Dear Friends:
For each of us our loss and pain is private and individual, but we do share in common grief resulting from the self-inflicted death of someone we loved.
We have a heavy burden, for not only must we resolve the grief for our loss but we also grieve the choice that caused our loss. This choice makes our grieving difficult…full of isolation, conflicts and complexities. We must work through and resolve these conflicts so we are not warped by this death.
There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but there are healthy and unhealthy ways. We, too have a choice….
We share pain in this group, but our sharing is not intended to re-open healing wounds. It is intended to allow our wounds to be cleansed of anger, self-bout, guilt and hostility toward others…cleansed in an atmosphere of understanding and acceptance.
We urge you to direct a great amount of energy toward resolving your self-doubts, toward acknowledging yourself as a person of worth with something of great value to share. We ask that you listen attentively to what is shared by others.
No one shall feel pressured to speak. We encourage you to share and to express you pain, but we recognize some may not be ready. Bear in mind, for some of us this meeting is the first opportunity we have had to make a statement about the cause of our loved one’s death with-out fear of judgment or censure. There is no judgment in this group…only acceptance, understanding and love.
Take what you need, use it for yourself…for your strengthening, reinforcement and healing. Give only what you can. Try to find some comfort in knowing you are not alone. There are others who understand your anguish.
Introductions in turn: Your name, the name of the one who died, date death occurred and any brief comment about the death or its cause you wish to make at this time.
Relationship Group Breakouts – mid meeting Regroup – 15 min before meeting end Announcements Memorial Candle & Blessings Shared
Closing: SERENITY PRAYER God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. AMEN