Gulliver’s Travels 12th Grade

Linguistic – reading, writing

In an essay, 3-4 pages, discuss how Gulliver changes over the course of the novel. In your response, refer to specific things he says and does that reveal his level of maturity and state of mind.

Spatial: drawing

From each voyage, choose 4 scenes that were particularly vivid, and illustrate them. You may use oil paint, watercolor, colored pencils, pencil sketching, pastels etc. You may NOT NOTNOT use computer generated images or drawing. You may not copy existing images from books or online. Choose scenes that are unique and unexpected. Write down the page that inspired each image.

Logical-mathematical – listing, counting—

Using the information in each voyage, figure out things like actual sizes relevant to our size (how tall were the Lilliputians? How big would Gulliver be to us, if we were Lilliputians? How big would a Brobdignagnian’s toothbrush need to be? Figure out, as well as you can, where the places were that Gulliver went to. Could the floating island be navigated as described? If possible, create a working model. You must submit at least 4 separate mathematically based details per book. For instance, drawing a scale map of Lilliput would count as ONE, calculating the amount of food Gulliver would need in Lilliput is another, etc. You may calculate all kinds of interesting details- how many gallons of pee (Lilliputian gallons) did Gulliver use to put out the fire? How big was a Lilliputian needle?


Working with a group of 3- 4, write a play based on two voyages from the novel. Your play should have 2 acts (different settings) and can have as many scenes as you like. You will write your script, hire actors, design a simple background and props, and simple costumes. You will have 20 minutes for your play. Your play must explore a central theme of the novel.

Musical-rhythmic – song

Write original lyrics and music for 3 songs per voyage. You may work with one other person. Each song should explore the emotional impact of a part of the voyage—rather like the scops of old told their tales. You will perform your ballads for the class, or you may bring in a recording/ video. Your performance should be about 15 minutes. E.g. Song of Gulliver’s Sorrow Upon Leaving the Houyhnhnms.

Intrapersonal—emotions, introspection

As you read, keep a personal diary written by a very long lived flea who lives on Gulliver’s head, or, a mouse who lives in his pocket (note these critters will grow/shrink with Gulliver). You will record not only what you saw (that would be a boring summary off Sparks Notes), but how you felt about what happened, how you felt about what you saw etc. You should have about 10 entries per voyage, so focus on moments that would have major emotional reactions. Print your diary in a nice computerized handwriting. You can have fun with paper and binding.

Edible Intelligence:

You are opening a restaurant, The Gulliver Inn. Develop a menu for each of your four dining rooms based on what would be eaten in the four different places Gulliver traveled. Your menu must include details of size that fit the location (e.g. in the Lilliput Room, people- normal sized diners- will have to order the appropriate quantity). For each menu, if at all possible, bring a sample of one dish!