Third Annual Workshop on Algorithms andComputation (WALCOM 2009)
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, February 18 – 20, 2009

Registration Form

Submit separate registration form for each participant

Important notes on Registration:

  • Please send your registration fee along with this form duly filled.
  • Non-Indian participants should provide Passport details if the passport details form has not already been sent..
  • Participants/authors of SAARC countries with current affiliation to Universities/Institutions/Laboratories in SAARC countries only can register in Indian Rupees while authors affiliated to foreign Universities/Institutions/Laboratories should register in USD/EURO/GBP/JPY rates. Any on-site registration by the foreign participants during the conference at Kolkata can only be in INR cash equivalent of the corresponding registration fee.
  • For Indian participants, payment must be made through Bank draft in favor of WALCOM 2009, payable at Kolkata.
  • For foreign participants, USD/EURO/GBP/JPY payment must be made through electronic transfer with the payment instructions available overleaf.Please send a scanned copy of the details of your bank transfer documents.
  • All bank charges must be paid by the delegate (otherwise add 25 USD or equivalent amount towards bank charges)
  • Student registration fee will be taken at the registration desk on 18th February 2009.
  • Student registrants will not be entitled to conference proceedings.

Registration details : (Please fill in all Capital Letters)
Prof. Dr. Mr. Ms. / Male Female
Title and number of the Paper
(for authors only)
Address :
City : / Country : / ZIP :
Tel : / Fax : / Email :
Passport Details (for non-Indian passport holders)
Father’s name: / Nationality: / Date of birth:
Passport #: / Date of issue: / Place of issue: / Date of expiry:

Conference Registration Fees: (Please tick the appropriate box)

Participants / Registration Fee / Tick here
Indian and SAARC country / INR2,000
Students (SAARC countries) / INR 500 (on site)
Foreign / USD 250
GBP 170
EURO 200
JPY 25,000

Bank details for Indian participants

Mode of Payment / Bank Draft/Banker’s Cheque/electronic transfer (in favor of WALCOM 2009 payable at Kolkata)
Details : / Number : / Dated : / Issued by :

Date:Signature of the participant

Send this form along with a scanned copy of the payment details (preferably by e-mail) to the following address:
Subhas Chandra Nandy
Organizing Chair, WALCOM 2009,
Advanced Computing and Microelectronics Unit
Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B. T. Road, Kolkata 700108, INDIA
Email – , Tel : +91 33 25753006, Fax : +91 33 2577 3035 / For Office use only
Received date : / /200__
Registration No. : WALCOM’09/
Receipt No.
Date :

Registration Fee Payment Instructions for Foreign Participants

Name of the
correspondent / Foreign
Currency and
code / SWIFT
(Sender) / SWIFT
Barclays Bank Plc.,
London / British Pound
Deutsche Bank,
Sumitumo Mitsui Banking Corporation,
Tokyo / Japanese Yen
American Express Bank,
New York / US Dollar

Remittance in USD:

Instruct your bank to remit USD 250* to American Express Bank, New York (Swift code: AEIBUS33) for credit in Allahabad Bank, Kolkata (Swift code: ALLAINBBCAL) for onward credit to the beneficiary WALCOM 2009, Account No. 4330 with Allahabad Bank, ISI Extension counter, Dunlop Bridge Branch, Kolkata (Code: 0210631).

Remittance in EURO:

Instruct your bank to remit EURO 200* to Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt (Swift code: DEUTDEFF) for credit in Allahabad Bank, Kolkata (Swift code: ALLAINBBCAL) for onward credit to the beneficiary WALCOM 2009, Account No. 4330with Allahabad Bank, ISI Extension counter, Dunlop Bridge Branch, Kolkata (Code: 0210631).

Remittance in GBP:

Instruct your bank to remit GBP 170* to Barclays Bank Plc., London (Swift code: BARCGB22) for credit in Allahabad Bank, (Swift code: ALLAINBB) for onward credit to the beneficiary WALCOM 2009, Account No. 4330 with Allahabad Bank, ISI Extension counter, Dunlop Bridge Branch, Kolkata (Code: 0210631).

Remittance in JPY:

Instruct your bank to remit JPY 25,000* to Sumitumo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Tokyo (Swift code: SMITJPJT) for credit in Allahabad Bank, (Swift code: ALLAINBB) for onward credit to the beneficiary WALCOM 2009, Account No. 4330 with Allahabad Bank, ISI Extension counter, Dunlop Bridge Branch, Kolkata (Code: 0210631).

The above guidelines are to help the participants for registration fee transfer procedure. However, please enquire with your bank about the details of the SWIFT transfer. In case of any doubts, contact us at

*Please add all the bank charges for the SWIFT transfer or simply add 25 USD or equivalent amount towards bank charges.