Week 3

Learning How you Learn

Making the Most of our Abilities


Graded by Instructor:


Name Date


Read the text coverage on multiple intelligences and fill in the following definitions:

1. Verbal-Linguistic:

2. Logical-Mathematical:

3. Bodily-Kinesthetic:

4. Visual-Spatial:

5. Interpersonal:

6. Intrapersonal:

7. Musical:

8. Naturalist:


Name Date



1. List five of your strengths.






2. Pick one of the strengths that you wrote down.

3. Build a three-dimensional structure that illustrates the strength that you picked (you can

only use the materials that you have in the bag).

4. Be prepared to share your three-dimensional model with the class.

Questions to Think About:

What is your strength?

Why do you think this is a strength of yours?

How did you go about constructing your model?




Because self-knowledge helps us make the best choices about our future, a self-portrait is an important step in your career exploration. Use this exercise to put everything together in one comprehensive picture. Design your portrait in “think link” style, using words and shapes to describe your intelligence, personality, abilities, career interests and other important aspects of who you are.

Below is one way you can begin to envision your think link. Another example

appears in the text with this Personal Portfolio exercise. There are many other ways you could

design it. Be creative! Design a think link that reflects, both in appearance as well as content, who you are.



Personality Spectrum



My name:


Interests and Hobbies


Career Interests



1. potentials

2. intelligence

3. typology

4. verbal-linguistic intelligence

5. logical-mathematical intelligence

6. bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

7. visual-spatial intelligence

8. interpersonal intelligence

9. intrapersonal intelligence

10. musical intelligence

11. naturalistic intelligence

12. Personality Spectrum analysis

A. A systematic classification of types

B. Ability to use the physical body skillfully

C. Ability to relate to others, noticing their moods, motivations, and feelings

D. Ability to identify, distinguish, categorize, and classify species or items

E. Abilities that may be developed

F. Ability to comprehend and create meaningful sound

G. Ability to communicate through language

H. A tool based on the Myers-Briggs temperaments

I. An ability to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture

J. Ability to understand spatial relationships and to perceive images

K. Ability to understand logical reasoning and problem solving

L. Ability to understand one’s own behavior and feelings


Multiple Choice

Circle or highlight the answer that seems to fit best.

1. No matter what age you are:

a. you cannot grow in certain academic areas.

b. you can still learn and grow academically with effort.

c. your IQ will remain fixed..

d. your opportunities will depend on your GPA.

2. Assessments to determine more about how you learn and respond to information are beneficial because they:

a. can increase your self-knowledge.

b. determine your fixed intelligence.

c. provide the right answers about what’s best for you.

d. provide teachers with the ability to adapt to your strongest intelligence.

3. Howard Gardner defines intelligence as an ability to:

a. manage one’s own emotions and understand the emotional reactions of others.

b. solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture. c. apply self-knowledge in new settings.

d. excel in verbal, logical and mathematical skills.

4. Self-knowledge can help you:

a. understand how you respond to circumstances.

b. make adjustments that will help you cope and grow.

c. only a

d. a and b.

5. The ability to sense the moods and feelings of others is a strength of which intelligence?

a. Intrapersonal

b. Interpersonal c. Giver

d. Organizer

6. In a group of students with various learning preferences, who of the following is using his or her strengths most effectively?

a. A logical-mathematical learner who leads group discussions

b. A bodily-kinesthetic learner who coordinates the schedule for the group

c. A visual-spatial learner who brings charts and graphs to illustrate a point d. A musical-rhythmic learner who creates an outline of the lecture notes


7. If your instructor’s teaching style is traditional lecture and you are an interpersonal learner, you might choose to

a. adapt by sitting in a different location in class.

b. ask the instructor to recommend charts, graphs, or photos to illustrate the


c. join a study group to review and discuss issues with other students.

d. focus on the abstract concepts to get the “big picture.”

8. The Personality Spectrum assessment will help you to identify:

a. areas of intelligence, such as verbal-linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, visual-

spatial, logical-mathematical, and musical-rhythmic.

b. four personality types that reveal the kinds of interactions that are most (and

least) comfortable for you. c. your intelligence quotient.

d. your visual, aural, reading/writing, kinesthetic abilities.

9. The traditional college classroom format is best for the:

a. verbal-linguistic learner.

b. logical-mathematical learner. c. Thinker and Organizer

d. all of the above.

10. When your learning preference does not match up with your instructor’s teaching style you can:

a. play to your strengths, work on your weak areas, and ask your instructor for help.

b. ask your instructor to change, work on your strengths, and wait to see what happens.

c. play to your material, work on your weak areas, and ask your instructor for help.

d. none of the above.

11. According to the Personality Spectrum, what is NOT a primary characteristic of an


a. Loyalty

b. Efficiency

c. Dependability

d. Ability to change

12. Ali has a strong interpersonal intelligence. She enjoys her history class but does not like memorizing facts and repetition. What would be a good study strategy for Ali?

a. Think of concepts, interpretations or theories that link the facts together

b. Use flash cards with a study group c. Create a rhythm out of the words

d. Use notes as the basis for tables and graphs


13. Shannon’s most developed intelligences are naturalistic and bodily-kinesthetic. What career choice would be least suited to her based on these abilities?

a. Telemarketer b. Landscaper

c. Yoga instructor

d. Massage therapist

14. One example of a reading-related learning disorder is:

a. difficulty organizing a writing assignment. b. dyslexia

c. difficulty recognizing numbers d. difficulty translating thoughts.

15. Your friend has just been diagnosed with an LD-related social disorder. What are the most effective actions he could take to manage his disability?

a. inform his advisor or school counselor and develop specific strategies to

manage his disorder

b. tell some trusted friends and adjust his expectations for success in college

c. recognize that he’ll have trouble reading and seek accommodations d. hire a private tutor for every class


Determine whether the statement is true or false, and circle or highlight the answer.

1. Each person has his or her own way to take information in and process it.



2. It is unlikely that an instructor will tailor the way he or she teaches to meet the learning preferences of every student in the classroom.



3. Gardner believes your levels of intelligences cannot grow or recede during your life.



4. Everyone has some level of ability in each of Howard Gardner’s intelligences.



5. Using self-assessments to gain an understanding of how you learn and interact with others can help you perform more effectively in college but will not help you at work.



6. Students who enjoy the type of problem-solving and reasoning that occurs in many math and science classes are apt to learn effectively from an instructor whose preferred teaching style is a logical presentation.



7. An Adventurer is likely to respond well with an instructor who teaches with a traditional lecture format.



8. If you are diagnosed with dysgraphia you may be permitted to answer test questions on a computer instead of being required to handwrite them.



9. Controlling and coordinating body movements for special effects in movies or photographs is a strength for someone who has strong visual-spatial intelligence.



10. A naturalist is a person who looks for ways in which items fit or don’t fit together into patterns.

