Class Syllabus – Principals of Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security 2017

Teacher: Mr. Marquez

Students will explore the fundamentals of the Constitution, through the We the People textbook. Students will also learn practical skills used in Criminal Investigations, Case Laws and Court Rulings that guide the investigations.


Attending class, you must treat everyone with respect which includes no fighting, cursing and respecting other students and teachers private property. IF IT IS NOT YOURS, PLEASE DON’T TOUCH OR TAKE IT! Any defacing of school property (such as school desks, counters, boards, textbooks, etc.) will result in detention. All rules in the student handbook will be followed. Tardy punishment is as followed: 1st two are free in this class, 3rdand 4th will cost you 10 to 20 minutes at teacher discretion. All tardies after will be handled by Administration. There will be a Tardy Log located on the back table by the entrance door that you must sign upon entering the class after the final bell rings.


Grades will be taken from a 100% (A+) and in increments of 10 down to 60% (D-). Extra credit will be given to all students and will be in the discretion of the teacher when issued. Each week your note books and class participation will be worth (20%)and assignments worth another (20%) with a total of (40%), with written and oral test totaling (60%). Oral participation is essential for all students.


Treat the teacher and your peers with respect, which in turn your teacher and peers will treat you with respect. Remember the reason we are both here which is to learn and achieve.

Classroom expectations:

  1. Come to class on time and prepared (notebooks, pens, etc.)
  2. Sit down in your assigned seats and begin “Bellwork” on the board.
  3. Show respect to everyone in the classroom.
  4. Follow directions.
  5. Follow all the rules in the student handbook.
  6. Participate in class.
  7. Pick up after yourself, 10 minutes prior to end of class and return to your seats.

Cell Phone Use

Cell phone usage will not be allowed in the class room at any time due to school policy. Your assigned seat will be numbered 1-25, which correlates to a cell phone holder located at the front of the class near the teacher’s desk. Students cell phones must be turned off during class and inside their backpack or pockets, no option. If visible to teacher, student will be asked to place their cell phone in the cell phone holder in front of the class and will not retain it back till the end of class. Numbers on cell phone holder correlates to your assigned desk number.

Due to the type of class instruction being taught, there is one word that all students taking this class should practice and that is:


Video clips and Movies

Due to the nature of the course subject of the subject to be taught, there might be times where video clips, movies and/or guest speakers may show real life crime scene videos and photos. Some videos may contain explicit language and may have a PG-13 rating. If there is any issues with you child watching these type of videos, seeing these types of photos or hearing this type of language, please let me know at the bottom of the page. Thank You.

Students returning this syllabus by August 14th will receive 10% credit.

I have read and understand all the rules. I know what is expected of me in Mr. Marquez’s Class.

Student signature: ______Date: ______

Parents signature: ______Date: ______