24th, 25th, 26th, 27th April 2017
Centrestage Theatre, Centreway Rd, Orewa
ADJUDICATORS: Anne Gare, Wellington (Ballet)
TBC (Tap/Hip Hop)
Abby Dutton, Hamilton (Jazz/Contemporary/Musical Theatre)
Placings 1st, 2nd, 3rd Badges, All minor placings receive certificates
ENTRY FEES All solo classes $8.00
Scholarship Tiny Tots/Jnr/Int/Snr $10.00
Duos, Trios $12.00
Troupes $15.00
Variation Awards $15.00
Jnr/Int/Snr Jazz Championship $15.00
PACANZ Sections – Solo/Groups $20.00
Admin Fee Compulsory (1 per family) $25.00 –
Admin Fee also includes entry to the hall over the weekend (except for Troupe Night where tickets will be available at the venue).
Troupe Night tickets will be $5 – available for purchase at the Secretary’s table
ENTRY CLOSING DATE 31st March 20017 or earlier if limit is exceeded
AGE taken at first day of comp 24th April 2017
Post: Rosanne Sims, 12 Rakino Ave, Manly, Whangaparaoa 0930, Auckland
Email: Phone: 021-627068
Please make cheques payable to Fusion Dance Studio.
Optional payment online:
Fusion Dance Studio
Account Number: 12-3136-0341481-52
please include name of entrant (as written on entry form) in details, and send/scan entry form. Entries will be counted only when payment has been received. There will be a limit on entries.
Return of Trophies:
Please ensure trophies won last year are engraved and returned to Susan Hedgecock by 1st April 2016. Please contact Susan to organise. Email address below
SPONSORSHIP of classes or Championships is appreciated and your name included in the programme. We would be happy to include your advertisement in our programme in return for sponsorship
DONATION OF TROPHIES/SPONSORSHIP would be most welcome. Please contact Rosie Sims
PACANZ Officer: Susan Delaney:
TROPHY STEWARD: Susan Hedgecock:
1. The judges decision is final
2. These competitions are open only to amateurs.
3. Competitors dance at their own risk – we are not held responsible for any injury or mishap that occurs. We do not support the use of aerial tricks in choreography. Ice packs and First Aid kits are available at the theatre, ask a Committee member.
4. Classes may be split or combined as the entry secretary sees fit, dependant on numbers of entries.
5. Only videoing/photography of your own child or student is permitted.
6. No flash photography
Scholarships – Ballet only this year
Tiny Tots – under 10yrs
Competitors must dance Classical, Barefoot, Demi-Character abd Character solo.
1st place - $30.00, Runner Up - $15
Junior – 10 & under 12yrs
Competitors must dance Classical, Barefoot, Demi-Character and Character solo.
1st place – Sash & $30.00, Runner Up – Sash & $15
Intermediate – 12 & under 15yrs
Competitors must dance Classical, Barefoot, Demi-Character and Pointe solo.
1st place – Sash & $50.00, Runner Up – Sash & $35
Senior – 15yrs & over
Competitors must dance Classical, Barefoot, Demi-Character and Pointe solo.
1st place – Sash & $75.00, Runner Up – Sash & $50
Championship – Jazz
1. Competitors must dance in 3 other sections (either jazz, contemporary, lyrical, musical theatre) to be eligible to compete in the Jazz Championship
2. Competitors must have placed 1st place in a Jazz Solo Open Class at a previous competition to be eligible to compete in the Jazz Championship
Junior – under 12yrs
Competitors must dance a Jazz solo
1st place – Sash $75.00, 2nd place – Sash & $50.00, 3rd place – Sash & $35.00
Intermediate – 12 & under 15yrs
Competitors must dance a Jazz solo & Contemporary solo
1st place – Sash $100.00, 2nd place – Sash & $75.00, 3rd place – Sash & $50.00
Senior – 15yrs & over
Competitors must dance a Jazz solo (must be different jazz dance not previously performed at this competition) & Contemporary solo
1st place – Sash $150.00, 2nd place – Sash & $120.00, 3rd place – Sash & $75.00
Variation Awards – Ballet
Competitors must dance in 3 other solo ballet sections (Barefoot, Demi, Character, Classical, Pointe) to be eligible to enter the Variation Awards
Junior Variation Award – 13yrs & under
Competitors to dance 1 variation solo. This may be danced in flat ballet shoes or en pointe.
