May Meeting
May 10, 2005
7:00 p.m.
Fairborn Senior Center
325 N. Third Street
Guest Lecturer
Dee Dadik
Visitor’s Fee:
Lecture Focuses on Dating and Care of Quilts
Our May program brings us Dee Dadik from Columbus, Ohio. Dee is a certified AQS appraiser and owns “I Have a Quilt…” with Molly Butler. The pair also provides judging for quilt shows and appraisals for quilts and sewing room contents.
The lecture will focus on the dating and care of quilts giving the characteristics of different eras in quilt history. Dee will also show examples from her collection. Care and use information sheets will be provided for the attendees.
Many of our seasoned quilters can determine the era of certain fabric or group of fabrics and even discern the originals from a remake, but we can learn so many more details used to date a quilt, a fabric or technique. This lecture promises to be very informative, especially for those with an interest in antique quilts.
There will be a $5.00 visitor’s fee.
Deanna Lasher
Vice President
A Note from the President
I am sitting here tonight in my sewing room looking for my next project to start. I just don’t know how to keep up with all the projects I want to do.
Now spring is here, and I also want to be out in the flower beds getting them ready for summer. It seems there is never enough time to do it all. So, I decided to work in the yard until the sun goes down and then work in the quilting room…I think that will work. Awww, contentment.
I want to remind all of you to get your quilts over to Kittie’s Quilt Shop before May 4. If you can’t make it, please e-mail me and let me know if you need me to pick them up on Friday. Thank you for lending your quilts to the show. Hope to see you there.
Finally, our fabric choice for May will be pretty floral fabrics.
Jane Kelly
President, 278-5036
Special Guest Coming to Local Quilt Shop
Quilters Fare Sewing Center announces with pleasure the upcoming demonstration session by Patricia Knoechel, (pronounced “nagel”), Eleanor Burns’ sister, on Saturday,
June 25, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 506 West National Road (corner of Union and National in Englewood, Ohio).
Advance registration and sign up fee of $5.00 is required.
Pat is absolutely delightful in her presentation and brings with her gorgeous samples of her own designs and also those of Eleanor. This demonstration will highlight the Eleanor Burns book, “Egg Money Quilts.”
Sign up now and enjoy an afternoon of quilting pleasure!
Think Summer!
Mark your calendars. Summer Retreat is June 10, 11, and 12. The cost is $25.00 plus the cost of your room if you wish to spend the night. A single room is $45.00 per night, a double room is $57.00 per night, or three people can stay in a double room for $67.00 per night. Meals are not included with the summer retreat.
Please contact Tina Ross at 438-8577 by May 20 to register.
Welcome New Members
Don’t Forget the FQBC!
Members whose birthdays during are in the month of May can participate in the Fat Quarter Birthday Club drawing at the May meeting.
To enter, bring a piece of fabric with your name attached. We will draw one name and that lucky person will win all of the fat quarters.
May Stitch-in
The Thursday Evening Stitch-in is held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m.
This month’s stitch-in will be held May 26 at Fern Miller’s home. The address is 554 McIntire Dr., Fairborn. Her telephone number is 879-1860.
Please call Fern for directions and to let her know you’ll be coming. Enjoy an evening out working on some handstitching with a roomful of quilting friends.
April 29 – May 1
18th Annual Quilt Show
Sponsored by Coshocton Canal Quilters and will be held at the Towne Center Civic Hall, 331 Main St., Coshocton, Oh. Hours run from noon to 6 p.m. For information, contact Carol McNeeley at .
May 6 and 7
Champaign Quilters’ Quilt Show
The show will be held in the Champaign Community Building, South St. Rt. 68, Urbana, Oh. Hours are 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. For more information, call 937-653-5092 or email .
May 13 – 15
Quilt Show
Held in Akron, Oh. at the Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens, 714 N. Portage Path. Call 330-669-5336 or email .
