-based, integrative interventions in the area of children mental health, with a particular focus on post-traumatic stress and sleep problems.
Innovative Intervention Development, Research, and Implementation (e.g. Solution Focused Art Therapy)
Wellness and Mental health of Asian American population
Interdisciplinary research on mechanisms of change regarding behavior, and psychological treatments using brain imaging technology (e.g. fMRI)
Lifespan development
Human behavior and social environment
Social work research methods
Mental health and practice
Dissertation Study Support from Directions for Youth and Families ($800) / 20162015SolutionFocusedBriefTherapyAssociationResearchAward ($2,500)
Dissertation study / 2015
Okura MentalHealthScholarship for AsianandPacificIslanderSocialWorkers ($5,000)
A Study of the Sexuality and Awareness of Later Life Sexuality: Focus on East Asian older adults living in Midwest US. / 2015
2015-2016fellowofThe U.S.AlbertSchweitzerFellowship ($3,000)
Beautiful Life Wellness Group— Asian Women Support Program / 2015
Honorof“Outstandingdissertation”forundergraduatethesisBeijingInstitute ofTechnology
How Different Facial Features Influence the Recognition between Real and Pretended Emotions: By Using an Eye-Tracker / 2010
Liu, C.,Beauchemin, J., Wang, Xiafei, & Lee, M. Y. (Ready to be submitted by Nov.) A Systematic Review of Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit (I-BMS) Interventions for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Journal of Traumatic Stress
Lee, M. Y., Liu, C., Edwards, S. G., Scott, P., Fraser, J. S., Grove, D., … , & Greene, G. J. (Revised and Ready to be resubmitted by Nov.). Efficacy of Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) with African American and Caucasian American Children and Youth. Family Process.
Lee, M. Y., Wang, X., Liu, C., Raheim, S., & Tebb, S. (under review). A Systematic Review of Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit (I- BMS) Practices for Mental Health Conditions: Implications for Practice Guidelines. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.
Lee, M. Y., Hoffman, J., Zaharlick, A., Akers, D., Dougherty, C. V., Wang, X., & Liu, C. (under review). Meditation and Emotional Regulation of Female Trauma Survivors of Interpersonal Violence with Co-occurring Disorders. Violence Against Women.
Lee, M. Y, Wang, X, Cao, Y, Liu, C. (2016) Chapter 4: Creating a culturally competent research agenda. In Carten, A., Siskind, A., & Greene, M. P. (Eds.).Strategies for Deconstructing Racism in the Health and Human Services. Oxford University Press.
Lee, M. Y., Hsu, K. S., Liu, C., Greene, G. J., Grove, D., Grove, D., ... & Scott, P. (2015). Treatment Efficacy of Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) with and without Consultation: The Role of Model Training in the Sustainability of Evidence-Based Family Treatments. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research,43(4), 579-591.
Lee, M. Y., Greene, G. J., Hsu, K. S., Fraser, S., Teater, B., Solovey, A.,,…., & Liu, C. (2014). Research on Integrative Family and Systems Treatment. In Fraser, S., Grove, D., Lee, M. Y., Greene, G. J., & Solovey, A. Integrative Families and Systems Treatment (I-FAST): A strengths-based common factors approach (pp. 205-232). New York: Oxford University Press.
Liu, C. (In Progress) How Sleep and Sense of School Belonging Impact Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms within School Context-A Hierarchical Linear Model Study
Wang, Xiafei, Beauchemin, J., Liu, C.,& Lee, M. Y. (In progress). Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit (I-BMS) Practices for Schizophrenia: a systematic review of treatment outcomes in randomized trails.
Lee.M.Y.,Liu,C.(Feb.21,2014).IntegrativeFamilyand SystemsTreatment(I-FAST)EvaluationReport.Columbus,Ohio:Firelands Counseling/RecoveryServices.