Senior Variation Award – 14yrs & over
Competitors to dance 2 contrasting variation solos. Must be danced en pointe
PACANZ Sections
Solo Competitors must dance in 2 other sections to be eligible to compete in this section
Groups – must dance in their group class section to be eligible to compete in this section
Competitors can’t dance more than 3 times in each section
A. Competitors shall be 15 and under 21 years as at 1 October 2017
B. Each competitor shall perform in three classes during the preliminary round:
1. Modern/Jazz
2. Contemporary
3. Master Class – run by the Adjudicator. No audience observation.
C. There shall be a maximum time limit of four minutes for each dance, taken from the beginning to the conclusion of the music.
D. There will be a semi-final at which competitors will repeat either B. 1 or B. 2 at the discretion of the adjudicator. Competitors will be chosen based on their marks in the Preliminary round(s).
The number of semi-finalists will be decided in accordance with the NYPA rules.
E. For the Final Award Concert six competitors will be recalled and shall repeat the item not performed at the semi-final.
F. Costumes, choreography & music should be appropriate to the age of the competitors and suitable for a family audience.
NB. Nomination of competitors by Societies should be based on classes B1 and B2 i.e. without the Master Class, but may include an impromptu class, at the discretion of the society.
Nominees in the Modern Dance section are required to include performance copies of their music on CD when submitting their entry form, and a list of the titles and composer and/or artists for each piece. It is the Competitors’ responsibility to ensure they abide by NZ Copyright Law.
Each Society, which is a financial member of PACANZ, may nominate up to two competitors, who shall be selected by the adjudicator, based on Criteria stated in A, B1 and B2.
The adjudicator will determine that a competitor has displayed a sufficient standard of performance to competently represent that society at the National Finals.
The standard required will be at the absolute discretion of the adjudicator but will include:
· A demonstration of adequate preparation
· An authority of performance
· A performance with a level of maturity commensurate with a national final competition of this age group.
If the adjudicator considers that sufficient standard has NOT been reached by any competitor, then NO nomination will be made.
The Nominating Society is responsible for paying part of the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards, which is $75.00 incl gst.
The Nominee is responsible for paying their portion of the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards, which is $175.00 incl gst.
A. Competitors may be of any age. Competitors may only compete in ONE nominated Troupe/Group for any particular Studio or Educational Institution. e.g : a Competitor may be in ONE Troupe for their Dance Studio and ONE Troupe for their High School or College.
B. Each Troupe/Group shall be nominated at a Member Society Competition by performing in any dance genre pertinent to the Competition they enter. This competition is for amateur troupes/groups only and is not open to professionals*.
C. There shall be a maximum time limit of five minutes, taken from the beginning to the conclusion of the music. A penalty of 5 marks will be imposed if the time limit is exceeded by 10 seconds or more.
D. Troupes/Groups who gain nomination must be able to attend the National Young Performer Competition which will be held in Palmerston North. Compulsory Registration/Orientation will be on the evening of Thursday 19th and the Competition will be on Friday 20th October 2017.
E. The winning Troupe/Group will be announced at the completion of Competition on the Friday and it would be appreciated if the group were available to perform at the Final Award Concert on Sunday night 22nd October 2017.
F. Costumes, choreography & music should be appropriate to the age of both the competitors and suitable for a family audience.
NB. The CLOSING DATES will be relative to the date of Nomination. Troupe/Group members’ names and ages & Entry Fee will need to submitted on the Official Entry Form by the Closing date.
Nominees in the Troupe/Group section are required to include performance copies of their music on CD when submitting their entry form, and a list of the titles and composer and/or artists for each piece. The FINAL DATE for submitting music is 8th September 2017.
Each Society, which is a financial member of PACANZ, may nominate ONE Troupe/Group**, who shall be selected by the adjudicator, based on a performance at the Member Society Competition.
