February 28, 2014

822 S. Mill St. Mt Carroll, Illinois 61053

Board of Health Members present:Dr. David Reese, Jane Law,Jill Iben, Jan Schmidecamp,Bart Ottens and Joseph Payette

Absent: Dr. William Tonne and Dr. Dan Woods

Others present: Craig Beintema (Administrator),Bill Gengenbach (Carroll County Review), Angie Field(Mirror Democrat) Sally Marken and Dawn Holland

Dr. Reesecalled the meeting to order at 5:30PM

The agenda was presented. After review Ibenmotioned to approve the agenda,Schmidecampsecond, passed unanimously.

Minutes from the December 5, 2013meeting were submitted. After reviewLawmotioned to approve the minutes as presented.Schmidecampsecond, passed unanimously.

Financial reports were submitted for the months of November2013, December 2013 and January 2014 (enclosed). After review, Ottens motioned to approve them as presented. Lawsecond, passed unanimously

Law stated that the Finance committee met before the Board of Health meeting to review the monthly bills. No update to report at this time.

Beintema reviewed the activity report with the board (enclosed). After reviewing the numbers on the activity report, the board discussed the decrease in numbers for the WIC program in the last year. It was stated that WIC numbers are down statewide and that part of that reason is because it is easier for clients to get/use snap benefits rather than WIC because with WIC you can only purchase approved items and families have to comply with a nutritional component of the program. With the snap program they do not. Dr. Reese asked Craig to please speak with other public health administrators and compose a letter to forward to our legislators expressing our concerns.

Iben asked if the Health Department has regulations for people within a municipality who do not have water because of frozen pipes. Beintema said that the health department would only be able to step I if it affected a food establishment /public place.

The Health Department started offering blood draws to the public at a reduced fee in December. Since that time the department has served 19 people with 47 test completed.

Beintema informed the board about a bill that is proposing to apply a $.01 per ounce tax to sweeten by sugar beverages. They are expected to collect 600 million dollars per year and that money is earmarked to go to help fund Medicaid and community organizations.

The Annual Report was submitted to the board for review. The board asked that the report make note of the other investigations under communicable disease surveillance, include information about the IPLAN and adjust the lines in the financial section. After discussion Ottens motioned to approve the Annual Report with the updates. Iben second, passed unanimously.

The Annual contract between Stephenson County Health Department and the Carroll County Health Department was presented. After review Schmidecamp motioned to have Dr. Reese Sign the contact on behalf of the Board of Health, Payette second, passed unanimously.

Meeting dates for FY 14 were presented. Law motioned to approve the dates. Ottenssecond, passed unanimously.

The date for the next meeting is scheduled for April 24, 2014

At 6:15Payette motioned to adjourn. Ottens second, passed unanimously

Minutes taken and submitted by Dawn Holland