Cape Fear Shag Club
PO Box 3762
Wilmington, NC 28406
Keith Thompson – President,Donnie Davis – Vice President, Patricia Ellis – Secretary,
Linda Gordon –Treasurer, Bob Cancro –Sargent at Arms
Abe Walston/Barry Jordon – Members at Large
Cape Fear Shag Club Monthly Meeting Saturday March 12, 2016
Held at the Shrine Club on College Rd., Wilmington, NC
Keith Thompson (president) called the meeting to order at7:55 pm. He thanked everyone for attending and welcomed all. We have four new member applications. That brings our membership total currently to 120 members.
Keith talked about The LoTide Run just for a couple of minutes and how much FUN it was for everyone. The Cape Fear Shag Club had a total of 43 to participate. Our Team won The Most Spirited Award again for the second year in a row! The Lotide Run is an annual event held at Carolina Beach and was started in remembrance of Steve Haydu several years ago who died from cancer. So this event is a fundraiser that makes a donation each year to cancer patients in need. This year, one of the recipients was one of our CFSC members, Lynne Willis’ son, Toby. Toby passed away just this week and our condolences are with Lynne and all of Toby’s family!
Keith announced that SOS is April 15ththru the 24th. There will be lots of events taking place and our shag club will have a cookout again this year at Tilghmans on the 2ndSaturday following the parade. There will also be several “meet-ups”…so stayed tuned!
We have been fortunate enough to secure the Juniorshagger’s-dance team to come for a visit in May. We will have a fundraiser for them to help with their many expenses they incur as they travel all over the place performing and dancing and competing. They will do an exhibition for us and we will be thefirst groupto see their NEW dance routine for the GRAND Nationals! That will be exciting! We will have a couple of things going on to raise $$$ for them, so bring your money with you!
Because we could only get the Junior Shaggers on May 21st, we have moved our May meeting back a week to May 21st. The meeting will be at the Elk’s Lodge on Oleander Dr. We plan to sell tickets to the event in advance as we would like to invite other clubs like Oak Island and Topsail Shag Clubs to join us. More info to come. If you have any ideas or suggestions to raise $$$ for the Juniors, please contact Donnie Davis at 910-233-7173.
Shirley reminded us to give “gently” used shoes to the juniors thru Ellen Taylor….you can take them with you to SOS!
We will have Sam and Lisa West at our June meeting and they will be teaching a workshop as they did last year in the afternoon prior to the club meeting.
The proposed changes/additions to the current By-Laws are posted on the CFSC Website at
If you need more clarification on any of the proposed changes, please contact By-Laws chairman: Barry Jordan at 910-231-9717. We will vote at the May meeting.
The Shrine Club has renewed our lease for another year @ $525 a month. Current lease expires after our May meeting. Since there seems to be no other place available at this time, we would like to renew thru May 2017. Motion was made by Grey Welborne to renew the lease and seconded by Bernie Braak. Motion carried.
Maggie has 2016 ladies v-neck t-shirts available for $18 each. If you would like to get one please contact Maggie at 910-233-6138. If you’re going to SOS, you might like to have one to wear there and show your “club spirit”.
Motion was made to adjourn by Grey Welborne and seconded by Johnie Davis. Meeting adjourned at8:20 pm.
Respectfully Submittedby Donnie Davis,
Filling in for Pat Ellis(we missed you Pat..hope you’re feeling better)