March 13, 20162:00 PM
Secretary’s Copy of Agenda
Board Members Present at Meeting:
□Sherry AmosX Marilyn Goodhue□ Arthur HillXDuane Johnson
□ Melody KirkXAmy Kluver□ David KozakXScott Mavin X Rick Roghair
Others Attending the Meeting:
X Stacy Goodhue□ Kathy Spratt□Drew Merrifield□ Andy Lent
Called to order at 2:03 PM
a. Disposition of Regular Minutes
Any Discussion: corrected to indicate Duane Johnson present at the meeting
Motion to approve by Amy KluverSecond by Scott Mavin Passed: Y
b. Director’s Financial Report
- Total money to City Hall from the library for February 2016: $ 104.98
for faxes: $14.00earbuds: $ 3.00 ILL: $2.00 replacements:$35.98
donation: $50.00 (cleaning person purchased items)
- Total Money to Friends of the Library for February 2016: $919.18
printer/copier: 253.00 donation: $666.18 after expenses of Murder Mystery
c. Action on Bills:
- Amazon…………………………………..$ 287.10 (books, DVD’s)
- Baker & Taylor…………………………...$ 212.10 (books)
- Belson Outdoors………………………….$ 786.00 (bike rack)
- Center Point Large Print………………….$ 88.68 (books)
- Credit Card (for approval)……………..…$ 253.05 (postage, cleaning supplies, paper, books)
- Deanna Shalon……………………………$82.23 (mileage)
- Denise Nichols……………………………$8.93 (cleaning supplies)
- Dollar General...………………………..…$34.51 (program supplies)
- Fareway……………………………………$16.93 (cleaning supplies)
- Grand Homes & Renovations……………..$10,512.54 (carpet)
- Jones Library Sales………………………..$ 60,000 (remodel invoices: furniture, shelving, magazine boxes)
- Library Store………………………………$191.16 (covering material and DVD cases)
- Muffy’s Princesses………………………...$70.00 (Toddlerfest performer will be reimbursed)
- Recorded Books…………………………...$62.99 (audio book)
- Roberts Heating, Cooling and Plumbing….$998 (insurance will cover)
- Service Masters……………………………$1,749.79 (water cleanup from bathroom flood. Insurance will cover)
Total Bills………………………. $73,989.01
Motion to approve by Rick RoghairSecond by Amy Kluver Passed: Y
d. Public Presentation to/or Discussion with the Board
e. Progress & service reports
Stacy: progress reports and stats – only open eight (8) days during the month
director’s report – 95 attended the Open House and Stacy thanked the 30+ volunteers, including
13 teens, who assisted during the remodel project.
f. Committee Reports
g. Unfinished Business
h. New Business
Remaining remodel items: a 3’ section of shelves and a coffee table will arrive soon, and Stacy is
looking for a table for the coffee maker.
Help with Toddler Fest 4/2/16 – 8:40 AM – 11:30 AM – Kathy sets up sections at the Middle School
i. Foundation/Building
Holiday Tour of Homes planned.
j. Communications
Stacy placed a thank you in The Record Herald to all who assisted with the remodel.
k. Upcoming Events
March 24th 6:30pm-8pm Colors and Conversations
March 25th 6:30-7:30pm Stuffed Animal Sleepover
April 23rd 1-3pm Kathy’s Retirement Party – Stacy invited Warren County librarians and Kathy’s
l. Closed Session (if needed)
Go into closed session pursuant to chapter 21.5(J) of the code of IA to discuss the purchase of real estate where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property.
Motion to approve by ______Second ______Passed: Y or N
M. Adjournment
Motion by Scott MavinSecond by Amy Kluver Passed: Y