AP U.S. Gov’t 50 points Mr. Lucot
TheWatergate Era
Assignment: Interview someone lived through the Watergate era (Born before 1950) using the following questions as a starting point.
Note to Interviewee: This assignment is for the student to gain insights into the Watergate and 1970’s era. If and when possible, please expand on your thoughts or explanations. Any additionalinformation you can offer will provide a thorough presentation of this historical period. I appreciate your time and answers in this assignment. Your active involvement will portray a different and accurate voice and view for my students.
- How many names of people involved in the scandal and crime can you remember?
- What specifics, events and changesdo you remember the most during this era?
- How did Watergate affect you, if at all?
- Did the Watergate scandal change how you voted in 1976?If so how?
- Do you feel the Watergate scandal changed your view of politics in America? If so how?
- What were the actual crimes involved with the Watergate scandal?
- How did you feel about Gerald Ford granting a pardon to Richard Nixon?
- Do you remember Howard Hughes’ involvement with Richard Nixon?
- Where did Nixon go after he was pardoned?
- What were the names of the Washington Post reporters who broke the story? Did you see the movie, “All the President’s Men” when it came out? What did you think about it?
- Were you interested in finally discovering that Mark Felt was “Deep Throat”? Why or why not?
- What impact did Ford’s pardon have on the 1976 election?
- Do you feel there were other guilty parties who should have been prosecuted? If so, whom?
- Did you watch any of the investigation or trials on TV? If so, what do you remember about the trials specifically?
- Do you think it is fair when the media today compares every level of presidential or political scandal to Watergate by using the suffix “-Gate”?
Why or why not?
- How do you feel about this statement?
“Watergate was a bigger threat to our government and country as a whole than the Civil War”
PLEASE ADD ANY Additional Thoughts, Memories or anything you feel pertinent, etc. that could add for our class discussions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your time and assistance.