Hartest and District Garden Club Annual Accounts to Oct2017

This financial statement is up until the 23rd October 2017. It includes all income and expenditure up until that date.

The balance at the bank and in cash shows an increase of £779.62over the year to date.

The balance of cash and bank stands £1478.91

To story of the year to date was that at July 17 there was a slightly better than break even situation but that with a poor attendance at September and October meetings combined with expenditure association with trophies for the show the overall year to date situation has shown a decrease of about £350. However the club received a £1000 donation in memory of Kathleen Morgan and Zillah Tebbitt leaving the club in a healthy situation. We will though have to provide for the renovation of the seat in the millennium wood.

Of other note is the fact that raffle income (£302) continues to underpin a lot of the clubs performance. We also donated or will donate a total of £320 to charity this year through the garden visits.

Both the trophy costs and the hire of the hall are slightly misleading as late travelling invoices have caused a distortion. Had they had been received earlier they could have been shown in the previous years accounts– this has had the effect of moving about £150 of cost from last year till this

Christmas dinner subsidy will decrease thiscoming year and with the trophy expenditure /renewals peaking over the past 2 years it is expected the clubs finance will show a small increase over the next 12 months continuing the club on a good financial footing

Summary of Movements 2016-17 to 16th July Year
31/10/16 / 16/07/2017
Bank balance / 429.31
Cash Balance / 269.98 / 699.29
Income / 3170.85
Expenditure / 2442.03 / 779.62
Bank balance / 1295.03
Cash balance / 183.88 / 1478.91
increase/(decrease) / £779.62

Detailed 2017 Receipts and Expenditure

2017 2017

income expenditure

Subs and memberships587.00


Speaker Costs 625.50

Institute 342.00

Potatoes –seeds –Net270.98

Christmas Dinner 305.10

RHS 35.00

Garden visits donations (£320)

Trophies 299.98

May plant Sale323.11

Projector /Admin/website

Annual show-judges net

Donations 1000.00

Website 38.80

Show 57.99

Total £2483.99 £1704.37 +£779.62

Alex Worrall FCCA

Oct 2017