Dear Girl Scout Families:

To make this campout a success, your daughter’s comfort is very important. Girl Scouts have found that the helpful hints listed below are very important. We camp in the rain or sunshine. We have no light except for a few lanterns, the campfire and the girls’ flashlights. We cannot make a little girl warmer if she has brought the wrong clothing or sleeping bag. We cannot medicate your daughter if you let her go camping with a sore throat, etc without written permission. Her first experience is the most important to future successful campouts. Hopefully you will go along with these simple but necessary requests.

  1. Do not pack her duffel bag: Let her! She will know where things are. She should pack her boots, jacket and flashlight last.
  2. Sleeping bag: Put an extra blanket inside the bag in case it gets cold. Roll the plastic ground cloth up with the sleeping bag to keep the bag dry and clean.
  3. Thermal underwear or sweats: (Boy’s type is cheaper.) Buy it large. It will last 3 years. No matter how big a garment is it will shrink. A stocking cap is used for sleeping, and a pair of sleep socks. A pillow should be rolled in the sleeping bag.
  4. A warm jacket: This should be packed last if she is not wearing it.
  5. Send a good working flashlight: With extra batteries, for at least two charges.
  6. Send only old clothes: Ones that don’t require saving if they are soiled.
  7. Braid long hair: Or send rubber bands to do this with. Around the food and open fires we practice caution.
  8. Poncho or raincoat: Make sure it covers the head. Wet hair is hard to dry.
  9. No extra food: The animals are drawn to the odor, and visitors in the night are not always welcome. Don’t bring gum, candy, extra food, etc.
  10. Medication: If your daughter has any kind of medication she must take, please tell the leader and give the leader the medication and directions. No medication in the tent. Remember, the leader cannot give any medications to your daughter without written permission from you.
  11. Precautionary & extra items: If your girl is a bed wetter (there are some) don’t make her miss the campout. Send a plastic liner sewed to an old sheet, for the first night, folded in the sleeping bag, and an extra pair of sleeping garments. She can then remove the liner for the second night. Or send Good Nights and we’ll discretely throw them away in the morning.
  12. Sunday’s clothes: Complete change packed in a plastic bag (2 gallon Ziplock bags work) so she can change quickly. Have another change in another bag just in case. Her extra shoes need to be in a bag as well so that when they’re needed the wet pair can go into the bag.
  13. Toilet Articles: Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, wash cloth, hand towel, etc., packed in a plastic bag so they can be carried easily and be together.
  14. Dress in Layers: Example – thermal underwear, cotton T-shirt, sweatshirt, jacket, etc. As the day gets warmer she can peel. As it gets colder she can re-layer. Three lighter weight garments are better than one heavy coat.
  15. SPECIAL JEWELRY, RINGS, WATCHES, RADIOS, ETC., SHOULD BE LEFT AT HOME. If they get lost they are rarely found.
  16. Have your daughter practice rolling her sleeping bag; she will have to do it at camp.
  17. Pack everything in a duffel bag, backpack, large heavy garbage bag, or old suitcase (she will need to carry her own gear so 2 smaller bags may be necessary rather than one large one.) Do not use good suitcases for they will get scratched and banged.
  18. Mark all camp items
  19. Bring Parent Consent Form


Waterproof shoes (or shoes sprayed with water repellant)








Toothpaste and toothbrush

Soap, washcloth, hand towel



Sweater or sweatshirt

Heavy jacket

Rain coat or poncho

4 pair socks (long socks to help prevent scratches and bugs)

2 pair long pants, 1 pair shorts

Long johns or flannel underwear

Scarf, hat and gloves

Baseball or other brimmed hat

Heavy shoes or boots and tennis shoes

Sleeping bag and blanket

Flashlight with extra batteries


Camera (optional)

Sanitary napkins, if needed

Air mattress, if needed

Sit upon

Large Yard Waste size garbage bag

Small day pack


Water bottle (refillable)

Bug spray (optional)

Book or other quiet activity to do before sleeping or during a quiet time (optional)

Comfort letter from Mom or Dad and/or comfort item (favorite blanket/toy) to sleep with


Thanks –Kathy & Carol