
Introduction to the Enhanced Edward Jenner Leadership Programme

shaping the leadership landscape


In the NHS we need leaders who have the confidence and self belief to make changes both large and small in the pursuit of excellent patient care and safety. All NHS organisations face the challenge of helping our people become the best leaders they can be – and stepping up to deliver for communities, colleagues and the healthcare system.

Our emerging leaders need to have a range of leadership behaviours and skills at their fingertips and there is a strong commitment to invest in the development of our leadership potential.

Enhanced Edward Jenner Programme

We recognise that people are rarely born with all the skills and attributes needed to be natural inspirational leaders. So, this is where our support comes in. Working with trusted partners, NHS Leadership South West has developed a coherent programme to help shape the styles and skills of our next generation leaders.

The Edward Jenner Programme (EJP) offers 5 themed modules (Units). They comprise 21 individual sessions of approximately 40 minutes duration. In its original format the EJP is delivered via a combination e-learning and structured reflection. At NHS Leadership South West we wanted to extend the learner experience of the EJP to a more varied and hopefully more engaging (and creative) experience for our emergent leaders. To this end we have developed an enhanced version of the EJP programme to wrap around the generic on-line package. This is outlined on the diagram below:

The additional elements are designed to enhance the online component of the EJP and to cause participants to ground their leadership learning very much in the day to day realities of their own roles.

Features of the Enhanced Programme include:

Unit Zero - Participants will given a clear briefing on what to expect from the E-EJP (via an electronic 'Orientation Pack'). This will include an outline of the programme contents and some guided reflection - to enable participants to get a sense of their own learning aims and priorities for the programme. Participants will also receive a link to complete an online Myers Briggs Type Indicator (which will need to be completed ahead of their attendance on the first Skills Workshop).

Skills Workshops - Each unit will carry its own Skills Workshop to reinforce learning and hone vital skills and capabilities. Again, these will be facilitated group sessions that will offer an opportunity to exchange ideas, ask questions and practice relevant skills and techniques in a safe and supportive environment.

Telephone Coaching – To provide individual (one-to-one) support in getting the most from the learning, we will build in regular telephone coaching sessions throughout the programme - utilising the NHS Leadership South West coaches register. The role of the coaches will be to discuss how participants are progressing with their development goals and support them in overcoming any barriers and obstacles they encounter. This can be of great help in building the confidence needed to apply new leadership skills and techniques.

Unit 6 ‘Celebration Event’ – This will be a final (end of programme) session where participants will be asked to talk about their personal progress through the Enhanced EJP and their development as a leader. Line managers will be invited along to this event to offer feedback and observations based on their experiences of their team members’ development.


Participants will attend one Skills Workshop every 4-6 weeks. This should offer a clear focus and momentum to the development journey, whilst allowing space in between sessions for participants to apply their learning in the workplace.


The programme dates are shown below. Participants will need to sign up to one particular programme cohort (using the NHS Leadership South West Booking Form). It is not possible to 'mix and match' between dates on different cohorts.

It is expected that participants will attend all sessions they sign up for and NHS Leadership South West reserve the right to charge for non-attendance (£990.00). As a minimum requirement we would expect participants to attend the first and last Workshop in the cohort series, plus three of the remaining four Skills Workshops.

Cohort 1 - Lyngford House Taunton, TA2 8HD

Skills Workshop 1 - Tuesday 16th September 2014*

Skills Workshop 2 - Tuesday 4th November 2014

Skills Workshop 3 - Thursday 15th January 2015

Skills Workshop 4 - Friday 20th February 2015

Skills Workshop 5 - Tuesday 31st March 2015

Celebration Event - Wednesday 29th April 2015*

Cohort 2 - Gipsy Hill Hotel Exeter, EX1 3RN

Skills Workshop 1 - Thursday 30th October 2014*

Skills Workshop 2 - Wednesday 3rd December 2014

Skills Workshop 3 - Tuesday 3rd February 2015

Skills Workshop 4 - Tuesday 17th March 2015

Skills Workshop 5 - Wednesday 22nd April 2015

Celebration Event - Wednesday 27th May 2015*

Cohort 3 - to be confirmed

Skills Workshop 1 - Tuesday 9th December 2014*

Skills Workshop 2 - Wednesday 28th January 2015

Skills Workshop 3 - Thursday 5th March 2015

Skills Workshop 4 - Tuesday 14th April 2015

Skills Workshop 5 - Tuesday 26th May 2015

Celebration Event - Wednesday 1st July 2015*

Cohort 4 - Exeter Race Course, EX6 7XS

Skills Workshop 1 - Wednesday 18th March 2015*

Skills Workshop 2 - Tuesday April 28th 2015

Skills Workshop 3 - Thursday 28th May 2015

Skills Workshop 4 - Tuesday 30th June 2015

Skills Workshop 5 - Thursday 10th September

Celebration Event - Wednesday 14th October 2015*

*Mandatory attendance. In addition, participants are expected to attend at least 75% of the remaining workshops (2-5). Failure to attend will result in a cancellation charge of £990.00 being applied.

Note for Managers

The development of your staff on the Enhanced Edward Jenner Programme will be accelerated through increased self awareness, creative discussions with colleagues, one-to-one coaching and practical strategies to build leadership strengths and address areas for development.

As their Line Manager your involvement and support will be vital. Some of the things you can do to enable your people to get the most from the Enhanced EJP experience are:

Ask where they want to be

As they embark on the E-EJP, having a brief conversation with you about their personal development (and possibly career) goals will help to set the scene and build confidence at the start.

Build their personal/leadership awareness – Participants will complete a Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) at the start of the programme but if you have any feedback or anecdotal evidence about their style, approach and impact it can be helpful to share it with the individual - so they can get a sense of where they are starting from (and perhaps gain insights to where they can further enhance or adapt their approach).

Provide space to embrace challenge – The Enhanced EJP emphasises putting learning into practice and using leadership skills back in the organisation. If you can help individuals find creative opportunities to do this that will be a huge help.

Take an interest – Participants will receive one-to-one coaching as part of the programme, but your awareness and understanding of your particular part of the NHS and the way you do things will be invaluable in providing the support and direction they may need at times.

Model the way – Team members will inevitably look to you for cues and clues on how to behave and lead. Consider your impact and do what you can to ensure your approach is setting a positive example for your direct reports.

We will communicate with you at regular intervals throughout the programme and as you will have noticed your attendance on (and input to) the final module would much appreciated and we believe, of great value.

If you have any questions about the Enhanced EJP please contact:

Victoria Suter, Leadership Development Advisor, NHS Leadership South West

Tel: 01823 361145 email:

Damian Gregory, Director, NBA Solutions Business Psychology

Tel: 01823 336204 email

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