Lisitsa Vera, Zaitseva Svitlana

Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine

Entry. A question about the problem of the energy conservation is an urgent for today for Ukraine and the whole world. In the conditions of the market-oriented economy, political instability, world financial and economic crisis of Ukraine, a strategic plan for the sustainable development is needed, especially in the sphere of the usage of the energy efficient recourses and energy conservation.

Scientific research of the sustainable development problem points has been carrying out in Ukraine for a long time. This point was studied by such scientists as O.G. Biloys, E.M.Borschyk, I.M.Vahovich, B.M.Danilishin, L.B.Shostak etc. A regulatory framework also exists, particularly the Ukrainian Law “About Stimulation of the Region Development”. But the biggest part of these researches and legislative acts are oriented to the support of the country’s depressive territories by other regions and resources. So, we are going to try removing the symptoms, not to destroy the origin of the problem.

In our opinion, it is necessary to activate the inner possibilities and to discover potentials of every separate territory via introduction of the incentive mechanisms. Thus, the important task for today is the working out and launching incentives to encourage regions and the whole country to the sustainable energy efficient development.

Problem Statement. The main task of the work is to research theoretical aspects of motivational system towards stimulation of the sustainable energy efficient development.

Results. Motivational mechanism is the complex of outer and inner conditions, which get a person interested in the implementation of definite economic activity to suffice needs and to implement interests.

Having considered and analyzed the raw of economic theories, connected to motivation, let us correlate them with the stimulation of the sustainable energy efficient development.

The motivational theory of drives by Karl Hall, describes the behavior of a person. This behavior is supported by the definite stimulus (material or moral), that is strongly enough secured in the human’s psychics. As the result of such a fixing, the person begins to act according to the definite scheme. Using this theory of drives, from position of the sustainable energy efficient development, it is necessary to use definite stimulus in the energy efficiency and production system (investment, tax credits etc.). In such a way the “pattern of sustainable development” is created.

Let’s consider the motivational theory of expectations by V. Vrym, which is based on the expectations of a definite event. A person makes efforts to achieve some definite aim in the very measure, that one assesses the probability of being rewarded for it. Having adapted it to the aims of the sustainable energy efficient development, this theory will have the following algorithm: using the system of stimulus (used efforts), the achievement of the result is predetermined (saving of the lightning, decrease of the usage of DH etc.) The received result will cause the reward for the sectoral and regional system (getting the profit for the region in different spheres of the vital functions). Therefore such a scheme works: “stimulus- sustainability- getting the profit for the branch, region, and country in general- desire for the sustainable energy efficient development”

There is a very similar theory of the justice by Stacey Adams. The workers of the enterprise compare their rewards with used efforts and with rewards of other workers who are engaged in similar jobs. The main conclusion of a theory of justice for the practice of management is that as long as people believe that they receive fair compensation, they will seek to reduce labor intensity. If the wage gap among workers is due to different efficiency of labor, it is necessary to explain to the staff that when their performance reaches the level of their peers, they will achieve the same level of salary. If the comparison shows an imbalance and a feeling of injustice (a person believes that his colleague gets more pay for the same job) this creates psychological tension in the workplace. As a result, it is necessary to motivate staff, reduce tension and to restore a sense of justice to correct the imbalance.

From the position of the sustainable energy efficient development, putting regions, energy dependent establishments and housing in equal conditions is necessary to reach sustainability. Though, sustainability achievement needs usage of different approaches, methods and instruments, but it should be fair for everyone. It means that it should settle interests conflicts to minimum.


The Mechanism for the Sustainable Energy Efficient Development should be understood primarily through the prism of the theory of motivation. Successful transformation of the leading theories of motivation contributes to the creation of a new theory incentives for sustainable regional development, under which each regional system is characterized by a combination of needs (social, economic and environmental) which should be achieved. But the motivation is considered in framework of procedural theories of motivation from the standpoint of what causes a person to guide their efforts to achieve various goals.

It is clear, that the problem of the increasing of the production efficiency and the development in Ukraine is the complex problem that influences the economy of the country, ecological situation, and social mood. In our opinion, the solution of this problem is the complex and macroeconomic launching of the motivational mechanisms of the sustainable energy efficient development stimulation on the levels of the territory, enterprises, and other subjects of the economy, and citizens with the helping of economic methods and indexes too, that fit conditions of the market economy the most.