The adjudicator will determine that the Troupe/Group has displayed a sufficient standard of performance to competently represent that society at the National Troupe/Group Finals.
The standard required will be at the absolute discretion of the adjudicator but will include:
· A demonstration of adequate preparation
· An authority of performance
· A performance with a level of expertise commensurate with a national final competition.
If the adjudicator considers that sufficient standard has NOT been reached by any Troupe/Group, then NO nomination will be made.
The nominated Troupe/Group is responsible for paying the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards, which is $250.00 incl gst.
The winning Troupe/Group will receive a Trophy and $1,000 for their Studio.
[Type text]
* A professional is someone whose primary employment is being paid to perform or work in the performing arts. For the present purposes, being a student constitutes “primary employment” and therefore is not seen as a Professional. For the Student who receives payment for participation, either teaching or performing, this should not impose professional status on a person if it is by way only of an occasional bonus or benefit rather than their principal means of earning a livelihood. The exception to this is a participating teacher who may perform.
** As some Societies split their dance genres and run large Competitions with different Judges and/or at different times of the year, they will be able to nominate more than one group to represent their Society.
** If a Society has 30 or more entries in the Troupe/Group Nomination section, then they are entitled to offer a second Nomination.
Class: / Description: / Trophy/Cup/Sponsored: / Cost:01 / Tap Solo under 8 years / $8.00
02 / Tap Solo 8 and under 10yrs / $8.00
03 / Tap Solo 10 & under 12 yrs / Hedgecock Family Trophy / $8.00
04 / Tap Solo 12 & under 14 yrs / Natalie Watkinson Cup / $8.00
05 / Tap Solo 14 yrs & over / $8.00
06 / Slow or Waltz tap under 8 yrs / $8.00
07 / Slow or Waltz tap 8 & under 10yrs / $8.00
08 / Slow or Waltz tap 10 & under 12 yrs / $8.00
09 / Slow or Waltz tap 12 & under 14 yrs / $8.00
10 / Slow or Waltz tap 14 yrs & over / $8.00
11 / Speed Tap under 14 yrs / $8.00
12 / Speed Tap 14 yrs & over / $8.00
13 / Latin/Tango Tap under 14 yrs / $8.00
14 / Latin/Tango Tap 14 yrs & over / $8.00
15 / Jazz solo under 8 yrs / Fusion Dance Trophy / $8.00
16 / Jazz solo 8 & under 10 yrs / $8.00
17 / Jazz solo 10 & under 12 yrs / Lungu Family Trophy / $8.00
18 / Jazz solo 12 yrs / Fusion Dance Studio H/M / $8.00
19 / Jazz solo 13 yrs / Fusion Dance Studio H/M / $8.00
20 / Jazz solo 14 & under 16yrs / Emma Hedgecock Cup H/M / $8.00
21 / Jazz solo 16 yrs & over / Emma Hedgecock Cup H/M / $8.00
22 / Jazz Duo/Trio under 12 yrs / $12.00
23 / Jazz Duo/Trio 12 yrs & over / $12.00
24 / Jazz Impromptu u10yrs / $8.00
25 / Jazz Impromptu 10 & under 12yrs / $8.00
26 / Jazz Impromptu 12 & under 15yrs / $8.00
27 / Jazz Impromptu 15yrs & over / $8.00
28 / Hip Hop solo under 12yrs / $8.00
29 / Hip Hop solo 12yrs & over / $8.00
30 / Hip Hop duo/trio any age / $12.00
31 / Contemporary solo under 12 yrs / Nea Brink Cup / $8.00
32 / Contemporary solo 12 yrs / Talia Howes Cup H/M / $8.00
33 / Contemporary solo 13 yrs / Talia Howes Cup H/M / $8.00
