New Testament“Prophets”
I did a survey in which I sent out e-mails to approximately 300 websites that are either PropheticMinistriesor have written articles on the Prophetic. It was a rather exhausting survey. I emailed the question “I would like to ask the question about what do you feel isthe one thing that a NewTestament“Prophet”absolutely must possess?” I am convinced that the “gift of the Prophet” to the Church is without question the most misunderstood of all the gifts which Christ has given to the Church.
Out of the approximately 300 websites that I contacted, approximately 140 sent me back a reply to my question. I do want to make it clear, that I really appreciate the sites that sent me back a reply. It is not my intention to belittle anyone. However, I do have a strong desire to share a couple of points that I hope will bring a little more clarity to the Gift of the New Testament“Prophet” to the Church.
I received back many different answers. There were a number of answers that I received back, that for me were somewhat puzzling. I will not address the answers that were somewhat puzzling for me. I will just address the rest of the answers that were a fairly common response to the question.
The answers that I will address are as follows: Love– Humility – Character-Integrity –Honesty – Contriteness – Obedience – Strong prayer life. Even though these are all wonderful traits for a “Prophet” to possess (as well as for all Christians to possess), they are not a must for the “Prophet.” The reason being, that the Lord does not just instantly zap a “Prophet” with these traits. These are traits that are hopefully developed in the “Prophet” (aswell as all Christians),but will be a “lifetime” developing work of the Holy Spirit.
I would like to share that I am convinced that the one thing (and often overlooked thing)that aNew Testament“Prophet” ABSOLUTELY MUST POSSESS is a “strong desire” to “IMMERSE HIMSELF”intoGOD’S WRITTEN WORD.Ofcourse that is very important for each and every Christian, but it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for the NewTestament“Prophet.”
In fact, the Lord demands that of a New Testament“Prophet.” THE REASON BEING: “IT IS CRITICAL” for a “Prophet” to have Spiritual Discernment.”
It is through a “constant searching for truth” in God’s Written Word that a Christianlearns about the Lord and “His” ways. This is by far the “greatest means” that theHoly Spirituses to developSpiritual Discernment into a Christian’s life. Even though prayer is certainly important, prayer will not accomplish what God’s Written Word accomplishes in developingSpiritual Discernment in the “Prophet’s” life as well as in each and every Christian’slife.
There are hundreds of websites that speak about the “Prophetic Gifting” of the New Testament“Prophet,” and yet, I have found that little emphasis if any at all, is being given to theimportance of the “Prophet”“IMMERSING HIMSELF” into God’sWritten Word, which is the Lord’s“FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT STEP” in “His”trainingof the New Testament“Prophet.”
In fact, I would challenge anyone to go to their computer and then go to their search engine andkey in the wording: ANew Testament“Prophet” must be filled with theWritten Word of God,or key insome wording that is similar. Good luck with your search.
I personally find it “quite disturbing”that “such little emphasis” is being put on such a “VITAL” resource that the Lord uses in “His”development of a New Testament“Prophet.”
Out of all the answers that I received back, only 3 individuals sent me back an answer that I felt were insightful answers(according to my understanding)to the question. This clearly demonstrates the major problem that we have today with understanding the role of the NewTestament“Prophet.”
Let me just say, that it is the Lord who chooses the “Prophet.” Therefore, the Lord is quite capable of training“His”“Prophets” “Himself.” The Lord has a training programfor “His”“Prophets” that is “far superior” to man’straining programs in every aspect!
There was aPastor who sent me back this reply:“Good question, but I’m not qualified toanswer.”My understanding from his answer was that he felt that because he is not a “Prophet,” that he is not qualified to answer that question.
To add to all the confusion concerning the widespread lack of understanding of the Gift of the New Testament“Prophet” to the Church, is the fact that there are many “FalseProphets” and there are those who have the Gift of Prophecy who think that they are “Prophets.”
A lady named Kim, sent me back this reply:“I think the one thing that a New TestamentProphet must absolutely possess is to really know the Lord, i.e.Hischaracter, ways, purposes and desires through spending time reading,studying and meditating on the Word...... it is extremely difficult to speak on behalf of someone you don’t know anything about or know nothing about.
I also believe “knowledge of the Word is key,” because all “Prophecies” should be passed through the grid of the Word to determine whether their course is indeed from God and not another source, because God will never declare anything that is in violation of His Word.”
The thing that really stood out to me about Kim’s reply, was her statement that a NewTestament“Prophet” absolutely must know the Lord, which comes from spending time“reading,”“studying” &“meditating”on the Word. Kim and I are in complete agreement on this issue. The Lord has provided us with the Bible so that we can learn about “Him” and “His” ways. This is the way that Spiritual Discernment is developed in the New Testament“Prophet” (as well as all Christians),which is a “must” for the “Prophet.”