May 20 and 21
Quilt Show
Held in Richmond, Ind. at the Wayne County Fairground, Tom Raper Ctr., 861 Salisbury Rd. N. For information call, 765-962-3691 or email .
May 28 – Sept. 5
Quilt National ‘05
The quilts will be displayed at the Dairy Barn Cultural Arts Center, 8000 Dairy Lane, Athens, Ohio. Gallery hours have not yet been determined. Admission is $5 with children under 12 free. For more information, contact their website
June 16 – 18
NQA Show
Show held at the Columbus Convention Center. For more information, contact
Treasurer’s Report
Submitted by Pam Bohnke, Treasurer
For period March 19, 2005 – April 18, 2005
(rounded to nearest dollar)
Library 32.00
Fons & Porter 80.00
Big Board Raffle 68.00
Membership 100.00
Door Prize Box 27.00
Advertising 420.00
Retreat 7,838.00
Fons & Porter 170.00
Membership 37.00
Quilt Show Bedding License 50.00
Community Projects 7.00
Challenge 68.00
Fairborn Senior Center
Monthly Meeting Room 75.00
Board Meeting Room 16.00
Meeting Setup 50.00
Barb Grothaus Lecture 200.00
Printing 72.00
Postage 38.00
Web Site Hosting Fee 15.00
Garage Sale 994.00
Block of the Month
Friendship Star in red, black and white
The block, “Friendship Star” is a 12 " finished block. The block will be done in red, black, and white fabrics.
From white fabric, cut
• 4 7/8" strip and subcut to 4 7/8" squares
From red fabric, cut
• 4 7/8" strip and subcut to 4 7/8" squares
• (3) 2 ½" strips
From black fabric, cut:
• (3) 2 ½" strips
Take red and white squares and make half square triangles. These blocks should create enough half square triangles for 4 complete blocks.
Sew red and black 2 ½" strips together. Press seams to the black. Subcut the strips into 2 ½" sections. Use to create the four patch units. One strip set makes enough four patch units for one block + three leftover units.
Layout four patch units and half square units to create the block. Sew block together following diagram. Bring to the May meeting.
Block of the Month Guidelines
1. Patterns and block sizes will vary each month.
2. Add ¼ inch seam allowances to all patterns provided.
3. There will be a unifying theme each month, but it will give you enough versatility to be creative.
4. Submit one to four blocks each month in order to enter.
5. There is no obligation. Enter whenever you wish.
6. To enter, bring your completed block(s) to the meeting. They must be present at the meeting for you to enter.
7. Attach your name to each block submitted.
8. Your name will be placed in a drawing of those submitting time for each block you enter.
9. The winner’s name(s) will be selected by someone not submitting.
10. lf there are many blocks submitted, the chairs may divide the blocks into two sets, with two winners drawn. This is up to their discretion.
Deadline for the May issue is Monday, May 16
All articles are subject to editing and approval by the editor. Materials received after the published deadline date will be considered for publication only if space and time permit.
Quilting stories, ideas, news?
Send to:
Chris Garcher
MVQG Newsletter Editor
6258 Gander Road East
Dayton OH 45424
For fees and contracts, please contact:
Staci Hogan
1417 Muirfield Ct.
Centerville, OH 45459
Guild Friends, need to reach us?
Please send all guild correspondence to our post office box address. That way our officers will receive it. Our address is:
Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild
P.O. Box 340141
Beavercreek, OH 45434
Visit our website at
The Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild website features current guild news, block of the month, quilt show updates, a variety of quilt related websites, and a gallery.
For submitting information on our website, contact Ed Chamness at .
Classified Ad
2005 Board Meetings
The 2005 schedule for board meetings is as follows:
July 25th
November 14th
The quarterly board meetings will be held at 6p.m. at the Fairborn Senior Center. All officers and committee chairs are asked to attend and any interested guild members are welcome.
Quilters’ Quotes is a copyrighted publication of the Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild. No one may reprint this newsletter in any form, in part or in whole, without the written permission of the editor. Our guild is a member of the National Quilting Association (NQA).