F&O Facility Risk Assessment
Name(s) of Risk Team Members:S. Bronson, M. Morris, K. White / Point Value →
Parameter ↓ / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Area/Facility Description Title:
Science Education Center
Area/Facility # (if applicable): / Occupancy or Use / once/year / once/month / once/week / once/shift / >once/shift
Area/Facility Description:
Building 438 / Severity / First Aid Only / Medical Treatment / Lost Time / Partial Disability / Death or Permanent Disability
Likelihood / Impossible / Unlikely / Possible / Probable / Multiple
Approved by: Ken White Date:9/20/06 06/13/08
Rev.#: 21
Reason for Revision (if applicable):
Period review / Comments:
/ Risk with Controls in Place / Risk with Additional Controls in Place /
Physical Item or Activity / Hazard(s) / Control(s) / Occupancy A / Severity B / Likelihood C / Risk* AxBxC / Control(s) Added to Reduce Risk / Occupancy A / Severity B / Likelihood C / Risk* AxBxC / % Risk Reduction /
Indoor Walking Surfaces / Slips, Trips, Falls / Lighting, building maintenance, Tier 1 inspections, general housekeeping / 4 / 2 / 3 / 24
Outdoor Walking Surfaces / Slips, Trips, Falls, Weather related hazards, No parking lot lighting / Building Maintenance, Tier 1 inspections, Application of sand and salt for ice or snow, delayed opening of BNL, wearing appropriate footwear. / 4 / 2 / 3 / 24
Entrances to the building -none of the doors have automatic door openers / Physically challenged person would not be able to enter or leave the building without assistance / Staff would need to assist a physically challenged person entering or exiting the building / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
None of the bathrooms have automatic door openers / Physically challenged person would not be able to enter or leave the bathroom without assistance / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
Presentations in the auditorium under low light conditionsAuditorium steps lights are broken / Trips or falls during presentations / Handrail and lighting on the floor and strairs of the auditorium / 3 / 24 / 3 / 1836
Further Description of Controls Added to Reduce Risk:
*Risk: / 0 to 20 / 21 to 40 / 41-60 / 61 to 80 / 81 or greater
Negligible / Acceptable / Moderate / Substantial / Intolerable
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C:\Documents and Settings\sbronson\Desktop\FRA_PA_438 track2.dochttp://dev.bnl.gov/pga/Docs/OSH/FRA/FRA_PA_438.doc Rev. 0, 5/7/04