34 / Contemporary solo 14 & under 16yrs / Emma Hedgecock Cup H/M / $8.00
35 / Contemporary solo 16 yrs & over / Emma Hedgecock Cup H/M / $8.00
36 / Own choreo contemporary under 12 yrs / $8.00
37 / Own choreo contemporary 12yrs & over / $8.00
38 / Contemporary Duo/Trio under 12yrs / $12.00
39 / Contemporary Duo/Trio 12yrs & over / Aleisha & Hayley Brown Trophy / $12.00
40 / Musical Theatre under 12 yrs / $8.00
41 / Musical Theatre 12 yrs & under 15 yrs / Jackson Howes Cup / $8.00
42 / Musical Theatre 15yrs & over / Emma Morris Cup / $8.00
43 / Lyrical under 10 yrs / Gem Brink Cup / $8.00
44 / Lyrical 10 & under 12 yrs / Fusion Dance Trophy / $8.00
45 / Lyrical 12 yrs / Olivia Massey Trophy H/M / $8.00
46 / Lyrical 13 yrs / Olivia Massey Trophy H/M / $8.00
Class: / Description: / Trophy/Cup/Sponsored: / Cost:
47 / Lyrical 14 & under 16 yrs / Chanique JVR Cup H/M / $8.00
48 / Lyrical 16 yrs & over / Chanique JVR Cup H/M / $8.00
49 / Classical Solo under 8 yrs / Natasha Brown cup / $8.00
50 / Classical Solo 8 & under 10 yrs / Hedgecock Family Trophy / $8.00
51 / Classical Solo 10 yrs / Nina Harris Trophy H/M / $8.00
52 / Classical Solo 11 yrs / Nina Harris Trophy H/M / $8.00
53 / Classical Solo 12 yrs / Hayley Brown Cup H/M / $8.00
54 / Classical Solo 13 yrs & over / Hayley Brown Cup H/M / $8.00
55 / Barefoot under 8 yrs / Deu Brink Cup / $8.00
56 / Barefoot 8 & under 10 yrs / Lieselle Higgins Cup / $8.00
57 / Barefoot 10 yrs / Jani-Leigh JVR Cup / $8.00
58 / Barefoot 11 yrs / $8.00
59 / Barefoot 12 yrs / Nina Harris Cup H/M / $8.00
60 / Barefoot 13 yrs / Nina Harris Cup H/M / $8.00
61 / Barefoot 14 yrs & over / $8.00
62 / Demi-Character under 8 yrs / $8.00
63 / Demi-Character 8 & under 10 yrs / $8.00
64 / Demi-Character 10 & under 12 yrs / $8.00
65 / Demi-Character 12 & under 14 yrs / Nina Harris Cup / $8.00
66 / Demi-Character 14 yrs & over / $8.00
67 / Character under 10 yrs / $8.00
68 / Character 10 & under 12 yrs / $8.00
69 / Character 12 & under 14 yrs / $8.00
70 / Character 14 yrs & over / $8.00
71 / Pointe Solo 12 & under 14 yrs / Fusion Dance Cup / $8.00
72 / Pointe Solo 14 yrs & over / $8.00
73 / Variation Award 13 yrs & under
See page 2 of syllabus for criteria / Apex Surveying Cup / $15.00
74 / Variation Award 14 yrs & over
See page 2 of syllabus for criteria / Fusion Dance Studio Cup / $15.00
75 / Jnr Jazz Championship under 12yrs
See page 2 of syllabus for criteria / $15.00
76 / Int Jazz Championship 12 & under 15 yrs
See page 2 of syllabus for criteria / $15.00
77 / Snr Jazz Championship 15 yrs & over
See page 2 of syllabus for criteria / $15.00
78 / PACANZ Modern Jazz Nomination Class
(competitors must dance in 2 other solo jazz/lyrical/musical theatre/contemporary sections to be eligible to enter) / $20.00
79 / Contemporary Group under 12yrs (av age) / $15.00
80 / Contemporary Group 12yrs & over (av age) / NPA Trophy / $15.00
81 / Lyrical Group under 12yrs (av age) / $15.00
82 / Lyrical Group 12yrs & over (av age) / $15.00
83 / Jazz Group under 12yrs (av age) / $15.00
84 / Jazz Group 12yrs & over (av age) / $15.00
85 / Jazz Group 15yrs & over (av age) / NPA Trophy / $15.00
85a / Hip Hop Group (any age) / $15.00
86 / PACANZ Group Nomination Class
(competitors must dance in their group class sections to be eligible to enter) / $20.00