Partridge Green Village Hall – 1st April 2009


Present: Cllrs: Mr. D. Green (Chairman), Mr. A. Childs, Mr. G. Taylor, Mr M. Sheath.

Cllr: Mr I. Shepherd (DC)

Clerk Mrs. Helen Dayneswood

1.  Apologies: Cllrs: Mr J. Chowen (DC), Mrs G. Nash (Vice Chairman), Mr. M. Staples, Mr R. Hill, Mr P. Kanabus.

2.  Declarations of Interest: none

3.  Minutes of the last meeting:

It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th March 2009 be approved as a true record. (Proposed Cllr. Taylor, seconded Cllr. Sheath.)

4.  Land North of Oakley Flats, High Street, Partridge Green

The landowner of the site in question attended the Planning meeting for an informal discussion about a possible use for the land. The Committee discussed various possibilities, including a modest office building or a small residential property. It is proving to be difficult to reconcile the guidelines from HDC and the ruling from a public inquiry about the uses permitted for the site. It was agreed that the Parish Council would talk with Hazel Corke at HDC about the matter and update the landowner in the near future. Planning Chairman to action.

5.  Matters arising: None

6.  Correspondence:

a)  HDC: Enforcement Complaints -
EN/09/0111. Carradale, Littleworth Lane, PG. Breach of conditions 7 and 8 of DC/07/2344 (working hours and burning on site). Pending consideration. Noted.

b)  HDC: New Premises Licence application
The Green Man, Church Road, PG. Deadline for comments 10th April 2009.
It was agreed to wait for the outcome of the Jolesfield Residents’ Association (JRA) meeting and then see if the PC feels able to support the JRA position.

c)  HDC: Response to queries on the Partridge Green & Dial Post Village Design Statement.
HDC has advised that the earlier Design Statement was considered to be Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) but does not have the status of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) within the new Local Development Framework (LDF). In order for it to be adopted as an SPD, several issues need to be addressed:
- More extensive consultation is needed than was carried out for SPGs. This has to include a 6 week period of public consultation on a draft document and the production of a Consultation Statement that details the process and outcomes of the consultation.
- The Design Statement would need to be reviewed to bring it up to date and in line with the new planning policies set out in the LDF and the recently adopted “Village, Parish and Town Design Statement Sustainability Appraisal/ Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA).
- Communities now prefer to do parish-wide Design Statements rather than village Design Statements, as most Statements now flow directly from completed Parish Plans. Reviewing the Design Statement to convert it to an SPD provides the PC with an opportunity to involve the whole Parish and therefore make all the changes necessary in order that it might be renamed as a Parish Design Statement.
It was agreed to refer the matter to Cllr Staples.

d)  HDC: Deer Fencing erected on Knepp Castle Estate.
HDC is satisfied that the fencing is within the legal limits and has now closed the file on the case.

7.  Current Applications:

WG/09/18 / Gary Peck / The Old Cottage 35 Bar Lane Southwater RH13 9DL / Retention of 6 roof lights installed on rear (east) side of the roof and 1 new window to west elevation (Listed Building Consent) / STRONG OBJECTION
The design is not at all sympathetic in the context of a listed building.
WG/09/19 / Lisa Da Silva / Quince Cottage Lock, PG / Demolition of existing garden store building. / NO OBJECTION
WG/09/20 / Kathryn Sadler / Blanches Farm Bungalow, Littleworth Lane, PG / Removal of agricultural occupancy condition 4 of WG/18/71 / STRONG OBJECTION
In 1971 when the bungalow was built it was a viable agricultural unit. We suspect that large parts of the farm have been sold off over the years and so it is not viable now. It would appear to be a situation of their own making.

8.  Applications Granted:

WG/09/12 / Hazel Corke / Dial Post Village Hall, Worthing Road, DP / Replacement Village Hall
WG/09/06 / Lisa Da Silva / Chucks Farm, Littleworth Lane, PG RH13 8EJ / 2-storey rear extension (Full Planning)
WG/07/87 / Kathryn Sadler / Homelands Farm Bungalow, Bines Road PG RH13 8EQ / Construction of four stables, an open fronted hay barn and a tack/feed store (Land adjacent)

9.  Applications Refused:

WG/09/10 / Hazel Corke / New House Farm Worthing Road West Grinstead / Change of use of 2 redundant agricultural buildings into workshop/light industrial use to include installation of biodigester and alterations
WG/09/07 / Kathryn Sadler / Huffwood Trading Company Limited Office Huffwood TE / First floor extension to existing office unit and side extension to accommodate stairs.

The meeting closed at 8.45 pm.

Next Planning Committee: Wed 6th May 2009, 7.30 p.m., Partridge Green Village Hall.

Signed………………………………….. Dated……………………………………

Planning Minutes 1st April 2009.doc Page 1 of 2 2nd April 2009

Minutes subject to approval by Planning Committee