Advocacy and Advice Review
Consultation Stage 2 Principles and Model
Cumbria County Council is reviewing advocacy and advice services.
What do we want to know?
- Why people use an advocate and advice worker
- If there are any groups that cannot access a service
- What works well and what needs to change
- If the Council needs to change the way advocacy and advice services are contracted.
We begun consultation in May 2011and heard from a number of groups of service users and community groups.
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What you have told us so far
- Advocacy services are good, but they do not work with everyone who needs them.
- People who do not qualify for care need advocacy.
- Some groups need better access to advocacy or advice services. This includes:
- People who are homeless
- Young disabled people and their carers or families
- Older people.
What else did you tell us?
- Specialist advocacy is needed for some groups and especially statutory advocacy – where it is the law.
- Advocates should be independent.
- Travel takes up a lot of cost and time.
We have come up with a list of principles for advocacy and advice services.A principle is a Rule or Standard – it says what we want from Advocacy or Advice.
Advocacy and advice should help people to get services early – before it is too late.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
Advocacy and advice should help different people at different times.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
Advocacy and advice should use workers who do not work for the Council.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
Advocacy and advice should reach the people who need help most.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
Advocacy and advice should offer some services for everyone and some services when the law states we have to.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
Advocacy and advice should help the Council to make things better for people.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
Advocacy and Advice should save money by travelling less and having more time to work with people.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
Tell us what you think about these principles:
Models for Advocacy Services
The Council will make a choice about how advocacy will be available to people.
Each choice is called an Option and we want your views on 3 Options.
Option 1: More working between the advocacy services we have got now
This would mean that advocacy services have to work together to help people.
It might mean that not all people get the help they need.
Tell us what you think about Option 1
Option 2: General Advocacy Service for everyone
This would mean that we change advocacy services and have one service that helps everyone.
It might mean that some people who need help most do not get a good service.
Tell us what you think about Option 2
Option 3: General and Specialist Services
This would mean that some advocacy is provided by a general advocacy service and some by specialist services.
Where the law tells the Council to fund an advocacy service we would fund that separately to the General Service.
Option 3 is what the Council most want to do. But we need your views.
Tell us what you think about Option 3
How can you tell us what you think?
If you would like to tell us what you think, you must do this by 30 September 2011.
You can:
Fill in the form
Fill in the form on our website cumbria.gov.uk
Email us at
Write to us at:
Joel Rasbash
Cumbria County Council
The Courts
Carlisle CA3 8NA
Consultation Ends:
1 November 2011
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Consultation Stage 2: Principles and Model Sept 2011