Liu, C.,Beauchemin, J., Wang, Xiafei, & Lee, M. Y(2017, Jan). Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Use of Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit (I-BMS) Treatment for People with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 21th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Yates, N.,Liu, C., Lee, M. Y., & Wang, X.(2017, Jan). The Two Faces of Medications: A Qualitative Study on Recovery Processes of Clients with Severe DSM Diagnoses Who Were Able to Recover without Ongoing Reliance on Medications. Abstract accepted for paper presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 21th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Liu, C., & Lee, M. Y. (2016, Jan). Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Use of Integrative Body-mind- spirit (I-BMS) Treatment for People with Sleep Disorder/Problem. Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 20th Annual Conference. Washington, DC.
Lee, M. Y., Liu, C.,& Wang, X. (2015, Oct.). A Systematic Review of Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit (I-BMS) Practices: Implications for Social Work Education. Paper presentation at the Council on Social Work Education, 61st Annual Program Meeting. Denver, CO.
Wang, X., Liu, C., & Lee, M. Y. (2015, Jan). A Meta-Analysis of Mindfulness-and Meditation-Based Intervention for Substance Use Problems. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 19th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Liu, C., & Lee, M. Y. (2015 Jan.). Efficacy of Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) with at-Risk African American and Caucasian American Children and Adolescents.Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 19th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Liu, C. (2012, Apr.). How Parents plan for the Future of Their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A comparison between Asian Immigrants and Local American. Abstract accepted for Poster presentation at 12th Annual Multiple Perspectives Conference,Columbus, Ohio.
Liu, C. (2012, Apr.). How Parents plan for the Future of Their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A comparison between Asian Immigrants and Local American. Abstract accepted for Poster presentation at 24th National Symposium on Doctoral Research in Social Work,Columbus, Ohio.
Liu, C., Fish, T.(2011, Nov.). How Parents plan for the Future of Their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A comparison between Asian Immigrants and Local American. Abstract accepted for Poster presentation at Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) Conference, Columbus. Ohio.
GraduateResearchAssistant, the Ohio State University 2012-Present
Theempiricalevidencefortherangeofintegrativemind-body-spiritapproachesadoptedinsocialworkandhealthcarepractices 2014-present
PI: Mo Yee Lee(Sep.2014).FundedbyNADDDevelopmentFundinGraduate Social Work Education.
- Conductingsystematicreviewandmeta-analysisforrecentintegrativebody-mind-spiritresearcharticlesinmentalhealthfield;
Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST)Project-Evaluation Project 2012-2014
- Analyzed secondary data from agencies who adopted I-FAST for program evaluation purpose; wroteevaluation reportand manuscript.
Improving Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Health Outcomes: Integrative Familyand Systems Treatment (I-Fast) Integrated Episode of Care Model. 2014-present
PI: Mo Yee Lee(July 2014 – June 2017). Strong Families and Safe Community Grant, funded by Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) and Department of Developmental Disability (DODD), $865,095, with $130,732 for the evaluation.
- Assisted in the grant application; assisted in preparing the IRB documents, prepared study material for data collection; coordinatedwith the agency professionals regularly to monitor the study progress; managedthe collecteddata; assisted in the funding usage
Resilience: Factors and processes related to natural recovery of people who were given a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, or major depression 2013-present
PI: Mo Yee Lee (March. 2012). Funded by College of Social Work Seed Grant Program
- Managedonlinesurvey; assisted with the IRB continuous review; conductedstudy interviews;mentored Master students to help with the data entry and analysis; analyzedqualitativedata using ATLAS.ti; wrote manuscripts
Principal Investigator
A Study of the Sexuality and Awareness of Later Life Sexuality: Focus on East Asian Older Adults
Living in Midwest US. 2015-present
Awarded by Okura Mental Health Scholarship for Asian and Pacific Islander Social Workers
- Developed the proposal; prepared the IRB and study materials; recruited study participants and managed the data collection process; developedpath model and confirmatory factor analysis for data analysis; analyzed data
How Parents Plan for the Future of Their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder- a Comparison between Asian Immigrants and Local Americans 2011-present
- Conducted the study as the master thesis; developed the proposal and processed the IRB application; conducted data collection with parents of children with autism; analyzed the data
Instructor, College of Social Work, the Ohio State University 2015-present
LifespanDevelopment (Undergraduate Level) Fall 2016
- Taught 34 students online; gradedassignments, group discussions and exams; managed course website on Carmen.
