
“The dire need for a viable and comprehensive mental health system in Greece: Constructing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating. Is it our last chance?”

09:00-09:30 Registrations

Opening of the event. Coordinator: Stavroyiannopoulos M., member of the FORUM

09:30-09:45 "Crisis and Mental Health" Chrysogelos N., member of European Parliament, the GREENS/EFA

09:45-10:00 Opening thoughts, Frangouli A., PhD, Chairperson of Social Firms Europe (CEFEC), member of the FORUM.

10:00-12:00 Section 1

Coordinators: Papadakis Chr. (SOPSY), Katsamagos A, member of the FORUM

Brief mapping of the mental health system in Greece and rough assessment of the progress so far. Have the rights and the needs of the users and the families have been met?

10:00-10:15 “The life experience of being a brother/sister of a sibling suffering from mental health problems: The need to organize an Association”. Aggeli A., Alexandropoulos A., President and Secretary of the Association of Athens Siblings for Mental Health, members of the FORUM

10:15–10:30 “The labyrinth faced in everyday life by the families of persons with mental health problems”. M. Kanelli, Member of the Pan-Hellenic Confederation of the Families Association for Mental Health. member of the FORUM

10:30-10:45 “Human Rights and Psychiatric Reform in modern Greece”. Fytrakis E., Ph.D. Lawyer, Senior investigator at the Office of the Greek Ombudsman

10:45-11:00 "The Mental Health services in Greece are disintegrating: Memorandum in Mental Health". Tsamitas A., Secretary of the Association of Users of Mental Health Services “The Self-Representation”. member of the FORUM

11:00-11:15 "Hearing Voices Network: Our journey so far in Greece, our History and our Philosophy. Self-help groups: the need for recovery and not stagnation within the illness." Lykovounioti M, Member of the Greek Network of “Hearing Voices”, member of the FORUM

11:15-11:30 "Mobile Unit: a modern system of mental health care services for inaccessible areas" . Σκαρβέλλης Κ., member of the FORUM.

11:30-11:45 "The Health System for the people with disabilities" . Μπίμπασης Φ., Coordinator of the thematic group AMEA of the Ecologist Green Party, member of the FORUM.

11:45-12:00 “Views and proposals on Mental Health”, Soubasi M, member of the thematic group HEALTH of the Ecologist Green Party

12:00-12:15 Discussion-Interventions

12:15-12:30 Coffee Break

12:30-14:10 Section 2

Coordinators: Fotopoulos V., Director in Psychiatric Hospital Dromokaiteio, Fitsiou P., member of the FORUM

Policies - Action Plans - Programs and Innovations for Mental Health: Suggestions for an "optimal mix" of mental health services, based on documented psychiatry, the needs of the users at the local level and the involvement of users, family and community. How do we ensure steady implementation, regardless of the "variations" of political will?

12:30-12:50 “Innovative Actions for the Promotion of Mental Health”. Jacob B., Project Manager and Federal Coordinator of the Reform of Mental Health Care.

12:50-13:10 "Mental health problems are not stable handicaps. Implications for mental health care choices", Prof. Dr. Delespaul Philippe A.E.G., Professor for Innovations in Mental Health Care, Board member CCAF, The Netherlands.

13:10-13:30 “Optimising psychiatric reform through integrated service planning and implementation: Evidence from three national strategies (UK, Norway, Belgium)”. Prof. Morris M., Director, Centre for Community Mental Health, Birmingham City University.

13:30-13:50 “Evidence-based psychosocial interventions in community care of severe mental disorders”. Dr. Barbato Ang., Senior Scientist at the Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry Unit, Mario Negri Institute.

13:50-14:10 "How do we ensure the sustainability of community based mental health care in local level, through a comprehensive national planning". Dr. Pfeiffer J., Member of the Expert Group in Transition of Institutional to Community Based Care, Senior Policy Advisor in DI of Mental Health Europe.

14:10-14:30 Discussion-Interventions

14:30-15:30 Light Lunch Break

15:30-18:00 Section 3

Coordinators: Lazaridou M., member of the FORUM – Chrysogelos N.

The Economics of Mental Health: Finance, Costing and proper resource management. Towards a sustainable mental health system in the country: monitoring and evaluation process.

15:30- 15:50 “Monitoring and evaluation of mental health services; clinical and economic aspects of mental health”. Professor Amaddeo F., Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Verona.

15:50-16:10 “Recovering a life - what would success look like? The task and role of the modern mental health service”. Professor Grove B., Senior Policy Advisor, Mental Health Europe.

16:10-16:30 “Mental Health Policy – EUFAMI’s experience from working at the European level”. Magro C., Vice President, EUFAMI.

16:30-16:50 “Mental Health and Mass Media: talking about images and identity”. Huitink Cl., Policy employee Dutch Association for Mental Health and Addiction Care (GGZ Nederland) , Board Member of the Global Initiative on Psychiatry.

16:50-17:10 “Design and transformation of the Mental Health System on a national scale”. Carpay M., MD member of the board of the Asklepios Foundation and Program Μanager of Mental Health in the sectors mental health care, care for people with learning disabilities and care for the elderly of Cordaan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

17:10-17:30 Discussion-Interventions

17:30-18:30 Closing- Conclusions. Coordinators: Members of the Organizing Committee of the FORUM

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