SessionsOur times for the Childcare Centre sessions are
Full day: 8am – 5.50pm, Morning session: 8am – 1pm, Afternoon session 1 – 5.50pm or you may be allocated a set time to access a funded place with us. Can you ensure that you pick your child up by their set time as this has an effect on our staffing ratios if you are late picking your child up. This could result in you being charged for the extra time your child has in the room.
Book Bags / Lending Library
We have our lending library set up in both our rooms. Your child will be given a new book each week to take home in their own bag. Please ensure you return the book bags back on Monday or Wednesday.
Sun cream / Clothes / Bags / Nappies
As the weather is getting warm please could you bring in sun cream and a hat for your child. Please write your child’s name on their clothes, coat and bags. All children MUST have sets of spare clothes in nursery. Please return any nursery clothes. Also please ensure you send nappies in for your child for every session.
Your child needs to wear shoes that they can safely be active in. Opened toed sandals and slip on shoes are not appropriate. Velcro trainers or pumps are the most suitable footwear to wear to nursery and socks must be worn. / Staff news
We would like to congratulate Adele on birth of Jasmine weighing 6lb born 23rdApril 2016.
We would like to welcome back Vicky from her maternity leave in June. She is working in the Butterfly room.
The Staff in Butterfly Room are: Anita (Mon, Tues and Weds am), Naomi (Weds pm, Thurs and Fri), Vicky (Mon, Tues and Wed am), Natalie (Weds pm, Thurs and Fri), Vera, Jane, Ellie and Lisa.
The Staff in Caterpillar Room will be: Natasha (Mon, Tues and Wed) Gill (Wed pm, Thurs and Fri), Lynne and Faye.
Natasha will be working between our Nursery School and Childcare Centre on Thursday and Friday developing the transitionfor the children, working with children with Speech and Language difficulties and working with parents.
Kate continues in her role as Cook while Adele is on maternity leave.
The Leadership Team are:
Jane Rogers (Headteacher), Denise Griffiths (Childcare Manager), Sue Lyon (Deputy Childcare Manager), Natasha Wong, Naomi Jones/Anita Causton(Third in Charges).
Sue Lyon is also our Childcare Centre Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). Please link with her or your child’s Key Person if you have any concerns about your child’s development. / Ellergreen Nursery School
Ellergreen Nursery School is our Nursery School for children aged 3 – 5 years offering funded 15 hour education places (wraparound places are also available). Ellergreen Nursery School is an OFSTED registered maintained Nursery School. We offer a high quality Early Years education led by the Headteacher, Jane Rogers, experienced class teachers and a highly skilled Early Years team. We were recently graded as outstanding by Ofsted.
Please complete a waiting list form as soon as possible if you require a place for your child. Children start in the Nursery School the term after they are 3 years of age.
The new summer menu is in place, Kate, our wonderful cook has been reviewing our children’s menu during the month of May and is always happy to try out new recipes sent in from our parents/carers.
Dates for your diary
Children accessing a Funded Two Place will break up for Summer holidays:
- Wednesday 20th July 2016 and return Wednesday 7th September 2016.
- Bank holiday Monday 29thAugust 2016.
- Inset days Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th September 2016.