Introduction to Social Welfare (Undergraduate Level) Spring 2015
- Taught 33 students online; gradedassignments, group discussions and exams; managed course website on Carmen.
LifespanDevelopment (Undergraduate Level) Fall 2015
- Taught 40 students online; gradedassignments, group discussions and exams; managed course website on Canvas.
Service Provider: Women’s Wellness Support GroupMay 2015 – May 2016
AsianAmericanCommunityServices, Columbus, OH.
- Provided information, linked resources for basic needs
- Designededucation sessions to increase knowledge and awareness of physical health and mental health
- Promoted social and cultural integration
- Advocate for Asian women population exposed to domestic violence or human trafficking
Social Work Intern Dec.2010-Jun. 2011
ProgramAssistantandCommunityOutreach(Part time job) Jun.2011-Jun. 2014
AsianAmericanCommunityServices, Columbus, OH.
- Casemanagement:ProvidedcounselingservicestoAsianfemaleclientswithfamilyandemotionalissuessuchasdomesticviolence,divorce,depression,and bipolardisorder,andhelpedthem applyfor social services.
- Programmanagement,AsianAmericanDevelopmentalDisabilitiesAwarenessProgram:recruitedclients,designedactivities,providedoutreach,linkedresources,facilitatedAsianparentweekly supportgroup.
Social Work Intern Sep. 2011- Jun. 2012
OSU Nisonger Center, Columbus, OH
- Providedtreatmenttofamilieswithchildrendiagnosedwith Autism Spectrumdisorder.
- Provided treatmentfor clientstogain independentlivingabilitiesthrough the TOPSprogram.
- ConnectedwithAsianparentsupportgroup,helpedwithbookclubforAutismpeople,andprovided counselingforAsianclientswithAsperger Syndrome.
- Researchrelatedwork:dataanalysis,paperpresentation, andresearch papers.
AssistantInternCounselor Aug.2009–Sep.2009
LiaoningBenxiCentralHospital,Benxi,Liaoningprovince, China
- Assistedcounselors: provided andfacilitatedpsychotherapysessionsfor bothchildrenandadult population focusing onbehaviorproblems,sleepingproblems,and pre-examanxiety as well as depression.
- Facilitatedarttherapyforchildrenandhypnotherapysessionsforadults.
SocialWorkIntern Mar. 2009 – Jul. 2009
BeijingCHANGWA CommunityServicesCenter,Beijing, China.
- Improved the quality ofthe residents’ lives by organizing activities andallocating resources to the community
- Assistedinthemanagementofdailyaffairs,organizedactivitiesinthecommunity
SocialWorkIntern Mar.2009–Jul.2009
- Helpedidentify, summarize andfind solutions to the mental health problems ofjunior highschool students; assisted in the psychological counseling ofstudents through written communication and face-to-face counseling
- Asthegroup therapyleader, stipulatedtheplans, prepared and organized thegroup activities
SocialWorkInternOct. 2008 – Jan. 2009
BeijingHuilingCommunityServicesforPeople withDevelopmentalDisabilities, BeijingChina
- Observedbehaviors andcomposedbehavioral reportsonthementallydisabled,presentedoralandwrittensummariesofqualitativeandquantitativefindingsresultingincommendationfrom the supervisorfordepth of analysisand unique perspective
- Organizedgroupactivitiesfortherehabilitationofmentallydisabledpeople andassistedthe supervisorsin developing plans.
SocialWorkInternJun. 2008
HongKongYouth Association, HongKong
- Organized rehabilitationforyouth with problems, andobservedthesocialworksystem in HK
Volunteer, the Directions for Youth and Families Jan, 2016 –Aug. 2016
Volunteer, the Asian American Developmental Disability Parent Support Group 2014-present
Editorial Assistant 2015-2016
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work
Solution Focused Brief Therapy Training 2015
Society of Social Work and Research (SSWR)
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
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